::Official 2012 Fantasy Baseball Thread::

Would I be a complete fool to dip and take Fielder/Verlander at 7th/14th? It might be a stupid move but I reeeeally want to do it
Forgot about the NT draft yesterday. I hate trying to scrub together a team after this happens. My own damn fault though.
So I let my draft go autopick for the last couple rounds because I had to go out. It ended up picking Tim Hudson from ATL and it looks like hes gonna start the season on the DL till around early May. Ivan Nova is still undrafted and I was thinking about picking him up since he finished the season strong for the Yankees last year as a rookie.

You guys think Nova can repeat last year. Or should I just hold onto Hudson.

Heres my lineup and the top Fantasy adds. Let me know if theres anything you guys would do before the start of the season.

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Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Forgot about the NT draft yesterday. I hate trying to scrub together a team after this happens. My own damn fault though.
Worst team I think I've ever seen

Let a Public league autodraft last night to see how I can do with a blind team. Completely drafted my offense first I guess.
fantasy alert - Kyle Farnsworth to start the season on the DL - take a look at a few TB arms for the closing spot /// also Bailey for the Red Sox is starting on the DL too - Aceves could get the job right away
The day is finally here fellas (those Japan games count, but they might as well not).

A lot of teams kick off tomorrow but some start today.

I'm stoked.
Question -

Because of DL and roster spots, it works out so that I could keep Dallas Braden on my roster stashed in a DL slot, or have Randall Delgado or Jim Johnson (BAL) as an active player.

Which would you rather have on your squad, Braden stashed on the DL or Delgado OR Johnson? I feel like I might be hoarding closers if I scoop Johnson, and I'm not sure if that will help me but I think he's great value for a waiver pickup especially in a 16 team league.

My other SPs are Kershaw, Dan Hudson, Tom Hanson, Phil Hughes, Mike Leake, Kyle Lohse, Tyson Ross and Wei-Yin Chen.

My other RPs are Hanrahan, Putz, Huston Street and Melancon.
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

Question -

Because of DL and roster spots, it works out so that I could keep Dallas Braden on my roster stashed in a DL slot, or have Randall Delgado or Jim Johnson (BAL) as an active player.

Which would you rather have on your squad, Braden stashed on the DL or Delgado OR Johnson? I feel like I might be hoarding closers if I scoop Johnson, and I'm not sure if that will help me but I think he's great value for a waiver pickup especially in a 16 team league.

My other SPs are Kershaw, Dan Hudson, Tom Hanson, Phil Hughes, Mike Leake, Kyle Lohse, Tyson Ross and Wei-Yin Chen.

My other RPs are Hanrahan, Putz, Huston Street and Melancon.
Take Johnson, Braden is garbage and we don't know enough about Delgado
Well, I have Cain-Haren-Bumgarner, but that's not going to hang with the best teams imo.

I have Cespedes and this guy in my league really wants him and offered me Lawrie for him, and i'm on the fence about it.
Scherzer completely screwed me today, wow. My ERA is over 4 cuz of that. I'm looking forward to it gradually decreasing though. And I dropped him for Kyle Lohse.. 
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

After one start?

The only thing I know about Scherzer is he's known to be inconsistent. But you tell me Scherzer or Lohse long term?
^probably furcal as of now

what do you guys think of lance lynn heading into the future? he played great yesterday but will he keep it up? should i stash him?
dropped Scherzer after one bad start. I wish you were in my league

For real, though, can I get some suggestions on who to pick up at C?
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