Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

why would no one veto the trade? Granger wasn't DTD when I offered. when the owner accepted, I told him that the trade would be voided if Granger ends upbeing out more than 2-3wks. That's just #&*$( up cuz I would be willing to trade back if I were him cuz altho it's a competition that's notfair at all.
i would have picked him up asap, but thats just me.
im surprised hes even on waivers.

and its basically saying you offered for bynum, deal goes through, 2 months later. he gets injured. would you think he would trade back? no. you knew he wasinjury prone, and you accepted the trade. granger was even injured about an week ago. you knew w hat you were getting...chalk up the L.
Damn I feel bad for Granger owners.

Thank goodness badboy (NT) declined one of my trades for him

Kevin Martin should come back in about 2-3 weeks - I was wondering the same thing.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

damn I'm so assed out. My trade of Rondo and Rashard for Granger activates tomorrow and Granger is out for 4-6wks now!!! I doubt the people in my league will veto the trade for me cuz most of them seem like inactive owners.
nah i'm in a league where everyone is active and we would never veto a trade because of injuries-- they are a part of the game.
also we hardly ever veto so that button is usually useless. if two people wanna make a trade, then who are we to say NO unless it is clear tanking.

also: in 14 team and over leagues you should stash kevin martin, 12 give him a look and add if you're zealous-- add in 2 weeks if you aren't, under 12close to when he returns.
Yeah I should pick him up know then. In regards to Mcgrady he was my last pick in my draft (Really no one else left to pick) so i'm wondering if I shouldjust drop him now? It lookd like adelman wants nothing to do with him because it will effect the chemistry of the young squad so unless he gets traded Idon' see any hope of him being a contribution this season.
Originally Posted by BangDak

i would have picked him up asap, but thats just me.
im surprised hes even on waivers.

and its basically saying you offered for bynum, deal goes through, 2 months later. he gets injured. would you think he would trade back? no. you knew he was injury prone, and you accepted the trade. granger was even injured about an week ago. you knew w hat you were getting...chalk up the L.
damn you dnt have to be F&(S* dck about it. Yeah in that case you deal with it. In my case, I knew Granger was high risk high reward and thetrade went under review right after he got hurt. If the trade had went through review already, and he got hurt right after then I'd say oh well, buttechnically he's still not even signed to my team. I'll be optimistic nonetheless.
Damn! Granger out for 4-6 weeks. Is it worth losing 4-6 weeks in 3's and pts waiting on him?
need a quick answer on if I should vote to veto or approve this trade

Carmello and JKidd
Nash, G. Wallace, and Kaman

now I know this looks like a legit trade at first but there are some circumstances surrounding this trade
first of all the 2 teams are brothers and live in the same house, and they are both very capable of scheming something and making an alliance to get a 1 up onthe rest of us (theres money on the league) and also, this is not the first big name trade between them, the first was Kobe for Deng and Boozer which leads me(and others in the league) to believe there is some funny schtuff going on here... what yall think?
the one receiving Nash, G. Wallace, and Kaman is having a better trade. he will increase his ast, and reb, blocks, steals while he will lose pts.
alright thanks

i just need a quick answer on if you guys think this is a legit trade or if theyre working together, given the other information i provided
I'm in a football league with my brother and all his friends, but its the total opposite.

Him and his homies have been doing $%+++ %%+ trades and this is a money league.

IMO, there's too much going on with those two bros for me to allow that trade.

Especially with that Kobe trade, now this trade.

I'd lock one of their teams
Say what you want, if you want to say im being an ++@* about it, go ahead.
im just saying what majority of the people would say.

im thinking about snatching up granger too, but damn. my team gets injured way too often. might be too high of an risk.
a. jamison/iverson for dwight howard

I've been losing in fg% blocks and rebounds

Jamison not really contributing like I need, and I only picked up Iverson for future trade value...what do you guys think?
^ Iverson is about to drop buckets, but if you only picked him up for trade value then it looks like your getting what you wanted, am i right?

Dwight is definitely gonna give you those blocks and rebounds too
Those trades with those brothers is %!%%###%.

Let me guess... the brother who got Kobe in the the 1st trade will be getting Nash, etc in the 2nd trade right?
Son of a ....
Now Calderon isn't playing because he is hurt?
Seriously the biggest waste of a early round pick this season, I'm losing patient with this dude.
^no, haywood is a very consistent 10/10/2 blocks guy, about the same as perkins. it doesnt really improve anything...
IMO calderon shouldn't have been drafted so high with the additions of Turkey and Jack his confidence was shot. he's a fragile dude mentally andphysically... sans the one time he had a run-in with KG. but i'm pretty sure you can attribute that to JO'neal influencing him

also, haywood is much more valuable and has a ton more upside than perkins, IMO
I think Perkins will give you a better a slightly better fg% but Haywood does get more rebounds, oreb to be exact.
Everything else is a wash but I would have kept Haywood though.

It's funny, I drop Ilyasova for Dampier and Ilyasova goes for 19pts, 2-3s, 8 reb and 3 stls while Dampier goes scoreless with 1 reb and a zero in everyother category.
I'll drop Dampier and pick up Josh Howard though and I'm still thinking about Ginobili and who to drop for him.
JWill was solid tonight, 4 3's w/ 3 ast. Not bad, he's picking up my 3-pointer slack with Granger out.
I'm already buried in ast 46 - 20 and it's barely the second day.
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