Official Bitcoin Thread

So a good strategy would be if say you bought in 2k of XRP at 41cents your gains doubled and now have 4K, it would be a good move to exchange your gains for that what a lot of people do?
Sell a third or half and let the rest run.
True, but the expectation shouldn’t be for ripple to hit $17000.
Definitely shouldn't be, but there are many people in this thread who are investing a few hundred dollars into heavily traded coins expecting it to one day to cash out and make millions. I think being able to double or triple your investment in a short time is a amazing enough, no matter how small the amount. Just giving newcomers the real, since we have people buying blindly without reading all the info posted earlier in the thread.
Not sure why I'm having trouble downloading this Ripple Ledger onto my Mac.. bit frustrating.
There's people in this thread thinking exactly along those lines. Ive tried to pump their breaks a couple times, but I'll just let them have their dreams Lol. People talking 500, then 5k and so on. Dont think they know how things work :rofl:

Hmm so it has a lot to do with market cap?
Buy the Rumor, Sell the News...

This is what happening now...



American Express
South Korea/Japan Testing


Amazon Parternship

How true is this???

About to check the XRP group...
I'm tired of using coinbase, i have 3k left limit but tried to buy litecoin since it was dropping. Click buy and confirmed but it doesn't even say pending or anything. Is there another place to buy where i can exchange from eth to ripple like how coinbase does with binance?
For some reason my credit card doesn't show up when I'm trying to purchase on Coinbase. It still shows as linked/verified in my settings but when I'm in the buy tab only my bank account shows up. It's been linked/verified since May. Not sure what the issue is but I just sent them an email :ohwell:.
now i just saw my transaction in, i basically put in 2 order since i didn't see my first order. Anyway to cancel it from coinbase or call the bank?
now i just saw my transaction in, i basically put in 2 order since i didn't see my first order. Anyway to cancel it from coinbase or call the bank?

Relax lol let it ride ... most of these sites usually will tell you if there is delays ... if at first you got a charge , you should of wait till it gets posted ... people panicking it’s what leads to bad mistakes ... we all learning btw
If anyone knows the answer it would be really helpful

I exported the public key of my Ledger Nano S to Mycelium App so I know where to send without opening the Ledger Wallet app.....I tested out by sending $50 worth of BTC, transaction went through and it shows on Mycelium but shows nothing on my Nano. ????

Just looked up my public key on and its the funds are there..........Im guessing Nano S is not synced with the blockchain???
I think the hype around XRP will def pump it up to at least 100-200 before the end of next year. People are curious and talking about it. Half the battle done right now

Of course the elitist in here are going to say it wont. blah blah blah...Truth is no one really knows. Go with your gut and if you come out on top be happy if you lose you lose but at least it was your decision and not based upon someone elses "knowledge". At the end of the day its your money.
Don't think a lot of folks really expect a Bitcoin run on ripple, but if you put in 1k on Monday, you would possibly have 5k by Friday. That's fantastic enough.
Definitely shouldn't be, but there are many people in this thread who are investing a few hundred dollars into heavily traded coins expecting it to one day to cash out and make millions. I think being able to double or triple your investment in a short time is a amazing enough, no matter how small the amount. Just giving newcomers the real, since we have people buying blindly without reading all the info posted earlier in the thread.

True. That’s definitely the truth.

I don’t want to set anyone’s expectations through the roof.


I think the hype around XRP will def pump it up to at least 100-200 before the end of next year. People are curious and talking about it. Half the battle done right now

Of course the elitist in here are going to say it wont. blah blah blah...Truth is no one really knows. Go with your gut and if you come out on top be happy if you lose you lose but at least it was your decision and not based upon someone elses "knowledge". At the end of the day its your money.
you talking 100-200 dollars? or pennies :lol:
I think the hype around XRP will def pump it up to at least 100-200 before the end of next year. People are curious and talking about it. Half the battle done right now


Do you even know how a market cap works sir?
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