you can have him. He ain't the goods. I have to remember he's going into his junior year though. But he is very unimpressive. Handsome kid who will get a ton of poon at the U though.

Interesting take. What's unimpressive about him?
Interesting take. What's unimpressive about him?
I don’t think he’s very cerebral as a QB. He stares down his receivers. Game seems too fast for him. Doesn’t like pressure. He’s a great kid. Looks the part from head to toe. But I think he’s very overrated. Seen him at a couple of high school 7v7 the past month and Bosco guys were clowning him because they knew his every move. It’s like a pitcher who tips his pitch. But I forget he’s going into his junior year. So he’s knowhere near polished. Will be interesting to see what happens to his teammates. Everybody is supposed to leave in the next couple of weeks.
Big recruiting weekend for Georgia coming up
Kinda random...I'm all for paying college players, but the more and more you see stories like this (which is damn near at least weekly), I'm not sure college players should be paid directly. Think some sort of trust fund system might be best where the players can't touch their "college earnings" until they turn like 45 or 50. Too many stories of dudes blowing money or getting taken advantage of. Would probably be a lot for the NCAA to manage, but what else are they doing with those billions of dollars they bring every year?
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