Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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It's obvious Pacers should have played Lance S. tonight.

sidenote: Russ out there getting so many good performances from his mates.
You posted all that defensive stat **** with literally no explanation as to why or what they indicate. Yeah, the calculations are "facts" but they are formulas that some people decided should be a measure for good defense and not everyone agrees with that. And there are factors that don't involve the player directly that affect those numbers.
Posting 3 clips of him getting worked is a pretty pathetic followup to copying and pasting **** from Basketball Reference with no personal input on the numbers.
Defensive win shares: An estimate of the number of wins contributed by a player due to his defense.

Defensive rating: An estimate of points allowed per 100 possessions.

Defensive box plus/minus: A box score estimate of the defensive points per 100 possessions a player contributed above a league-average player, translated to an average team.

Happy now?

I guess it's just a coincidence that players who are all known as great defenders are the all-time leaders in these categories:

Kobe fans are all against stats unless it says "81" next to the "PTS" column on the box score. Then stats are of the utmost importance and demonstrate how great a player truly is.
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You posted all that defensive stat **** with literally no explanation as to why or what they indicate. Yeah, the calculations are "facts" but they are formulas that some people decided should be a measure for good defense and not everyone agrees with that. And there are factors that don't involve the player directly that affect those numbers.

Posting 3 clips of him getting worked is a pretty pathetic followup to copying and pasting **** from Basketball Reference with no personal input on the numbers.

Defensive win shares: An estimate of the number of wins contributed by a player due to his defense.
Defensive rating: An estimate of points allowed per 100 possessions.
Defensive box plus/minus: A box score estimate of the defensive points per 100 possessions a player contributed above a league-average player, translated to an average team.

Happy now?

I guess it's just a coincidence that players who are all known as great defenders are the all-time leaders in these categories:

Kobe fans are all against stats unless it says "81" next to the "PTS" column on the box score. Then stats are of the utmost importance and demonstrate how great a player truly is.

Have you noticed how everything you linked to is skewed and dominated by big men? And how none of this seems to be calculate by how a player does on the ball against another defender? Because I'm pretty sure this all started with discussing his on ball defending ability. A bunch of estimations and "what should be the case" stuff. Basketball and sports aren't definite in what we don't see and can't measure and that's where advanced stats become muddy territory.

Stop trying to patronize and group Kobe supporters as "get buckets" fans to deflect from how much you know.
What you gonna google next for us?
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Defensive win shares don't mean much.

If we went by that **** Steph is a better defender than Stoneface and Jimmy Butler. It means very little. Watch the games fellas.
This damn MCD All-American game needs to end asap. I don't want to see a bunch of would kids who may never make it to the NBA.
Billy D's rotations are awful. #6 should never play.
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Damn, Beadle is 41? Don't these tv women look better and better as they get older? She looks awful. Chest looks all burnt and wrinkly [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji]
Billy D's rotations are awful.
They worked for your college boys 
 not quite NBA material tho
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Damn, Beadle is 41? Don't these tv women look better and better as they get older? She looks awful. Chest looks all burnt and wrinkly [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji]

Not enough melanin in her skin.
No reason for McBuckets and Taj not to be playing. Instead he got Grant out here with Roberson playing 3 on 5 on offense.
Beadle so trash...

best thing she ever did was son [COLOR=#red]@BostonAllAmerican[/COLOR] :lol:
Billy D ain't come to the Thunder to coach without KD. I'm sure Presti told him he had it in the bag before he even got here
He peaked last June.

Yeah hes been really exposed this year getting the mins he has. Coming to mil I was excited more for his defense then anything and that has been a major let down. He is not and should not be a primary ball handler ever in his life.
Russell Westbrook has shot 11 threes lol. It's like he doesn't know himself. These last two he's taken...

And shoots a twelfth. That was cold though

Then airballs the 13th :lol:
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Yeah hes been really exposed this year getting the mins he has. Coming to mil I was excited more for his defense then anything and that has been a major let down. He is not and should not be a primary ball handler ever in his life.
He should be relegated to just playing defense and shoot only when he is open, without the dribble.
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