NT...what's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say?

I can't remember any off top but I know it was on NT and probably in a conspiracy theory thread.
"I love you"

ah, the things people take for granted.

last year one of the guys I met in college went with me to eat at Cane's. He asked me, "Dude... are chicken fingers really chicken fingers?" :lol:

"Are you Chinese, Japanese or Asian?" 

Indian dude: "I wish I was asian."

brah said his FTLOTG olympic 7's were from 2000..

this can not be life :lol: , my best friend thought Jamaica was on the coast of Africa :rofl:
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I would like to add:

I'm not racist because I have a black friend :stoneface: :smh:
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pretty much anything involving prayer saving lives/health. also I spent 20 minutes trying to convince a friend that China and Japan are part of Asia.
Customer: "Hey can I get a few slices of green lemon with my diet coke?"
Me:"You mean a lime??"
Customer: "No...its green but smaller and it looks like a lemon"
Me: Proceed to give her a few slices of lime.
Customer: "Thats what I was talking about!!"
"Lebron is better than Kobe in his prime years"

That right there is the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard in my life.
"Michael jackson was so great when he played with the bulls" - random beezy i overheard at the mall
this one chick got into an argument with me about blackberry and how they're about to take over this year >D :lol:

i then asked her if she knew what their stocks looked like, and she kept saying "it doesn't matter".. i even told her to guess, and she said "it doesn't matter"

idiot. :smh:
At the barber shop and there are geese in the parking lot

Barber: Man is that a goose or geese
Lady: Those are goose, geese are bigger.
Me: :smh::x:rofl:
Knicks fan: "lebron will come to NY because he can make the most money here... who would turn that down?"
after the decision "lebron and the heat will never win a championship"...
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