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✍✍✍ I give it 2 years before Urban has heart issues or spider cysts on his brain. Then he'll commentate for a year or two and be back in college

The benefit he has is playing/coaching in a weak division. Even though I’m a titans fan I know we ain’t ever gonna consistently run the division long term. Houston looks like it’s imploding. Indy isn’t as dominant as they once were. He could step in there and have them in the playoffs in a couple years depending on how it plays out.

Then again he only lasts 5-7 years per job

Story on this is that he was hurt, got a late start in spring camp and got passed up in the depth chart. He didn’t like that so he’s in the portal
Rousseau and Phillips looking like monsters :sick:. Still can’t believe we didn’t get to see them play together at all.

The Niner gave up all that draft capital to move up and get a dinosaur of a QB like Mac Jones? Really? Mac is good and has potential to be a good NFL QB but he lacks elite size, arm strength and isn't elusive. Certainly not someone I'd trade 3 first rounders to move up and get.
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Also Demond Demas tweeted about spring practice starting today, so people are assuming that means he's back.
looks like Keeshawn Put on some muscle

noel devine had some exciting hs tape I remember seeing.
playing pat white was difficult for the defense in that bowl game .
nako xl nako xl did you see anything on Trey Sermons pro day? Was curious how it went since he had that injury in the natty.

That kids a work horse
I didn’t check any of the pro day performances beyond the QBs and SC’s guys. I was gonna board jump and see the roundups later in the week.

But let’s be honest, doesn’t every beat reporter claim their guy had a great-to-best ever pro day workout?

Even Bama guys are spinning Mac Jones’s right now.
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