Official 360 WAVES Thread VoL. Spring Season... Owwwwwwwwwwwwww

Figurred...I will definitely stop by Walmart & pick me up one.

Tired of wearing durags; They tend to leave a print if tied too tight.

Sick of wearing wave caps; They tend to slide off at night.
Figurred...I will definitely stop by Walmart & pick me up one.
Tired of wearing durags; They tend to leave a print if tied too tight.
Sick of wearing wave caps; They tend to slide off at night.

I always pull my durag down a little more in the front then flip it up to provide an extra layer which eliminates the print.
Satin durags are the only ones that don't leave lines on my head when I wake up.

Does the wave training builder have good hold compared to a durag? That was the only problem I had with wavecaps.
Satin durags are the only ones that don't leave lines on my head when I wake up.

Does the wave training builder have good hold compared to a durag? That was the only problem I had with wavecaps.

Yes I pull it all the way down so it covers my crown completely.
They are good for just hanging around the house, but they don't stay on your head if you try to sleep in it. Maybe I just have a big head. Idk. Lol

This, when I was waving this thing would never stay on my head when I was sleeping. Maybe I got the wrong size but it pissed me off and I went back to the 3 dollar joints. honestly I appreciate the new technology in the wave game, but the basics work to we'll.
Recently moved to a new state and was in between barbers. Had an Asian dude zeekin me up while experimenting with this Makonnen cut (terrible combo 
.)  Just got it cut low and i'm back in the game. Gotta get back on it so I can flourish in the Spring. 

Until then: 
Should I avoid products with petroleum in them? Heard a barber in the shop say products with petroleum in them will cause you to thin faster. :lol:
Yes sir he's telling no lie. I stick to carrot creme and curl enhancing smoothie. I alternate off and on. And brush my brother, BRUSH.

Curl enhancing smoothie made my skin break out. I really liked using the Olive Oil stuff, the one with petroleum in it, but I guess I gotta stay away from that. May pick up some carrot creme today then.

I'm not really looking to develop waves, just something that will keep my hair looking moist and not coarse. :lol:
I'm about to pick some up tonight so I can smell like a young African king.

Don't lie to me, b.

If I cop and it smells like beeswax, I'm going to be upset :lol:
What frames you wearing?

Some cheapo ebay joints, wore em as a joke to a party.
Should I avoid products with petroleum in them? Heard a barber in the shop say products with petroleum in them will cause you to thin faster.
I personally don't believe that. That's just me. I have been using Sport N Waves for 24 years and show no signs of thinning. I don't plan on stopping either.
Cut my hair lower than usual then decided to wash it RIGHT after the cut... lost all my waves on the top.

My chest hurts and I need Peptobismol...

I'll be back in a week or so.
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I think thats my prob i need to start washing my hair twice a week put palmade in my hair and by day 4 its smelling like hobo pockets
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