:: Official 2009 NBA Draft Thread ::

Trading Lee would be the biggest mistake the Magic could make. Dude was a ROOKIE starting in the Finals. How are they gonna give up on him now?
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

No way ORL keeps Turk if they get Carter

Still a nice team..

What's better ORL with Carter


ORL with Turk/Lee/Skip
Turk/Lee/Skip. The Magic is my favorite team and Carter is my favorite player, but I don't approve of this. Makes no damn sense. eyes of hazelsaid it. This isn't a video game.
Ya'll giving Lee a little bit too much Credit...

He ain't THAT nice. Sure...he can D up a bit but when it's time to defend "those guys" (Lebron, Kobe, etc.) he's going to get murderedanyway. If they're trying to win RIGHT now. They've got a better chance with Vince next year than Lee @ the 2.
Courtney Lee???
@ Orlando if they let him go.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ya'll giving Lee a little bit too much Credit...

He ain't THAT nice. Sure...he can D up a bit but when it's time to defend "those guys" (Lebron, Kobe, etc.) he's going to get murdered anyway.
Along with the 99.9% of the rest of the League.

.01% being Ron Artest.


Reality check.

And dude was just a rookie... An overachieving one at that as proven.
And don't give me that chemistry talk...they lost their starting all star PG midway through the season and a new guy stepped in and they still went to theFinals.
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Trading Lee would be the biggest mistake the Magic could make. Dude was a ROOKIE starting in the Finals. How are they gonna give up on him now?
because in the end despite NTs man crush he is expendable... hes a small shooting guard who cant yet get u 15-20 pts a night constantly

after making the finals this year and HANDLING the Cavs theyre thinkin win now....

Vinces 20/5/5 > Courtney Lees 10/3/2
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ya'll giving Lee a little bit too much Credit...

He ain't THAT nice. Sure...he can D up a bit but when it's time to defend "those guys" (Lebron, Kobe, etc.) he's going to get murdered anyway. If they're trying to win RIGHT now. They've got a better chance with Vince next year than Lee @ the 2.
I got the Kings taking Tyreke.........I think 5 yrs from now hes the best player in this draft besides Blake Griffin. I just think his background and familywon't let him fail. He's motivated and I don't see him leveling off.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ya'll giving Lee a little bit too much Credit...

He ain't THAT nice. Sure...he can D up a bit but when it's time to defend "those guys" (Lebron, Kobe, etc.) he's going to get murdered anyway. If they're trying to win RIGHT now. They've got a better chance with Vince next year than Lee @ the 2.

I'm saying though, do they really need Vince's scoring more than Lee's defense? Especially if they get Turk back, there's really no need forVC. If anything they should solidfy their chances of getting Hedo back, then seeing what they have left. Lee still will end up being a good player in theleague. Orlando acting like they have to win in a year or two or they have to rebuild. They still have a pretty young team or not as old as some otherchampionship caliber teams.
This will become a BIG time L for the Magic if they trade Lee for a guy like Carter, who's in the twlight of his career.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

courtney lee is a fan-favorite, vince aint


Vince is over the hill but he's the def of a fan favorite. All it takes is one windmill and they on his side. Don't forget hes from Florida too.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

courtney lee is a fan-favorite, vince aint

Fans like winning. Good trade for magic this year.... anything after that really not so much , but thats what they are looking for i guess.
Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

He's the only dude outside Howard willing to stick his nose in defensively.

I saw Pietrus on the two best players in the NBA for most of the games...
why do the magic need to win RIGHT NOW tho? its a young @#+ team they ant in win right now mode
Ya'll giving Lee a little bit too much Credit...
QFT...He's real nice on a team of superstars where all he needs to worry about is manning up his opponent. Make a few shots every once andagain.

If you're Orlando why WOULDN'T you do it? You were in the Finals this year and the window is wide open. You get VC and not only does it cancel out Shaqgoing to the Cavs, but there is no doubt that they have a great chance at WINNING the Finals. Win now with VC or have a "nice" piece for the future?I'm going with the former.
Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

I think these GMs think they playing NBA Live in franchise mode...

Vince is not motivated.

You put him on the Lakers now, and he won't be motivated (especially on the defensive end).

Dude plays like he's just happy to get a check.

As usual, Rod Thorn is doing his damn thing.

Orlando on the other hand...

Lee is a gem. Let's not forget about all the "small school" talk about him in last year's draft.

He's the only dude outside Howard willing to stick his nose in defensively.

Chemistry man. Chemistry....

I disagree. He's not motivated on the Nets. Put him on a contender and he'll play hard for a year.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

why do the magic need to win RIGHT NOW tho? its a young @#+ team they ant in win right now mode
They're in their prime. It's not so easy to continually go back to the Finals. If they're close now, you gotta push to get theChampionship...No gaurantee, even with young players, they go back even once in the next 5 years.
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