NT...what's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say?

"I ordered a burger, and when I opened it up it was really messy..."
I have no idea what this woman was expecting, but this was Carl's Jr (Hardees to you east coast people). Their slogan for the longest time was 'If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face'. The burger was the same as any other, but obviously cheese is going to melt and sauce will get smeared on the bun and lettuce.

" El Salvador?... What part of Mexico is that?"
The conversation ended after that.
This cat commented on a picture of MIDNIGHT 6s and he said "nice Olympics dude"

Some other guy saw a pair of cg 11s (the og pair) and he said they were fake because the jumpman was facing the wrong way
This cat commented on a picture of MIDNIGHT 6s and he said "nice Olympics dude"

Some other guy saw a pair of cg 11s (the og pair) and he said they were fake because the jumpman was facing the wrong way

When my little sister asked me to look at some girl's picture on Facebook to determine whether she was pretty or not:

Her: Do you think she's pretty?

Me: Hell, no

Her: Then how come her picture has 116 likes and 87 comments?

Me: 'Cause she's overrated

Her: Oh you mean like over beautiful?

Immediately left her sight in seconds with the 
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My mom goes "well you do realize the Ronald McDonald House is a foundation form McDonalds right?"

Not one particular comment, but I hate it when people who clearly aren't fluent in spanish say random words in spanish to mexican people who speak perfect english.

Random black lady to random mexican lady in waiting room: "My mother is... ocho zero." -_- And she had the nerve to say it slowly like she was talking to someone stupid.
"that girl stupid for letting some other girl do her paper, Dr. Wright go know she aint do it 'cause it go have all them big ol' words in it"

was quite funny
My boy the other day goes "Lil Wayne is the richest rapper ever!! He's a billionaire by now" :stoneface:

I quickly hit one of these
My co- worker said men and women date the same sex only after they smoke
Marijuana :smh:

I slapped my forehead ...
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