NT...what's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say?

well it is weird that you're adjusting your steering wheel in your own car after driving it over to somebody's place.

I lift up my steering wheel every time I get out the car and pull it back down when I get in so I can at least see how much gas I got and how fast I'm going....
took me forever to explain to this girl how i have an uncle younger than me. my mom has a brother, but he was born a year after me. whats so hard about that? she said it was impossible:smh:
My boy tells me bout 2 weeks ago that he's ready to buy a car. So I asked him what car was he looking to buy. He tells me "I'm going to buy a Dodge HEMI" :stoneface: :lol:
"The median income of American household is at least 150k." Followed by, there is no way their are people in the US only making 5,000 dollars, minimum wage is 7.25 a hour, McDonalds Cashiers bring in a least 20k a year." :smh:
This chick i would smash from time 2 time told me her son was to cute to spank, I thought to my self you gone be visiting him in prison not teaching him right from wrong. Let's just say I slowed down on the smashing god forbid she have mine, good guts doe.
"If the Lakers can just outscore them the first half and the second half...then they should have a good shot at winning this game"

Brought this broad to a Clipper game this past year (yes im confessing going to a Clipper game as a Laker fan :smh: )..
while Chris Paul was bringing the ball upcout.
had the entire section turning around with the :rolleyes and she was completely oblivious

And on the way back from Staples from the same game...
*me: so who's your favorite player now?
*her: omg i LOVE that Chris Brown on the Clippers he's soooo gooood
"If the Lakers can just outscore them the first half and the second half...then they should have a good shot at winning this game"
Brought this broad to a Clipper game this past year (yes im confessing going to a Clipper game as a Laker fan :smh: )..
while Chris Paul was bringing the ball upcout.
had the entire section turning around with the :rolleyes and she was completely oblivious
And on the way back from Staples from the same game...
*me: so who's your favorite player now?
*her: omg i LOVE that Chris Brown on the Clippers he's soooo gooood
she sounds like she has awesome yambs.
"Don't tell Comcast we had Direct TV, becuase they'll charge us for the Direct TV boxes."
she sounds like she has awesome yambs.

definitely did NOT...

Just kidding. She probably does but im just salty I didnt even end up hitting it :lol: now I've moved overseas and I'll never find out. It shall remain one of those mysterious yambs for me :nerd:
Dude I used to work with was chock-***-full of 24k gold in this category, but 3 of my favorites are "the best sex lube is sweat"
, "dinosaurs never really existed", and "Muslims aren't allowed to use soap" (he called himself one).

In a related story, I have these social networking accounts where people--you know what, I don't have all day.
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Girl asks me my nationality during my classes today...

"Egypt....that's around Australia right?"
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"24/7 , 24 hours and 7 months"... doesnt help hes a longsnapper on the football team
When the Lakers were down 3 games to 2 vs Boston a few years ago, a dude who thinks he knows sports:

Dude: The Lakers better hope it doesn't go to game 7, because Boston is going to beat them badly in L.A.

Me: If it doesn't go to 7 that means the Lakers will have lost in 6.

Dude: I know but the Lakers just better hope it doesn't go to 7. They don't want to lose at home.

This went on for 10 minutes because I figured if he actually listened to what I was saying he would know that what he said was quite stupid. He never got it. The most frustrating 10 minutes of my life. Whenever he says anything to me about sports, I tune him out.
^^^ :lol:

Since we're on the Lakers gotta mention Kobe saying they'll come back being down 0-3.
From the "other site"

This guy comes on the Nike Air Max Speed Turf Retro thread to seriously ask if the shoes are for basketball and if Dan Marino was a basketball player. :x :smh:

I respond "You should honestly be banned for saying something like this"
you must be a small dude bruh :lol: (pause)

Nah. I'm 6'. It's just habit. I do it in any vehicle.

How ya'll riding my coat tails because I adjust the steering wheel when i get in and out the car when this chick is totally unaware that a steering wheel is adjustable??
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