NTer's that stay to themselves enjoying life solo, enter thread

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

I'm sorta like this. I only enjoy the company of certain people.

Definitely prefer being a loner than some punk that's gotta have somebody's attention every second of the day. Only child syndrome ftl.

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

I'm sorta like this. I only enjoy the company of certain people.

Definitely prefer being a loner than some punk that's gotta have somebody's attention every second of the day. Only child syndrome ftl.

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I usually can't just sit up with people and not do nothing.

A bunch of my homies are content with just sittin inside on a friday night and smoking, not to go out. but to just smoke in their house.

Eh, I'd rather play 360 than do that honestly.

If people are tryna go out, I'll roll. but must of the time we don't wanna do the same #*%#.

when we kick it it's fun tho
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I usually can't just sit up with people and not do nothing.

A bunch of my homies are content with just sittin inside on a friday night and smoking, not to go out. but to just smoke in their house.

Eh, I'd rather play 360 than do that honestly.

If people are tryna go out, I'll roll. but must of the time we don't wanna do the same #*%#.

when we kick it it's fun tho
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

people like you are funny to me lol.........why does something have to be wrong with some one because they don't hang tough with somebody?

if you understand people real well then it shouldn't be hard to view things someone that stay's to themselves way....

if you can choose to be who you're friends with, why can't you choose to be without? and how can you stay to yourself 99.9 of the time and still have "close friends" as you'd call it? oxymoron?

it's also crazy because females have told me this the most.......they always "find something wrong" when they hear that somebody just hangs by themselves alot.....dude's don't really care...all they say is "i see what you mean". lol

well since i'm a female & i stay to myself a lot what you just said doesn't really mean much to me...i've noticed it to be pretty even on people who can't be alone...an old friend of mine who was like that happened to be a guy...

you're OP mentioned people having NO friends...if that is the case i think thats a problem...

i don't go out as much as i used to...i'd rather stay in watch tv, surf NT or whatever...but when i do see my friends we can laugh and talk w/o skipping a beat and its like we still see each other everyday...we talk about ANY & EVERYthing...thats why i consider them my close friends...we dont have to be up under each other all the time to still be close...get it?

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

why should family be all that matters?

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %%$$ i AM NOT talking about with them

last night instead of going out or even chillin by myself i watched a movie with my cousin and his girl...she's havin his baby right now so i'll probably be back down there a few times this week (i'm so excited) but its still nice to have that time with people who aren't my fam

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

people like you are funny to me lol.........why does something have to be wrong with some one because they don't hang tough with somebody?

if you understand people real well then it shouldn't be hard to view things someone that stay's to themselves way....

if you can choose to be who you're friends with, why can't you choose to be without? and how can you stay to yourself 99.9 of the time and still have "close friends" as you'd call it? oxymoron?

it's also crazy because females have told me this the most.......they always "find something wrong" when they hear that somebody just hangs by themselves alot.....dude's don't really care...all they say is "i see what you mean". lol

well since i'm a female & i stay to myself a lot what you just said doesn't really mean much to me...i've noticed it to be pretty even on people who can't be alone...an old friend of mine who was like that happened to be a guy...

you're OP mentioned people having NO friends...if that is the case i think thats a problem...

i don't go out as much as i used to...i'd rather stay in watch tv, surf NT or whatever...but when i do see my friends we can laugh and talk w/o skipping a beat and its like we still see each other everyday...we talk about ANY & EVERYthing...thats why i consider them my close friends...we dont have to be up under each other all the time to still be close...get it?

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

why should family be all that matters?

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %%$$ i AM NOT talking about with them

last night instead of going out or even chillin by myself i watched a movie with my cousin and his girl...she's havin his baby right now so i'll probably be back down there a few times this week (i'm so excited) but its still nice to have that time with people who aren't my fam

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

well since i'm a female & i stay to myself a lot what you just said doesn't really mean much to me...i've noticed it to be pretty even on people who can't be alone...an old friend of mine who was like that happened to be a guy...

you're OP mentioned people having NO friends...if that is the case i think thats a problem...

i don't go out as much as i used to...i'd rather stay in watch tv, surf NT or whatever...but when i do see my friends we can laugh and talk w/o skipping a beat and its like we still see each other everyday...we talk about ANY & EVERYthing...thats why i consider them my close friends...we dont have to be up under each other all the time to still be close...get it?

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %#!% i AM NOT talking about with them

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?
Can't let too many in due to some people being sketchy underneath.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

well since i'm a female & i stay to myself a lot what you just said doesn't really mean much to me...i've noticed it to be pretty even on people who can't be alone...an old friend of mine who was like that happened to be a guy...

you're OP mentioned people having NO friends...if that is the case i think thats a problem...

i don't go out as much as i used to...i'd rather stay in watch tv, surf NT or whatever...but when i do see my friends we can laugh and talk w/o skipping a beat and its like we still see each other everyday...we talk about ANY & EVERYthing...thats why i consider them my close friends...we dont have to be up under each other all the time to still be close...get it?

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %#!% i AM NOT talking about with them

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?
Can't let too many in due to some people being sketchy underneath.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

well since i'm a female & i stay to myself a lot what you just said doesn't really mean much to me...i've noticed it to be pretty even on people who can't be alone...an old friend of mine who was like that happened to be a guy...

you're OP mentioned people having NO friends...if that is the case i think thats a problem...

i don't go out as much as i used to...i'd rather stay in watch tv, surf NT or whatever...but when i do see my friends we can laugh and talk w/o skipping a beat and its like we still see each other everyday...we talk about ANY & EVERYthing...thats why i consider them my close friends...we dont have to be up under each other all the time to still be close...get it?

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

why should family be all that matters?

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %%$$ i AM NOT talking about with them

last night instead of going out or even chillin by myself i watched a movie with my cousin and his girl...she's havin his baby right now so i'll probably be back down there a few times this week (i'm so excited) but its still nice to have that time with people who aren't my fam

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?

What do you mean how does that work? LolJust like you saying you stay 99.9% to yourself but have close friends.... Even though you broke it down it's just hard for me to grasp you being to yourself 99% of the time and can maintain a good friendship with those people. Cus what I get from that is that when a friend of yours calls or texts you about going somewhere you'd often turn it down just to chill at home to yourself... But with you that"s prob not the case.I explained why one can be social and have no friends.....people grow apart, others move to other locations, etcSo if I have a friend that's bleeds jealousy and I decide to cut them off that means something is wrong with me? Or that I can't maintain a friendship? Now ask me who would want to maintain a friendship with a jealous individual? You saying I should mess with this person for the sake of saying I have a friend?And also alot of these folks in here that saying they can't see how you can have no friends need to give their definition of a loner, I think we have different definitions.Cus a loner to me is not having no one you can hang around including your family...or someone that hasn't had a friend in a loooooong time.I can't call someone a loner that has stated that they had a fallen out with a close friend 5 months ago now they're just doing their thing.....but if I ask someone when the last time they had a friend and they tell me 6th grade then yeah they could fall into that category.And why can't family be an example of having friends? I hang with fam now more than ever.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

well since i'm a female & i stay to myself a lot what you just said doesn't really mean much to me...i've noticed it to be pretty even on people who can't be alone...an old friend of mine who was like that happened to be a guy...

you're OP mentioned people having NO friends...if that is the case i think thats a problem...

i don't go out as much as i used to...i'd rather stay in watch tv, surf NT or whatever...but when i do see my friends we can laugh and talk w/o skipping a beat and its like we still see each other everyday...we talk about ANY & EVERYthing...thats why i consider them my close friends...we dont have to be up under each other all the time to still be close...get it?

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

why should family be all that matters?

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %%$$ i AM NOT talking about with them

last night instead of going out or even chillin by myself i watched a movie with my cousin and his girl...she's havin his baby right now so i'll probably be back down there a few times this week (i'm so excited) but its still nice to have that time with people who aren't my fam

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?

What do you mean how does that work? LolJust like you saying you stay 99.9% to yourself but have close friends.... Even though you broke it down it's just hard for me to grasp you being to yourself 99% of the time and can maintain a good friendship with those people. Cus what I get from that is that when a friend of yours calls or texts you about going somewhere you'd often turn it down just to chill at home to yourself... But with you that"s prob not the case.I explained why one can be social and have no friends.....people grow apart, others move to other locations, etcSo if I have a friend that's bleeds jealousy and I decide to cut them off that means something is wrong with me? Or that I can't maintain a friendship? Now ask me who would want to maintain a friendship with a jealous individual? You saying I should mess with this person for the sake of saying I have a friend?And also alot of these folks in here that saying they can't see how you can have no friends need to give their definition of a loner, I think we have different definitions.Cus a loner to me is not having no one you can hang around including your family...or someone that hasn't had a friend in a loooooong time.I can't call someone a loner that has stated that they had a fallen out with a close friend 5 months ago now they're just doing their thing.....but if I ask someone when the last time they had a friend and they tell me 6th grade then yeah they could fall into that category.And why can't family be an example of having friends? I hang with fam now more than ever.
Originally Posted by vSlackin

I'm turning into this. Before, I would absolutely HATE being alone and always have a friend next to me to talk to. This year, something's changed and now I'm just sayin screw everyone I'm gonna be alone and do me.

Except my girl. She's probably the only one I really hang out with.

This is my life right here
Originally Posted by vSlackin

I'm turning into this. Before, I would absolutely HATE being alone and always have a friend next to me to talk to. This year, something's changed and now I'm just sayin screw everyone I'm gonna be alone and do me.

Except my girl. She's probably the only one I really hang out with.

This is my life right here
I agree with OP. I've got certain friends for certain things like watching UFC, drinking, going to shows, etc. But for the most part, when I'm not going OUT, I fly solo... Travis Bickle status
I agree with OP. I've got certain friends for certain things like watching UFC, drinking, going to shows, etc. But for the most part, when I'm not going OUT, I fly solo... Travis Bickle status
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

for the folks that just are comfortable with going to the movies, playing games, going out by themselves...do you ever get irked when someone asks you "wow, you have NO friends 
, i love my friends, i don't know what to do without them" what do you usually tell people that does that 

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

for the folks that just are comfortable with going to the movies, playing games, going out by themselves...do you ever get irked when someone asks you "wow, you have NO friends 
, i love my friends, i don't know what to do without them" what do you usually tell people that does that 

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

why should family be all that matters?

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %%$$ i AM NOT talking about with them

last night instead of going out or even chillin by myself i watched a movie with my cousin and his girl...she's havin his baby right now so i'll probably be back down there a few times this week (i'm so excited) but its still nice to have that time with people who aren't my fam

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?

What do you mean how does that work? Lol Just like you saying you stay 99.9% to yourself but have close friends.... Even though you broke it down it's just hard for me to grasp you being to yourself 99% of the time and can maintain a good friendship with those people. Cus what I get from that is that when a friend of yours calls or texts you about going somewhere you'd often turn it down just to chill at home to yourself... But with you that"s prob not the case. I explained why one can be social and have no friends.....people grow apart, others move to other locations, etc So if I have a friend that's bleeds jealousy and I decide to cut them off that means something is wrong with me? Or that I can't maintain a friendship? Now ask me who would want to maintain a friendship with a jealous individual? You saying I should mess with this person for the sake of saying I have a friend? And also alot of these folks in here that saying they can't see how you can have no friends need to give their definition of a loner, I think we have different definitions. Cus a loner to me is not having no one you can hang around including your family...or someone that hasn't had a friend in a loooooong time. I can't call someone a loner that has stated that they had a fallen out with a close friend 5 months ago now they're just doing their thing.....but if I ask someone when the last time they had a friend and they tell me 6th grade then yeah they could fall into that category. And why can't family be an example of having friends? I hang with fam now more than ever.
i swear this board is so extra at times...why would you think i mean for you to be friends with someone who is jealous of you or whatever?

   i already told you why my fam isn't my everything...i'm a girl...most of them are guys...some +!%% i'm not gonna talk to them about...
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

I understand now, but why you do view having no friends a problem? A person can be social as a Mofo and still not have friends....I'm one of them, like I said theirs people im cool with but they aren't in the friend zone. Now I can see if someone said that they don't have friends, nobody they're cool with and tfontaine hang with their family then yeah something prob would-be wrong.

why should family be all that matters?

my fam and my friends aren't the same...as close as i am to them i have two brothers and the cousins i see the most are guys...some %%$$ i AM NOT talking about with them

last night instead of going out or even chillin by myself i watched a movie with my cousin and his girl...she's havin his baby right now so i'll probably be back down there a few times this week (i'm so excited) but its still nice to have that time with people who aren't my fam

if someone doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people they are close with IMO its more because they can't maintain those types of relationships for whatever reason rather than they don't want to be anyone's friend...

i too have a large social circle...i get along with most people so i'm cool with a lot of people...if you consider yourself a social person and you don't have any friends how the hell does that work?
like Grimlock said why not let people in if you have stuff in common and enjoy their time? not everyone of course but not even 1-2 people?

What do you mean how does that work? Lol Just like you saying you stay 99.9% to yourself but have close friends.... Even though you broke it down it's just hard for me to grasp you being to yourself 99% of the time and can maintain a good friendship with those people. Cus what I get from that is that when a friend of yours calls or texts you about going somewhere you'd often turn it down just to chill at home to yourself... But with you that"s prob not the case. I explained why one can be social and have no friends.....people grow apart, others move to other locations, etc So if I have a friend that's bleeds jealousy and I decide to cut them off that means something is wrong with me? Or that I can't maintain a friendship? Now ask me who would want to maintain a friendship with a jealous individual? You saying I should mess with this person for the sake of saying I have a friend? And also alot of these folks in here that saying they can't see how you can have no friends need to give their definition of a loner, I think we have different definitions. Cus a loner to me is not having no one you can hang around including your family...or someone that hasn't had a friend in a loooooong time. I can't call someone a loner that has stated that they had a fallen out with a close friend 5 months ago now they're just doing their thing.....but if I ask someone when the last time they had a friend and they tell me 6th grade then yeah they could fall into that category. And why can't family be an example of having friends? I hang with fam now more than ever.
i swear this board is so extra at times...why would you think i mean for you to be friends with someone who is jealous of you or whatever?

   i already told you why my fam isn't my everything...i'm a girl...most of them are guys...some +!%% i'm not gonna talk to them about...
I spend a lot of time to myself, either working out, basketball, studying, watching TV and other stuff, but I also like to spend time occasionally with friends playing xbox, hooping or eating. I'm cool with lots of people in class, but I save most of the hanging out for the weekend.
I spend a lot of time to myself, either working out, basketball, studying, watching TV and other stuff, but I also like to spend time occasionally with friends playing xbox, hooping or eating. I'm cool with lots of people in class, but I save most of the hanging out for the weekend.
i have good friends i hang out with and such, but for some things...i end up going alone.

i go to a lot of concerts/shows together because my close friends aren't into that music too much...not a big deal.
i have good friends i hang out with and such, but for some things...i end up going alone.

i go to a lot of concerts/shows together because my close friends aren't into that music too much...not a big deal.
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