Oakland RAIDERS Season Thread

Seymour is as good as gone next year. The problem with having him and TK is that they're both pass rush DT's, and Kelly has been better than Seymour for us the last 3 years or so. Desmond Bryant is pretty good against the run I think pairing him and Kelly together next year would work well.

Where the **** has Matt Shaugnessy been this year?

The only players on D I'm legitimately happy with are Wheeler, Burris, Houston and Branch. Huff has been out of position most of the season so I don't want to be too critical with him, especially since he was actually pretty solid the 2 weeks before the Bucs game at corner.

We need to do whatever it takes to get Te'o in this draft, I really believe he can turn this d around.
They do need to blow up the whole D. I expect Seymour and Kelly gone

Same. But who do they build the D around now? Or...is there no one on the roster to really build the Defense around yet?

edit speaking of which I hear Desmond Bryant has been released from the hospital today. Hope its nothing serious.
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Seymour off the books relieves $15M from our salary situation, I don't know Kelly's numbers offhand. I imagine that the idea for the immediate future of this team will be to build primarily around draft picks and small name free agents, potentially luring a bigger name player if the situation calls for it but it won't be a common practice of this organization. Look at how teams like the Packers and the Steelers operate and that'll give you an understanding of how the Raiders will build moving forward.
But who do they build the D around now?

IMHO, halfway through the season, the only starters who should be kept are Lamarr Houston, Philip Wheeler (with a new contract), and Branch. Now of course, you cannot replace 8 starters on one side of the ball at a time and expect to be competitive so chances are we'll keep Shaugnessey, upgrade Desmond Bryant to starter, and make Burris (jesus, I almost forgot about him) a full time starter.

The problem is we have no ONE person to build around. No probowl defensive player. No stars. Just a couple above average players and some who have shown promise. With that said, I'd love to see our draft and FA moves centered around addressing both lines of the ball. Picture Miami if you will. They definitely lack skill players, but have a quality offensive and defensive line to battle with every Sunday. If we can start there and let that be the foundation of the team, we'll be back to glory sooner than later.
I just don't don't want a OL in the first.

Honestly, we have enough holes to go BPA. It would be nice to finally have a force in the middle of our defense. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but I wouldn't be mad at drafting Te'o....maybe pair him with Rolando for a 3-4 alignment....since that's what ND/Bama ran. But for once, I'd just like to get a quality football player we can add to the team before Round 4. We need help everywhere so I don't care as long as can address some issues.
I'd love to get Te'o, too, but his high profile as a ND product tells me that he'll likely be gone before we get a chance to pick him.
Looks like we just just wont have our 2nd and 5th round picks. I hope that we trade our first for more picks.Is Manti really that good or just hype?
I am very confused about your response to my post. I am assuming the Carson comment was sarcasm, but I guess I dont know for sure. And the second comment? I explicitly stated that I didnt get to watch the game, so unless you just that part of my post, I dont see the need for the comment.

Sarcasm, and second part wasn't aimed at you. Glad you posted they stat to help tell the story of what really happened yesterday.
Looks like we just just wont have our 2nd and 5th round picks. I hope that we trade our first for more picks.Is Manti really that good or just hype?

Certainly hype plays a significant part of it. As I said before, him being a product from Notre Dame gives him looks alone (whether that's appropriate or not is another matter). He's on the short list for the Heisman, which says a lot considering it's basically the award for best QB or RB now. He's the anchor of the best defense in college football (debatable, of course) and he's demonstrated maturity beyond his years and a willingness to bear responsibility for his unit's performance and to be a team leader.

Now, that last sentence can also be applied to Rolando coming out of the 2010 draft. If you guys remember, McClain called HQ a few days after the draft and asked for play books so he could start studying immediately. I remember being impressed as hell by that and hoping that it was a sign that our defensive leader had arrived. Of course, the past few years have shown otherwise. But, as AG said, if we could make the move to the 3-4 by drafting Te'o and putting McClain back in his native role within that defense, who knows what kind of impact that could have on him.
Flame suit on...But I honestly think if McClain is willing to restructure his contract..He can find a role in the Defense. I've seen flashes of good plays but what sucks is the times he is called on to do something he is uncomfortable with...It is really, really bad.

Now this doesn't mean he will be the Defensive stud that he was supposed to be...But, the kid loves football, is dedicated and I haven't witnessed any dumb penalties out of him.

My wish list is a D-lineman that draws a double team. Hoping that frees up some LB blitzes...Which in turn leads to having RBs staying to block on passing plays. One that QBs and offenses worry about in hopes that it elevates the other players.
McClain just can't hold the middle down on his own. I just wish he could bring it like he did in the season opener every game.
McClain just can't hold the middle down on his own. I just wish he could bring it like he did in the season opener every game.

I'm honestly willing to give the kid another year. (Partly because I like listening to Romanowski's rants on him...j/k.)

Getting kind of anxious about this Baltimore game. McFadden and Goodson's status, Ray Rice as well as knowing the Ravens rank 22nd in the league in pass defense.
-Tue, 06 Nov 2012 13:26:15 -0800
The Oakland Raiders activated LB Aaron Curry (knee) to the 53-man roster and waived LB Vic So'oto Tuesday, Nov. 7.

-Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:10:41 -0800
Oakland Raiders head coach Dennis Allen said OT Khalif Barnes (groin) will participate in practice Wednesday, Nov. 7.

Hopefully Barnes can play this week.
Looks like no DMC or Goodson this week. Reecemode and Taiwan Jones are going to have to step up. Passing play calling better be less pedestrian if they are going to lean on it. Everyone has got to be focused and sharp. Let's go.

*edit and no Richard Seymour either.
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From what I heard Taiwan is starting at RB? Has he even got a single regular season snap yet? I'd rather put Reece at HB and Schmitt at FB.
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Ron Bartell has been activated. While Pat Lee has been released to make room for Bartell.
Ron Bartell has been activated. While Pat Lee has been released to make room for Bartell.
I don't understand this move at all..I happen to like the way Pat Lee has been playing given the circumstances. He has improved a lot over the past couple of weeks. I'd rather we get rid of Philip Adams than Pat Lee.

I trust Reggie, just questioning this move.
I'm guessing they're keeping Adams to return kicks but why not drop Coye Francis or someone else? Lee was getting better
Damn, this is so sad. Condolences to Williams & his family...


Raiders assistant coach Terrell Williams’ 4-year-old son dies
Posted by Michael David Smith on November 10, 2012, 4:25 PM EST

Tyson Williams, the son of Raiders defensive line coach Terrell Williams, has died just eight days after his 4th birthday.

The Raiders announced on Saturday afternoon that Tyson became suddenly and unexpectedly ill a little over a week ago and died on Friday.

“We were all shocked by the news we received when we arrived in Baltimore last night,” Raiders coach Dennis Allen said in a statement released by the team. “Terrell and Tifini have been dealing with unimaginable tragedy this week, and our hearts go out to them. We’re all deeply saddened by the passing of Tyson, and our deepest sympathies go out to Terrell and his entire family.”

The Raiders’ announcement said that Tyson will be remembered as a boy who made friends easily despite moving from Indiana to Texas to California as his dad moved around for various coaching positions, for enjoying cartoons and for showing a deep love for his eight-month-old brother, Tahj.
Oh man, that's a tragic. And the little boy just suddenly became ill...no warnings. :frown:
RIP. Prayers go out to the Williams Family. Being a father of pre-schoolers myself I can't even begin to think of the pain.
If it's true that McFadden asked for the offense to be rid of the ZBS before the Chiefs game, I hope Knapp is canned yesterday.
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