*** Official 2010 WWE Royal Rumble Thread - 8pm et Jan 31 PPV (pg 13) ***

@ that spoiler. SMH...
Can't stand that dude.
This guy GotHolesInMySocks always has the most elaborate predictions but they never come close to actually happening.

My dude said Kurt Angle as a surprise entrant.

I'll give you mine though (as of today, may change from here 'till Sunday):

Taker beats Rey.
Sheamus retains vs. Orton. (not cleanly though...something will happen)
Christian beats Zeke. (Remember, CM Punk was originally slated to win the ECW Tournament but would job to Christian at the PPV. Then they had different plans for him but I think the outcome remains the same...Christian retains).
McCool beats Mickie.

So, as of today, I have all the champs retaining.

Royal Rumble match: It comes down to HHH vs. HBK since WWE loves going the predictable route and that's what they have set up.
All I know is HBK BETTER go over Triple GOD if it plays out like that...if HHH wins the rumble.

@ Ninong...I'm still the King of the Ring N&N, bro.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

and is it safe to say TNA is basically WCW 2.0?


good lookin' out fam...thanks for the updates in the wrestling world...TNA really doesnt interest me but thats what i said about WCW before the NWO angle and it got really interesting...so i just wanted to see if TNA was at least worth to check out
WWE developing "Sitcom" TV Show starring Santino Marella.

AOLis reporting that Santino Marella revealed plans (at last night's Rawtaping) for an upcoming sitcom (developed by WWE) to feature him, BethPhoenix, and Vladimir Kozlov. Phoenix will play his girlfriend whileKozlov will play his best friend. Marella said that the show will befilmed using one or two cameras, therefore it will be similar to a'Seinfeld' type show.

They are set to tape the first three episodes in two weeks. They willfirst air online until a deal with network television is reached. Youcan read AOL's coverage at this link.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this but chances are it's going to fail.
@ Kozlov being his friend...some Grade A quality acting we're gonna have here.
Not if posted but....
WWE's Video To Become A Superstar

A video that WWE uses and sends to agents, celebrities, and athletes to convince themto sign with them and become superstars has just leaked on Youtube.

The video contains a number of instants from matches with the majority being hardcore matches (despite not being used anymore) and an amount of wrestlers who are no longer WWE members (such as Mick Foley).

In the video, one can see a number of wrestlers that took part in different TV shows and a number of charity events and groups which WWE contributed to.



Bitter rivals will do battle as ECW Champion Christian teams with Kane to take on Ezekiel Jackson & William Regal. Can The Big Red Machine give Christian an advantage before his title match against Jackson at the Royal Rumble?
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

WWE developing "Sitcom" TV Show starring Santino Marella.

AOLis reporting that Santino Marella revealed plans (at last night's Rawtaping) for an upcoming sitcom (developed by WWE) to feature him, BethPhoenix, and Vladimir Kozlov. Phoenix will play his girlfriend whileKozlov will play his best friend. Marella said that the show will befilmed using one or two cameras, therefore it will be similar to a'Seinfeld' type show.

They are set to tape the first three episodes in two weeks. They willfirst air online until a deal with network television is reached. Youcan read AOL's coverage at this link.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this but chances are it's going to fail.
@ Kozlov being his friend...some Grade A quality acting we're gonna have here.

Okay this is going to fail but I'm so hyped for this I gotta say. Santino is gold and he'll have hilarious interactions with Kozlov. I sure hope it becomes a long running "weekly episodic" program.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Not if posted but....
WWE's Video To Become A Superstar

A video that WWE uses and sends to agents, celebrities, and athletes to convince themto sign with them and become superstars has just leaked on Youtube.

The video contains a number of instants from matches with the majority being hardcore matches (despite not being used anymore) and an amount of wrestlers who are no longer WWE members (such as Mick Foley).

In the video, one can see a number of wrestlers that took part in different TV shows and a number of charity events and groups which WWE contributed to.

If you need some late night fap material, you should check out the video.  Every female WWE fan is apparently a model with double d's
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Possible Royal Rumble Spoilers...

Spoiler [+]
Source: F4WOnline.com
– Although plans can change very quickly in WWE, the idea over the weekend was that Triple H is the favourite to win the Royal Rumble and receive a title match against Sheamus at WrestleMania.

His DX partner Shawn Michaels’ is expected to face Batista at No Way Out to determine who will battle the Undertaker at WrestleMania .

Then the big interbrand match at WrestleMania would pit John Cena against Batista.
– There was a creative idea run that Michaels and Triple H would tie in the Rumble match, which would allow Michaels to chose Taker and Hunter to chose Sheamus as their respective WrestleMania opponents. The idea was seemingly dropped after creative came up with a new direction.


ill i am

i know they dont happen but i like takin chances....eventually imma get 1 right
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Possible Royal Rumble Spoilers...

Spoiler [+]
Source: F4WOnline.com
– Although plans can change very quickly in WWE, the idea over the weekend was that Triple H is the favourite to win the Royal Rumble and receive a title match against Sheamus at WrestleMania.

His DX partner Shawn Michaels’ is expected to face Batista at No Way Out to determine who will battle the Undertaker at WrestleMania .

Then the big interbrand match at WrestleMania would pit John Cena against Batista.
– There was a creative idea run that Michaels and Triple H would tie in the Rumble match, which would allow Michaels to chose Taker and Hunter to chose Sheamus as their respective WrestleMania opponents. The idea was seemingly dropped after creative came up with a new direction.


Miz is actually getting better. Although I do hate to say it. It's true though. And I missed Cena's promo, but I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much. People are just starting to say that they like Cena because it's "NOT" the cool thing to do, so they want to start a new trend. Don't get me wrong. I like Cena. He's obviously interesting enough to keep us talking about him. His mic skills are just an abomination in my opinion and have been since around Late 2007. And Ken Kennedy as a heel was actually pretty good. Although I do kind of see why people would get annoyed by him.
u never know...

saw the smackdown spoilers today and sumthin happened that will make u guys wonder if one of my predictions will come true

but we gonna have to speak about it friday nite pause
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

u never know...

saw the smackdown spoilers today and sumthin happened that will make u guys wonder if one of my predictions will come true

but we gonna have to speak about it friday nite pause
It was a great event.

Jdcurt look out for a Supershow here
Smackdown Spoilers for this week:

Spoiler [+]
   * Degeneration X come out to open the show. Triple H starts to talk when Rey Mysterio comes out and says Shawn Michaels doesn't think he can beat The Undertaker for the belt at Royal Rumble. The Straight Edge Society come out. Triple H says he's surprised CM Punk is straight and makes fun of him. Teddy Long comes out and says there will not be a Unified WWE Tag Team Championship match tonight. Instead, Mysterio will fight Michaels right now and Triple H will fight CM Punk.

* Triple H b. CM Punk via disqualification when both members of the Straight Edge Society interfere. They jump Hunter and try to shave his head but Michaels comes out for the save. DX tries to attack Punk but he puts Serena Deeb in front of him, kisses her and sneaks out of the ring. HBK fakes Sweet Chin Music on Serena and exits.

* Chris Jericho is shown backstage on his way to the ring.

* R-Truth b. Chris Jericho after a failed Codebreaker on the ropes as Truth rolled over top of Jericho for the pin.

* Backstage Batista interview. He talks about the Royal Rumble match. John Morrison is shown on his way to the ring.

* John Morrison vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre. Drew McIntyre gets the pin to retain after Morrison went for Starship Pain and McIntyre got his knees up. McIntyre hit a double arm DDT onto the IC belt and gets the pin.

* Michelle McCool interview. She says she is going to send Piggy James back to the barnyard for good, etc. Then ends by say Mickie went wee, wee, wee all the way
home. Michelle issues an ope challenge to the locker room. Mickie James' music hits and Layla comes out in a fat suit with a pig nose dressed like Mickie James.

* Michelle McCool vs. Layla (dressed as Piggy James). Layla slowly chases McCool around the outside of the ring, back in and goes for a splash. McCool pins her for the win. The crowd lets them hear it with "boring" chants.

* In a backstage segment Shawn Michaels is shown on his way to the ring. Batista gets in his face and tells him to stay out of his way on Sunday. Triple H gets in Batista's face and Batista back downs.

* Shawn Michaels vs. Rey Mysterio. Rey goes for 619 early, Shawn moves. The match goes back and forth when Rey hits head scissors on Michaels, taking him to the outside. Mysterio hits 619, goes for the springboard, but Michaels counters and hits Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere. Both men are down. Batista comes out and spears HBK then hits a spinebuster on Mysterio. Triple H hits the ring and clotheslines Batista over the top and goes out after him. The lights go out and The Undertaker's music hits. The lights come up and Undertaker is in the ring. He double chokeslams Mysterio and Michaels to end the show.

Dark Match Main Event:

* DeGeneration X & The Undertaker vs. CM Punk, Luke Gallows & Chris Jericho. Undertaker hits Jericho with a chokeslam for the win. Undertaker was not heavily involved in the match. 
^^^ Thanks for the spoilers. I wasn't sure if I was going to tune into Smackdown this week, but i'll catch it on the DVR.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

rko post ur rr predictions
OK cool.

[h1]Women's Champion Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James... I have Mickie going over here. Its been what months of her getting clowned like this? Its time to put her over, especially seeing as she is over with the fans. Her music got a nice pop last night.[/h1][h1]ECW Champion Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson... Of course Christian is going over. Ezekiel cool but I don't see him as a champion as of right now. Plus He's pretty stiff in the ring. Not much to say about this match.
[/h1]WWE Champion Sheamus vs. Randy Orton... Sheamus has to go over here. He is as over as Big Show in leg warmers right now. He needs a string of big victories and big moments to be looked at as a serious champion. He needs to hold the strap until Wrestlemania, where a YOUNG UP AND COMING STAR SHOULD TAKE THE STRAP! DO YOU HEAR ME TERRA RYZING?

[h1]World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio... I'm picking Rey with this one. Rey with the strap is pretty refreshing and He can work a lot better than Taker at this point. Look guys, when you read about Taker being near the end of the road. They are right
. In person He looks worn down and injured. Its really sad because you know He loves the business. But back to the match, Rey should go over in this one.
[/h1][h1]30-Man Royal Rumble Match... Well seeing as no one has really been pushed besides Jean-Paul Levesque and the usual suspects. I would love to see a young guy get it but lets be 100% honest. Who have they built up that forces you to consider them? I count Kofi and that's about it. Triple H gets it
. But Ted DiBiase winning would be a great shocker. Paul gets the win though.
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

I think NT might be the only place where anybody likes Miz. I think the rest of the WWE Universe (sorry for using that) secretly wishes for the end of his career (myself included).

And as far as Cena goes... if the reports are true about dude's back, he's outta his mind to take a backbreaker from Sheamus. I know dude wants to stay around until WM, but he's gonna end up on that Kurt Angle tip if he doesn't get on that Taker wrestling schedule for a minute.
Well, most of the WWE universe is 10 so them not liking The Miz is a good thing. He is a heel afterall.

I know, but most adults I know who watch wrestling are usually big fans of heels.... but we all DESPISE The Miz.  We've all pretty much despised him since the first day we was a crowd host or whatever on SD.  He irritates the %!*@ outta me like Mr. Kennedy.
Well most everyone disagrees with you but to each his own.


RKO2004 wrote:
30-Man Royal Rumble Match... Well seeing as no one has really been pushed besides Jean-Paul Levesque and the usual suspects. I would love to see a young guy get it but lets be 100% honest. Who have they built up that forces you to consider them? I count Kofi and that's about it. Triple H gets it
. But Ted DiBiase winning would be a great shocker. Paul gets the win though.

Yeah I feel like they've only really built up the thought of HHH or HBK winning it similar to last year where it was pretty much all for Orton. I'm not as hyped for this Rumble (won't be watching it live as I'll be in LA for Wrestle Reunion) but that'll probably change as soon as I start watching it.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

I think NT might be the only place where anybody likes Miz. I think the rest of the WWE Universe (sorry for using that) secretly wishes for the end of his career (myself included).

And as far as Cena goes... if the reports are true about dude's back, he's outta his mind to take a backbreaker from Sheamus. I know dude wants to stay around until WM, but he's gonna end up on that Kurt Angle tip if he doesn't get on that Taker wrestling schedule for a minute.
Well, most of the WWE universe is 10 so them not liking The Miz is a good thing. He is a heel afterall.

I know, but most adults I know who watch wrestling are usually big fans of heels.... but we all DESPISE The Miz.  We've all pretty much despised him since the first day we was a crowd host or whatever on SD.  He irritates the %!*@ outta me like Mr. Kennedy.
Well most everyone disagrees with you but to each his own.



Ever since Miz went after Cena, I converted over.  Though with MIZARK getting 9% you obviously know what's up.
I swear, Morrison could be enjoying this much success as a singles star on if they hadn't decided to completely destroy his promos.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I swear, Morrison could be enjoying this much success as a singles star on if they hadn't decided to completely destroy his promos.

True. Worse face turn so far....MVP or Morrison?
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