Official Eminem - Relapse Thread - May 19th

Originally Posted by AKA Anthony


Shame on you if you just called TES one of his worst albums

How did I call it one of his worst... I said I rank SSLP and MMLP first... and then its a toss up between this and TES... I can't judge after 1 day
Originally Posted by kmstivers21

Dudes on NT always put up a front and try and hate on everything they can.. They have to be "hard" in order to feel respected on a message board. I've been on four other message boards and this is the only one where people aren't excited and think this is a great effort by Eminem. Can't y'all just appreciate that Eminem is back? Sure, it's not MMLP and an angry Eminem. But we did get music and rap that is WAY better than other stuff that has been liked on NT. The concept of the album was fulfilled. Lyrically, Eminem is one of the best to come around. His flow is outrageous. The production on this album is on another level. (Underground almost sounds like it's 5/4 -- The beat is so complex!!!) Eminem was able to try out different style flows and deliveries this album... And all that I know is that I think this album is a solid 9 out of 10. Definitely better than Encore. I'd compare it as a mixture between TES and MMLP.. More so TES though. It's great to see Eminem back! Interested to see what level he can take Relapse 2 to.

cosign, obviously its not the greatest album ever, but people just need to be grateful that Em's back and putting out good quality tracks
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

i firmly believe some people got completely lost on the meaning of the album

Holy +#*#, shut the !%%# up. WE KNOW WHAT RELAPSE MEANS!
Alright soooo lilstar may be the biggest stan in this thread... in his eyes I bet this is the best album out in the last 5 years

Real quick... as far as Encore goes.. if we could have taken off several tracks.. I don't even remember their names it was so bad... and added songs likericky ticky tock, we as americans and a few others from straight from the lab EP.. it woulda been a solid effort. Not good but decent.

Overall though I'm feeling the album a lot. His flow is insane literally. I have no idea how people keep saying the like hello, i hate that song.

Crack a bottle just doesn't fit at all

You have deja vu where he talks about struggling with his drug addiction, to the point where he almost OD'd... next track is beautiful... where he startsout saying he almost quit rap, couldn't feel it, and is getting back to who he is, and then underground where he just goes OFF.. but after beautiful wehave crack a bottle which doesn't fit the theme at all of him getting over his addiction. Just had to throw that in there.
not to be low and Cliche but how does crack a bottle not fit it may be more happy and up beat but i think it fits word to LilStar well the name of the songmaybe the Lyrics was not about Drinking so i can see were your coming from but the title fits the Relapse theme lol
before it got leaked, i think crack a bottle was intended to be the commercial sell-singles-on-itunes track more so than a contributing part of the album....imean he threw dre and 50 on it who aren't exactly respected lyricists, and didnt really rap about anything specific, and it broke a record for downloads
I will admit...I've been in disappointed in Em more than anyone...and didn't think he could come through with it...

But wow....this dude's flow hasn't lost a step at all.

This album is crack and pure fire. Will be purchased.
Crack A Bottle doesn't fit after you hear Deja Vu (best track IMO) and then Beautiful (Deep track but the only track where I don't dig dude'sflow). Crack A Bottle sounds like a radio friendly club track. Shoulda left it off, or moved it up to the beginning of the CD.

All in all, star we know what this album is about. For me personally, like some poster above me said, some if it is too off the deep end. Insane for example.Some of the subject matter I don't really vibe too, but dude's flow is ON POINT. It's bananas really. I also appreciate how Em makes TRACKS.Straight up songs more then 3:50 minutes like your usual run of the mill stuff. Appreciated.
all iw as saying was if you know what the albums about and is supposed to be about, then tehres no way you can say he didnt deliver ... i mean people seem totake it for granted that he is technically sound on every aspect of rapping, and place all their eggs in the "i dont like his content" basket ...which is fine, but thats eminem what did you expect? hes a crazy dude who likes to play with words and say #%@! that people wouldnt even think of lol ...

one of the songs i think its underground he goes off about a no arm no leg double amputee ... #%@! was just amazing
hollup youre the cowboy fan neff 3000 or some +$$%? how can you disagree with me?! ... lololol
Is it just me or is HELLO not gettin enough love? That is one of the sickest beats ive heard in 2009. That flow + that beat...AMAZING
... top 3 tracks onthe of the smoothest rap tracks ive heard all year... i just cant get enough of it
Yeh thats me. Idk man, just seems like if given the opportunity you would play the role of Em's step dad in Insane, s'all I'm saying...
I've been sittin @ my desk @ the office repeating the hook to My Mom all day...

I think I'm giving off the wrong vibe about my Mom
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