OFFICIAL 2010 LOS ANGELES DODGERS THREAD [79-82] : The losing season

Originally Posted by sinser13

pedro still out there

Dan Haren could be available.
Same thing with Jake Peavy.  They will not trade him within the division.

Good to see Andre hit one out, even if it is Great American Ballpark.  Manny with the opposite field laser.

They've rebounded well from getting their +#@ kicked by the Angels.

Wish I would've booked that Boston trip,
Originally Posted by Div1LBC

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Originally Posted by MR RASKATRIPAS

anybody seen the hats with the old school script writing? i saw a person at the stadium rocking 1 the other day when i wast here but cant find it online
the writing like this

The only one I've seen w/ "Dodgers" is this one @ Urban Outfitters, but it's a mesh / trucker hat.

As for that "old" writing - probably try a swap meet or buy a blank New Era and get it printed.
I'm looking for the same hat with that font but it's a snap-back.  I saw someone wearing it, but I can't find it anywhere. 

the person at the stadium that i saw rocking it was a new era fitted. he was in a diff section so i couldnt ask where he got it at.
i been checkign stores around here but nobody has it
i figured it would be at a hypebeast type store for 50+
i dount they'll have it at the stadium, btu if aanybody goes to the dodger store soon, lemme know
June 17, 2010[h1]Ramirez Explored Exemption to Drug Policy[/h1][h6]By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT[/h6]

Around the time Major League Baseball suspended Manny Ramirez for violating its drug program last season, his representatives told officials in the commissioner’s office that they planned to file for permission to use a banned drug that would boost his testosterone levels.

Ramirez’s representatives, including his agent, Scott Boras, decided not to file for the exemption then, but the idea of seeking one was resurrected in September, two months after Ramirez returned to the field, though he ultimately never received one.

The second time the idea came up, the Dodgers were in a close race in the National League West and Ramirez was struggling at the plate. In that instance, high-ranking Dodgers personnel, including General Manager Ned Colletti, discussed how they could help Ramirez and whether he had enough of a medical problem to obtain an exemption for a testosterone-boosting drug.

Baseball’s independent drug-testing administrator granted 115 exemptions last season to players who proved a medical need to use a banned substance. All but seven of the players received a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder. Two players received exemptions for drugs to boost their testosterone levels.

The accounts of the discussions about Ramirez’s obtaining an exemption were based on interviews with three people in baseball who spoke on condition of anonymity because they did not want to be identified discussing medical and drug testing matters.

A spokesman for the Dodgers, Josh Rawitch, said team officials did not look into getting Ramirez an exemption. He declined further comment.

Ramirez declined to discuss the matter in a brief interview at his locker in Los Angeles on June 3.

Medical exemptions present a challenge for sports leagues. While some players have a legitimate medical need for exemptions, other players can use them as a back door to use performance-enhancing drugs without facing repercussions.

Major League Baseball is particularly sensitive to the exemption issue because of harsh criticism it received from Congress in 2008, when the commissioner’s office and the players union were accused of allowing players to exploit a loophole in the drug testing program by granting medical exemptions that permitted them to use amphetamines.

Citing internal documents from Major League Baseball, members of Congress noted that in the year after baseball began testing for amphetamines, the number of players who received exemptions leapt to 103 from 26, with players claiming they needed the drug to treat attention deficit disorder.

They pointed out that the percentage of players claiming to have A.D.D. was considerably higher than the national average. (The National Institute of Mental Health found in a 2006 study that 4.4. percent of adults ages 18 to 44 had received a diagnosis of A.D.D.; the number of baseball players claiming to have it was 7.6 percent in 2007.)

The commissioner’s office and the players union pledged to toughen the process, although the number of exemptions for those substances has increased slightly since then.

As part of baseball’s effort to toughen its drug testing program in response to the Mitchell report in December 2007, the commissioner’s office and the players union agreed to release the data on the players who received exemptions to the public on a yearly basis.

An N.F.L. official said the league granted about 100 exemptions a year for attention deficit disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, hypertension, male-pattern baldness and other conditions. That is the same number of exemptions as baseball, although the N.F.L. has 1,300 more players. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the numbers were not supposed to be made public.

Greg Aiello, an N.F.L. spokesman, said the league provided the numbers to the United States Anti-Doping Agency and the World Anti-Doping Agency yearly and would consider making them public in the future.

The discussions about whether Ramirez should seek an exemption started after he provided a urine sample that contained elevated levels of testosterone, a sign that he had violated the sports performance-enhancing drug program.

As baseball officials prepared for his disciplinary hearing, they requested Ramirez’s medical records. In the records, the baseball officials found that he had been prescribed with the banned fertility drug, hCG. The drug is used to treat low levels of testosterone but is also used by bodybuilders and athletes to jump-start their bodies’ production of testosterone after they stop using steroids.

After the baseball officials reviewed the medical records, Ramirez accepted the 50-game suspension, and the disciplinary hearing was canceled.

On the day he was suspended, Ramirez released a statement that blamed a medication.

“Recently I saw a physician for a personal health issue,
#Dodgers lineup:
Kemp 8
Martin 2
Ethier 9
Ramirez DH
Blake 5
Loney 3
Belliard 4
Johnson 7
Carroll 6
Its funny to me how long the Dodgers are hoping Monastarios, Haeger and Ely can take them. Enough of this *#+$#*%!, add quality arms.

Troncoso = Cory Wade.
Kemp 8
Martin 2
Ethier 9
Ramirez DH
Loney 3
Blake 5
Anderson 7
Carroll 6
DeWitt 4

also Monasterios to the DL

That is why I can't defend Broxton anymore, even though it was a tie game, should of let some other schmuck blow the game. 

It's nice to know that on a national showcase we toss out Monasterios and Padilla ... it's so sad that it is now funny.
You were on that Broxton loveboat a couple weeks ago
, nothing has changed with him. The big stage does not suit him.

With that said, you're more than welcome to use my avy
RIP to Raffy's Father who passed away, got kicked in the chest by a horse. What a way to die and on this day

Back to baseball, the Dodgers cannot hang with the big boys in the AL.
RIP to Raffy's Father who passed away, got kicked in the chest by a horse. What a way to die and on this day

Back to baseball, the Dodgers cannot hang with the big boys in the AL.
We don't have the pitching.  Then again, arguably, 2 out of our 3 best pitchers didn't pitch.

How are we going to win with Monasterios (He's not supposed to pitch these type of games.) and Padilla (first game back from injury).  They were asking for  a beat down.  We finally have one of our good pitchers pitch and we get shutout

RIP to Raffy's dad.
And guess what our fifth starter is again up in the air between Charlie Haeger or Claudio Vargas.


This needs to stop.
We just need 27 & 16 to get hot again, which is about due.

Those guys start hitting with the way Manny and Loney are hitting and all of a sudden the pitching looks a lot better.
[h1]Olney On Dodgers, Lee, Yankees[/h1]
By Ben Nicholson-Smith [June 22 at 10:33am CST]
One general manager told's Buster Olney that "it's becoming pretty clear" that the Dodgers won't be able to add pitching at the trade deadline. But Ed Price of AOL FanHouseheard from an MLB source that the Dodgers are scouting starters"aggressively" in preparation for possible trades. The Dodgers coulduse starting pitching given John Ely's last three starts and the injuries to Chad Billingsley and Carlos Monasterios, but executives appear to be divided on their ability to acquire it.
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