Official Bitcoin Thread

Okay since I just literally started this, what's the difference between using coinbase and Gdax? which one is better?
was thinking about copping more Ltc on the dip but I already have 8.. Maybe I should have :smh: :nerd:

My brother is stocked up on eth.. for his sake I hope it explodes even more :lol:
Okay since I just literally started this, what's the difference between using coinbase and Gdax? which one is better?

they are partner portals but coinbase has higher fees but little personal info is needed. Gdax asks for a picture of my driver's license or passport . I gave them the :stoneface:
dudes who do give them that info get more benefits though than coinbase.
brace yourselves gentlemen.
More mainstream Co.s are buying in plus during the holidays people will talk and more buyers will get in like they did over thanksgiving.

my wife is getting ethereum for Christmas :lol:
BREAKING!!! Huge news...

BTC Futures trading at 18.1k right now! U can view LIVE here:

All I know is that the total market cap of all the cryptocurrencies is growing at an unbelievable pace. I think it was a month ago it was around $300 million.

LTC should make that push towards $400 by Monday. Ripple stole everyone's shine for a couple days but the LTC run is picking up steam again.
Green across the board.... im gonna cry lmfao. Just a cycle, dip, up, dip, up. But the floor keeps going up. Best time to get in is always now. Don't wait.
Man, I need to earn how to sell buy sell etc.

All my money has been same for week and countless others double. ****.

I wanted to get on OMG and NEO but never pull the trigger and stayed put in ETH and LTC.

Could of have sold did a good come up and sold those to rebut at same price. Ugh
It takes time. I suggest you learn technical analysis and use that as a tool to gauge when something is getting ready for a run. The more you do this, the more you understand, the better you’ll get.
Man, I need to earn how to sell buy sell etc.

All my money has been same for week and countless others double. ****.

I wanted to get on OMG and NEO but never pull the trigger and stayed put in ETH and LTC.

Could of have sold did a good come up and sold those to rebut at same price. Ugh

Trading is hard bro.. big gamble.. its so easy to say just cause we see it AFTER the fact.. but timing the market is just too risky. Most end up with less. Just hold imo...
All I know is that the total market cap of all the cryptocurrencies is growing at an unbelievable pace. I think it was a month ago it was around $300 million.

LTC should make that push towards $400 by Monday. Ripple stole everyone's shine for a couple days but the LTC run is picking up steam again.

Market cap growth is amazing and when you compare it to gold (7+ trillion market cap), we still have a looong way to go, tons of money to be made. Nothing wrong with dabbling in the alts, but I still think BTC ETH and LTC are the main way to go.
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