Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

Kyle Korver 6 steals tonight. Career playoff high
That pick strip he had on Pierce was 
Mike Muscala Stepped Up Big Tonight. Been calling for him for months. Dunno what else he's gotta do to get all of Pero's minutes.
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Pierce yelled "series" at the hawks bench after his 3. :lol: :lol: :lol: kick rocks fool. Dont worry Horford has too much class to tall trash. But i don't haha
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Pierce yelled "series" at the hawks bench after his 3.
kick rocks fool. Dont worry Horford has too much class to tall trash. But i don't haha
Pierce is a clown. I'm glad the Hawks won, but they gotta close out.  They shoulda went at WALL HARD, to get him back on the bench.
Yea i dunno what pierce was thinking celebrating with 8 seconds still left on the clock. Of all people he should have known that the game wasnt over yet. But then again pierce jus said the hawks dont have the "it" factor at the beginning of the playoffs, so I'm guessing he didn't expect al horford to go into FULL BEAST MODE
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antidope antidope Hawks have out rebounded and had more blocked shots than the wizards this series, still think Hawks are too small? Considering the Wiz are the biggest team in the league probably. At least In the east. Horford not a rim protector? First hawks player ever to have 20+ points 10+ rebounds and 5 blocks In a playoff game. Horford is completely outplaying Nene and Gortat. All while giving up height and weight. Millsap continues to give nene problems even tho millsap is giving up 3-4 inches.
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That idiot knocked over john Wall with his celebrating, didn't even get in the huddle with Whitman afterwards even with Whitman yelling at him to. Proved too, with Pierce being a defensive liability on the last play. idiot.
:rofl: :rofl: couldn't have asked for a better headline. Doesn't even have to be Horford won it. Which he did. Rather the headline be Pierce lost it with his flapping gums. Trash talking the hawks bench who consists of young D leaguers and recent 2nd round draft picks. And the fans. This isnt Canada. This isnt Toronto. And this isnt the Raptors buddy. This is the #1 seed 60 win Atlanta Hawks. Straight up bush league move from Pierce. Got exactly what he has deserved in 2 straight games now. After gift wrapping game 1 to the bullets, the hawks have won 3 out of 4 games now against the bullets.
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I still think the lack of real size is a problem yes. Cant argue with the current stats but the Wiz have a much better rebounder than NeNe (Kris Humprhies) who hasnt played at all, and they're running way more small ball lineups than they have in the past with Pierce at the 4 for offenses sake.

That being said, they wont have to worry about the lack of size issue again if they get past the Wiz until the NBA Finals if they make it that far cause the Cavs aren't huge either. 

Horford is playing great cant deny that.

What the Hawks really need to do is package Teague and that pick and go get a big. Teague should be gone anyways Schroder is good enough to run that teamand you might as well fill the glaring roster hole using his departure.
I still think the lack of real size is a problem yes. Cant argue with the current stats but the Wiz have a much better rebounder than NeNe (Kris Humprhies) who hasnt played at all, and they're running way more small ball lineups than they have in the past with Pierce at the 4 for offenses sake.

That being said, they wont have to worry about the lack of size issue again if they get past the Wiz until the NBA Finals if they make it that far cause the Cavs aren't huge either. 

Horford is playing great cant deny that.

What the Hawks really need to do is package Teague and that pick and go get a big. Teague should be gone anyways Schroder is good enough to run that teamand you might as well fill the glaring roster hole using his departure.
Ya know alot of hawks fan have been saying that for a while now about letting jeff go. It's no secret Bud wants a Tony Parker "esque" PG to run his team and Schröder is alot like Parker was at 21. Not there yet tho. He's only 21. But Jeff is still only 26. They have him locked up for 2 more years at 8 mil a year which I think is a HUGE bargain. And he is playing hurt right now. He's kinda hit or miss. Can be the best player on the court or can be completely lost. I don't think Jeff is going anywhere. Not until his contract is up at least. Just too good of a bargain. But by time that contract is up after 2 more seasons. Schröder provably will be the better player than Jeff. They don't mind playing with each other either. Jeff even told Bud last night to stick with Dennis going down the stretch, which in my opinion shows alot of selflessness. There is no egos there surprisingly. And the hawks have the money to go out and get Gasol or LMA and keep carroll and let Millsap walk and get another solid 7-10 million dollar a year player. No way u let Carroll walk now. Hes top priority. Over Millsap. Seen talk about hawks going after Aaron Affalo type maybe. Ibe seen his name floating arou d with the hawks. Prob get Dekker from Wisconsin in the draft to back up and eventually replace Korver. I still think it will depend on how they finish on what they do with Millsap tho. Unless they win the whole damn thing or make it close then id be trying to go after LMA, m Gasol, or b lopez, If they can't, then bring paul back. 1 year deal. Beef up bench with some backup bigs. I mean they really have the flexibility and cap space to do whatever they want. Winning right now with a 58 million dollar roster is miraculous. Especially against an 80+ million dollar team with dc and a near 90 mil dollar team with bky. Imagine If THE Hawks Had another 20 mil a year player to add to this 58 million dollar team right now. They'd still have a cheaper team than the Wiz right now. All gonna come down to Ressler's pockets. As for the size thing tho i completely agree with everything u said. Wiz have completely changed their whole style of play this postseason and are going small like u said. And it has proved to be the right move. Wiz got athletes for days. They score alot more wirh that small ball lineup. Prob wouldn't be this far without it. Dunno why Whittman doesn't play Humphries tho. Guess because gortat and nene are suppose to be elite making all that money they make. Meanwhile the hawks are getting valuable minutes from d leaguer big man mike muscala off the bench. I wish we had a Kris Humphies. Seriously. If the hawks make it to the next round tho against cleveland or Chicago, they're bigs arent as big and physical as the wiz. Mosgov wants no part of horford. But there is always that damn LBJ effect. And hes been stepping up big no doubt. Hawks match up better with cleveland over Chicago imo. ECF is all I ever asked for so i wont have any expectations if we make it that far. And it will be the first time I think the hawks will Fially have a chance to play with nothing to lose against whoever in the ECF since they will he the underdog regardless of who they play even with homecourt.
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I literally haven't seen 1 analyst pick the hawks to win Game 6. Lol its like 10 straight.
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Al Horford the most underrated player in the NBA today - skip Bayless espn first take
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Gotta admit when they were down 9 with like 5 mins to go my jaded scared atlanta *** had little faith. Then they went on a 14-0 run. Paul Pierce did what he's been doing all series(shooting 3s). Then the Boss Al Horford happened. Was a grueling game to watch. All defense. Kinda not hard to expect from two top defensive teams. Hats off to John Wall for playing with 5 fractures in his hand. Truly remarkable. Wish our pg had the "want to" to overcome his sprained ankle but apparantly he isn't mentally tough enough and was mad he couldn't stay with Wall like he could if he was 100%. Jeff has all the abilities, just not the drive. I think Joe Johnson and Josh Smith are partly to blame for some of that. Hopefully it will wear off. And he will grow up. Or he will never reach his full potential or get any better. Or for his sake get a bigger contract. He did just have his best playoff game ever in game 4 in DC. So ya never know. That was with no john wall tho.
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I still think the lack of real size is a problem yes. Cant argue with the current stats but the Wiz have a much better rebounder than NeNe (Kris Humprhies) who hasnt played at all, and they're running way more small ball lineups than they have in the past with Pierce at the 4 for offenses sake.

That being said, they wont have to worry about the lack of size issue again if they get past the Wiz until the NBA Finals if they make it that far cause the Cavs aren't huge either. 

Horford is playing great cant deny that.

What the Hawks really need to do is package Teague and that pick and go get a big. Teague should be gone anyways Schroder is good enough to run that teamand you might as well fill the glaring roster hole using his departure.
Ya know alot of hawks fan have been saying that for a while now about letting jeff go. It's no secret Bud wants a Tony Parker "esque" PG to run his team and Schröder is alot like Parker was at 21. Not there yet tho. He's only 21. But Jeff is still only 26. They have him locked up for 2 more years at 8 mil a year which I think is a HUGE bargain. And he is playing hurt right now. He's kinda hit or miss. Can be the best player on the court or can be completely lost. I don't think Jeff is going anywhere. Not until his contract is up at least. Just too good of a bargain. But by time that contract is up after 2 more seasons. Schröder provably will be the better player than Jeff. They don't mind playing with each other either. Jeff even told Bud last night to stick with Dennis going down the stretch, which in my opinion shows alot of selflessness. There is no egos there surprisingly.

And the hawks have the money to go out and get Gasol or LMA and keep carroll and let Millsap walk and get another solid 7-10 million dollar a year player. No way u let Carroll walk now. Hes top priority. Over Millsap. Seen talk about hawks going after Aaron Affalo type maybe. Ibe seen his name floating arou d with the hawks. Prob get Dekker from Wisconsin in the draft to back up and eventually replace Korver. I still think it will depend on how they finish on what they do with Millsap tho. Unless they win the whole damn thing or make it close then id be trying to go after LMA, m Gasol, or b lopez, If they can't, then bring paul back. 1 year deal. Beef up bench with some backup bigs. I mean they really have the flexibility and cap space to do whatever they want. Winning right now with a 58 million dollar roster is miraculous. Especially against an 80+ million dollar team with dc and a near 90 mil dollar team with bky. Imagine If THE Hawks Had another 20 mil a year player to add to this 58 million dollar team right now. They'd still have a cheaper team than the Wiz right now. All gonna come down to Ressler's pockets. As for the size thing tho i completely agree with everything u said.

Wiz have completely changed their whole style of play this postseason and are going small like u said. And it has proved to be the right move. Wiz got athletes for days. They score alot more wirh that small ball lineup. Prob wouldn't be this far without it. Dunno why Whittman doesn't play Humphries tho. Guess because gortat and nene are suppose to be elite making all that money they make. Meanwhile the hawks are getting valuable minutes from d leaguer big man mike muscala off the bench. I wish we had a Kris Humphies. Seriously. If the hawks make it to the next round tho against cleveland or Chicago, they're bigs arent as big and physical as the wiz. Mosgov wants no part of horford. But there is always that damn LBJ effect. And hes been stepping up big no doubt. Hawks match up better with cleveland over Chicago imo.

ECF is all I ever asked for so i wont have any expectations if we make it that far. And it will be the first time I think the hawks will Fially have a chance to play with nothing to lose against whoever in the ECF since they will he the underdog regardless of who they play even with homecourt.
Paragraphs breh, PARAGRAPHS :lol:. The length is not an issue you're knowledgeable and passionate about your squad, these are the kinds of posts that are worth reading.

But nah in all seriousness I feel like the ego from Dennis is coming soon. Especially next year when we're closer to the end of the Teague deal and all the "Max Teague" talk will start which we both know it will. Then he's going to say, what about me? They're not going to give big money to both. I'm a fan of Teagues though. 

I feel like I've told you this before, but the year after next is when I feel the Hawks will really turn into a good F/A destination. I gotta see another year of this sort of excellence and all the front office turmoil that will come as a result of the sale of the time pass before I can see someone really want to plant their feet down with the rest of that roster. 

Pipe dream but if the Hawks wait until 2016 and somehow get Dwight Howard..... Roster perfection right there.
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You REALLY had to quote all that?

That response puts 'War & Peace' and CP to shame, and you needed to quote the whole thing? :smh:

Spurs fans. :rolleyes

:lol: I keed, I keeeeeed. :D
[quote name="sea manup"][quote name="rck3sactown"][quote name="DON RAMON"]c;mon ska let the man back into the playoff thread already
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