Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

Reminder: this is a pro-Hawks thread.

Hawks slander doesn't belong here.

Slander of Hawks fans doesn't belong in here.
^ It has been unusually quiet. Weird. Not gonna jump to any conclusions, though.

Just... weird. *shrugs*

No one mentioned him, though.

Just saying, we hear crickets.

For the top seed coming out of the EC who is still participating in the playoffs, that's weird.
Paul Pierce must have called brick after that wide open look. Serves him right running his mouth off at a 21 year kid. I said I would prob end hating after this series and I already do.
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Nene crushed DMC on that illegal screen for Pierce at the end of the game and now DMC thinks he has a hip pointer. :smh:
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pls don't steal the nickname of the best center in the NBA for your own players Ryan.

But happy for the Hawks. They should win in 6 if Johnny boy doesn't come back for the Wizards
Stealing nicknames, :lol: best C in the league? Didn't Marc Gasol start the ASG? U buggin. I only know of one DMC still playing and that's what we call him in atlanta and will continue to do so. Hawks fans don't give two damns bout that DMC on the west coast. I, like other atlanta hawks fans will continue to call Carroll DMC. Not like u would confuse the 2 anyway since 1 is still playing and 1 is watching from his couch. And i been calling him that for months now.
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I guess pierce didnt call game this time :lol:
serves him right. I can't stand that dude flappin his gums non stop. Damnit I respect the hell out of him tho. Been abusing DMC all series really. No idea why coach continues to let Carroll guard Pierce and force Korver to chase a 21 year old Bradley Beal around all game and tiring him out so that when we're on offense it's basically just 4 on 4 when the hawks have the ball cause the wiz have taken korver out of the series. I'd switch Korver onto Pierce and let Carroll chase Beal around all night.
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