Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Is it bad to pipe another mans wife?

If you don't know the husband, then no it's not. Marriage has been twisted by religious nuts. It's actually an arrangement between families to better their situation together.

It's not natural for men or women to love just one person. Humans naturally have attachments to various people throughout their lives. Religion has poisoned the minds of people to think its a "sin". "Thou shall not covenant thy neighbors wife" was written by some dude tryna protect his wife's cooter because he was insecure. Complete BS. That's why it's not "thou shall not covenant thy neighbors husband".
I said in the league. Not the east. Fact is, he's in 9th or 10th place in the league. 6th in the West or maybe this moved him to 5th? Either way. That's not "enough" winning. It's literally all about the triple doubles and it sets a bad precedent. That's why dudes example is great. If mvp suddenly changes from best player on best team, to player who wins a fair amount but his individual success is incredible... You're about to have a league full of ball brothers in the very near future.

Fact is, these comebacks and buzzer beaters are against trash teams to begin with. Then there is the documented proof that his team is gifting rebounds and he's stat chasing. All of that... AND he "led" his team to 6th place? Nah b
The dude you quoted literally said if he finished 9th in the East. 
Most impressive thing about Westbrook's season is there's been three or four times this season where I thought he was going to breakdown and go through decline in his play, but he keeps chugging along. Incredible.

Son gonna play all 82 like game 1! Has this ever been done by any athlete?
If you don't know the husband, then no it's not. Marriage has been twisted by religious nuts. It's actually an arrangement between families to better their situation together.

It's not natural for men or women to love just one person. Humans naturally have attachments to various people throughout their lives. Religion has poisoned the minds of people to think its a "sin". "Thou shall not covenant thy neighbors wife" was written by some dude tryna protect his wife's cooter because he was insecure. Complete BS. That's why it's not "thou shall not covenant thy neighbors husband".
That P was gooood too....
How many players will LAL play tonight? All 13?

Over/Under Dark Sinned Blake Griffin 24minutes
Is it bad to pipe another mans wife?
If you don't know the husband, then no it's not. Marriage has been twisted by religious nuts. It's actually an arrangement between families to better their situation together.

It's not natural for men or women to love just one person. Humans naturally have attachments to various people throughout their lives. Religion has poisoned the minds of people to think its a "sin". "Thou shall not covenant thy neighbors wife" was written by some dude tryna protect his wife's cooter because he was insecure. Complete BS. That's why it's not "thou shall not covenant thy neighbors husband".
Kawhi Leonard has elite numbers, is the best defender in the league, and is actually winning. He should win. That is my opinion and I havent wavered

He's not the best defender though. Metrics shows Rudy and Draymond are better. And Kawhi is gassed this year based on his rep. But as his offensive has grown, his defense has fallen some.
He's not the best defender though. Metrics shows Rudy and Draymond are better. And Kawhi is gassed this year based on his rep. But as his offensive has grown, his defense has fallen some.
He's definitely not the best defender. 
Best Wing Defender my apologies.  I was also speaking in context of the four MVP candidates
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He's not the best defender though. Metrics shows Rudy and Draymond are better. And Kawhi is gassed this year based on his rep. But as his offensive has grown, his defense has fallen some.

I'm pretty sure with the game on the line, if you had to choose one player to guard the other teams best player.. It would be kawhi. Metrics be damned
I'm pretty sure with the game on the line, if you had to choose one player to guard the other teams best player.. It would be kawhi. Metrics be damned
I'd take Draymond, he's more versitile. 
Ehhh, I'm taking Kawhi. Game on the line the balls likely going to be in the hands of a wing guy and Kawhi's the best wing defender. Versatility goes out the window.
Best Wing Defender my apologies.  I was also speaking in context of the four MVP candidates

Since wins don't matter.
Defender. Check.
Efficient. Check.
Historical season. Check

LeBron has never averaged 10 rebounds it 10 assists for a season. But it's not a big deal Russ did boththe same season. Not to mention lead the league in scoring.

Only 6-8 fewer wins the season after losing KD and serge

They set it up that way though. Bigs are boxing out or completely passing up rebounds so Russ can get them. "His team sucks" but yet somebody is on the other end of those assists. Lebron COULD'VE averaged 10 reb or 10 assists if he chased it. Lebron rather win tho. Plenty of people have been the only star on a team. Plenty of teams could've made a gameplan to boost one player. But they don't. Booker just dropped 70+ on a whim cuz the team said screw it tonight we not trying to win. Just let booker score. Yall are blinded by this crap
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