Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Aegon's dragon was 200 years old though and the largest dragon in recorded history. We'll probably never see Dany's dragons get to that size unless they do some crazy time skip or something after the story ends

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The 200 year old dragon was Balerion, right? Is that the same as this one under the Red Keep? Drogon skull doesn't seem much smaller.
Watchers on the Wall and Hardhomme > Battle of the Bastards
I agree. The continuous shot during the Watchers of the Wall battle was mind blowing.

Last night's was really, really, good. But it was first time I've scene a battle shot like that.

The emotion in Hardhome and the Bastard
The 200 year old dragon was Balerion, right? Is that the same as this one under the Red Keep? Drogon skull doesn't seem much smaller.
Yes, that is Balerion under the Red Keep. 

I think Drogon's skull is still smaller than the dragon's of old.
dude said lets go home tho
They had lost the battle.

The were in a kill box waiting to die.

Peep when Jon finally got from under the pile and locked eyes with Davos who was just stuck watching dude's further away die with the giant flailing in the background. There was no hope at that mkment :lol:

Schemey ************ or not LF (and Sansa) saved their lives.

I feel you but there's a difference in rallying everyone to leave and saying **** it lets bounce on the crew.
she never put that card on the table to jon..

as far as jon knew, the situation was exactly like he told her.. he was playing the hand he was dealt

Ok, so let's say she told him that she wrote to LF asking him for backup, but then he doesn't show the next day. That would have meant Jon would be going in overconfident and might have been more reckless. I think she did the right thing by waiting.
Exactly what could be more reckless than charging an army on foot while they come at you on horses with arrows raining down on you?

Also why wouldn't LF show up? :lol: He did show up when she asked him to. Telling Jon he would come to help wouldn't suede my make him not show up. As viewers we saw ourselves he was ready to take part in a battle.

This all on Sansa. It aint like LF told her not to tell him cuz it would guarantee victory.
All them dude's should've k own what time it was :lol:

There's a difference but that's how it be in war.
broooooooooooooooos! are we all wrong?, is this mf'er salsa scheming on Jon??? peep the very last words from little finger before he leaves. LF still playing her like a fiddle.



@ 2:42.....Yo she might be actually pregnant.

"I can still feel it. I don't mean in my tender heart, it pains me so. I can still feel it in my body, standing here right now."

Initially, I took that as her still feeling the literal pain from Ramsay brutalizing her insides and outsides. But I'm starting to think that's a hint that she's pregnant.
I dunno why people were so adamant in saying it wasn't possible. Not like you expect ramsay to wear protection when he's raping her and trying to knock her up.

Too ******* epic.:pimp:
I dunno why people were so adamant in saying it wasn't possible. Not like you expect ramsay to wear protection when he's raping her and trying to knock her up.

I just assumed off tops she was pregnant. :lol:

Ramsey for sure not reaching for that pack of magnum goat intestines every night.
Was in my feels for the Giant man, if I was Jon I would have treated him like a top draft pick, developing on the bench for the real battle with the ww. Crazy how even minor characters like him make you feel so many things. Remember when he was trying to storm the wall to rip Jon's head off, until now when he died for the dude 
Was in my feels for the Giant man, if I was Jon I would have treated him like a top draft pick, developing on the bench for the real battle with the ww. Crazy how even minor characters like him make you feel so many things. Remember when he was trying to storm the wall to rip Jon's head off, until now when he died for the dude :lol:

Well, John died for him (and the other Wildlings) first, so that's probably part of it . . .
How many wildlings left? They've been in a lot of battles already. Got me thinking what if Ygritte bae had survived the attack on Castle Black. They would've been fighting side by side again like how Tormund is now with Jon.
why yall keep thinking Salsa got a cherry tomato in her?

any specific line or conversation?
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Don't really think they need to add the storyline of Sansa being pregnant to the show.

Already have some borderline irrelevant ones with Dorne ( where the hell are they ?!??) and Sam and Gilly. Euron is sure to get owned to so yea.
why yall keep thinking Salsa got a cherry tomato in her?

any specific line or conversation?

When Salsa told LF "I can still feel it. I don't mean, 'In my tender heart, it still pains me so,' I can still feel what he did in my body standing here, right now."

And Then Ramsey with the whole "Im part of you now" from yesterday.

I dont think she's preggers doe
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