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You know that win over Chris Jericho really did wonders for Action Andretti. All he does is tag matches now. First with Ricky Starks and now he’s the Top Flight guys replacement.
I listened to Cornette and Last talk about this earlier. This is coming from someone who really likes all parties involved, but they gotta get over themselves. And we aren't privy to what is really going on behind the scenes. For all we know, Punk and the Elite have buried the hatchet and this is all a work. Again, from what we know, for once Punk has tried to be the bigger person and talk things out with them, yet they keep saying no through their lawyers.

Tony could've killed this before it ever got to this point if he had just addressed the Page stuff one of the first dozen times Punk brought it up. He didn't because he has to be friends with everybody, and Brawl Out happened. Once again, we can't say for sure, but all this Cutler (or whoever in their camp) leaking sht to Meltzer/Alvarez to bait Punk every time they got close to working things out should've been grounds for termination. There's not a lot I agree with Cornette on when it comes to AEW, but he's absolutely right when he said Tony is responsible for this "mixed reaction" Punk is getting. He allowed his "friends" to poison half the fanbase by pushing this narrative. Eh well. They all gotta get over it and move forward at some point.

In the words of Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee , you have just become Public Enemy #1 is this take. :smh:
@NTWT crew

Matches you guys are looking forward to at All In?

Just really interested in MJF vs Cole and Punk vs Joe.

Also want to see how the look of the arena with the fans will look. Hope the event runs smoothly.
VPN is a method where you can change the location of your laptop, tablet, game console to access/use websites or apps you otherwise wouldn't be able to.

For example because I don't live in the States I can't use Hulu outright so I change my location on my laptop/PS5 to make it appear that I'm in the US allowing me to use the Hulu app.

Another example Netflix offers different content based on your location, so if you have Netflix US account and want to watch a show that is only offered on Netflix UK you can change you location to the UK login to your Netflix account and you will now have access to that show.

This videos explain in more detail how a VPN works.

I believe Case Case used a VPN to watch Forbidden Door on FITE.

VPN will get you da joogs.

Used a Brazilian vpn to get Xbox game pass for $30 a year and a Philippines vpn to get YouTube premium for $3 a month :lol:

@NTWT crew

Matches you guys are looking forward to at All In?

Just really interested in MJF vs Cole and Punk vs Joe.

Also want to see how the look of the arena with the fans will look. Hope the event runs smoothly.
The spectacular is why I'm watching.. The ppv card is multi man matches galore..
@NTWT crew

Matches you guys are looking forward to at All In?

Just really interested in MJF vs Cole and Punk vs Joe.

Also want to see how the look of the arena with the fans will look. Hope the event runs smoothly.
I think the card will be solid, but it feels like we’ve seen all these matchups already..Other than it being in London nothing about this ppv seems specials..
Card isn’t great aside from a couple matches, but definitely want to see how they put on their first stadium show. Crowd will be awesome.
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