Like I've said before my point isn't merely about Supes being interesting, it provides a whole overview of Superman, it adds to the things I was saying to show some scope. If you really can't get it and entirely focus on "Superman is interesting or not" point only, then just ignore it.
As for you taking his powers, again it may not make Superman interesting to you but to me I see it that if it is a power you would like to have if offered, then there is some little shred of interest there. No need to expand on that. That part is over in the argument because again it will just go around in circles.
So those 2 points are done with, just a matter of different point of views, can we agree on that? Stop honing in on one single point of the discussion, view it in a broader sense, as if you are reading a book that shows some scope of the character and a brief history.
The discussion was on Superman complex (wanting to save everyone) vs. his struggles with humanity (not killing or hurting). So yes, killing is a necessary part of the topic. As I explained, yes Bats is not willing to kill but he is willing to make compromises, he'd injure the criminal if it gets him information while Supes won't, he'll capture the assailant unharmed. This is a conflict between them most of the time and that is their difference. In Batman/Superman with Supergirl once again, Bats threatened to destroy Apocalypse so that Darkseid releases Kara, was it a bluff? Most likely but Supes would not risk that, again difference. Bats is willing to cross the line and even beating Joker close to death, as long as the enemy survives, Bats is good with it.
The Tarantino quote isn't really related to his complex vs. humanity discussion and that is why I ignored it nor have I mentioned it in this current discussion. I just pointed out that it is a good point that many may not have seen. This is all I wrote about it, not a mention of Superman complex in that paragraph, don't confuse it with the word "complexity" I used in that paragraph that merely means his characteristics are not as simple, it is complex or to use another word more complicated.
Another thing, agree to disagree about it but it is worth a mention, Tarantinos take on Superman. Kal Els alter ego is Clark not Superman. What he really is is the strong and confident Superman and the bumbling , slouching reporter is what he dresses up as to blend in with the humans. Not many heroes has that complexity in their story and this take is interesting to me. Sometimes he does want that simple life of being human but he can't hide for what he truly is.
Superman complex actually might be integrated (or the grey area) of his humanity. It is due to his humanity that he has this Superman complex of having to save people so it intersects but also interrupts. But again, I don't know how you can say it is less interesting to simply have a Superman complex that has a humanity rearing its ugly head than just simply having to deal with Just the Superman complex. Like you said, Spiderman, DD and Bats has the same complex but you find it interesting but with Supes it isn't? Because he adds humanity by trying not to kill at the same time, which Bats and SM and DD deals with as well? Something doesn't add up there. Because they show their regret more often?
I think trying to save everyone while holding back is more interesting than not holding back while trying to save everyone, there is inner conflict there. You want to see it, I just showed you panel for panel of it with Manchester Black but you do not want to accept Supes not wanting killing as part of his humanity so there is no winning in that argument. Again the discussion is Superman complex (saving everyone) vs his humanity (not killing or even injuring anyone to save people) and that is exactly it in those panels.
Also, Superman doesn't really need to face this problem all the time, he's been there and done that for the past 75 years. He just got another reboot in the New 52 and really just trying to establish who he is for the next generation seems to be the main goal, I admit I've read a little here and there for the New 52, nothing major to argue over it so I'll leave that to the others.
As for this...
Back to KC, you just find Superman interesting if he was going to kill anyone, well I think that is either your Superman biased or you simply just do not find him interesting in the book.
What? When did I say this? I'm not sure what you're saying here.
The ending where he's about to kill some UN members is one of those times where he's really angry cuz almost every damn superhero is dead and he's stopped by the main character/narrator of KC. In the end he makes the same boy scoutish speech about working together with humanity and looking forward. I mean Superman in this story is only interesting if you actually think he was gonna kill anyone.
Really, at this point it just goes around in circles again, you say the same thing and I reply with the same thing and so on and so forth. We are just going to have to agree to disagree or else it will not end unless some just stops replying so that will be me, unless you provide a different subject for discussion that is different from Tarantino or Superman complex or killing or whatever.