Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Quick question who holds storms end after Stannis died. Now with Tommen dead there House Baratheon is no more right?

Stannis' forces had it but they were under siege. I wanna say the Lannister-Tyrell army went to retake it but not sure that happened. But yeah as far as I know, House Baratheon is pretty much dead at this point.
Hear me out , fellas. I have a theory regarding Varys.

He's always talking about the Realm, right? He has said that word a few times on the show.

What if the Realm is a bunch of portals to travel to places faster? How else could he have traveled so fast in the finale?

Just a thought, bros.

Anyone wanna take a crack at this theory?

I'm pretty sure if he could use portals to travel, he wouldn't have sailed around the world with Tyrion hiding in a crate and having to shovel his poop over board the whole trip. Just a thought.
She looks good in this pic. Still wouldn't put an illegitimate baby in her though. Didn't know she's the same actress who played the underage teenager in The Fall who wanted to have sex with a serial killer.


She looking like she can catch a few illegitimate kids in this pic
Deserved to suffer more IMO

Slightest part of me thought he was smarter than Cersei, but foolish enough to fall in Margaery's trap. He just proved to be a fool all around.

Yeah, I was expecting him to be a better game player but seeing the smug look erased off his face as he started to vaporize was nice. Kinda wanted to see what margaery had been playing to deal with the sparrow and the rest of those fools.
Well damn the ***** just gave birth to Jon and half the blood her body what you want to look like after that

real talk she was was AWG
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Does Bran have the ability to show others his visions? Not sure if anyone would believe him if he said Jon's related to Baenerys

Why would Bran even say anything? I doubt he cares about being the Warden of the North now that he is 3 eyed raven. Besides, his father made a promise to Lyanna and I doubt he would go against that. At the very least maybe he tells Jon, but I don't see why it would even come up.

Robert would have definitely killed Jon back then. Without question. Plus that was a different Robert. He was in shape, he was a rebel hero, he wasn't the lazy fat bastard yet. Tywin's men had already killed Rhaegar's other children to show that the Lannisters were loyal to the Baratheons. There's no way they would have killed those kids and allow Jon to still be alive. The main reason for killing the children was to eliminate any Targ heirs to the throne.

I'm still a little unclear how this stuff works. The Targaryans ruled and were the rightful heirs to the throne. Their reign was never contested, even when the Mad King was doing what he was doing. It wasn't until Rhagar "took" Lyanna who was betrothed to Robert Baratheon which started Robert's rebellion. Robert killed Rhaegar, but Jaime killed the Mad king. Why is Robert the new King? Is it because he started the rebellion, so he is owed the spoils? Could Jaime have claimed it if he wanted to?

When Ned and Stannis were going on about rightful heir to the throne after Robert died, was that really a legit claim to make? He was only on the Iron throne because he rebelled against the king. What if someone else decides to take up arms against the Baratheons and they win. They will be the new King and start a new dynasty for their family name right? Who does the throne truly belong to then?

I'm calling it, night king gonna team up with Cersei.

How sway? :lol:

I know Cersei is badass now, but how in the world would they ever meet. Let alone communicate that endeavor?

arya knew when jamie ambushed, stabbed and imprisoned ned and killed all their house loyalists right? :nerd:

Im sure she did, but that had nothing to do with him being killed. Robert was still alive when all that stuff happened. Cersei was the one that set Ned up and killed all his men in the hall once Robert died. Besides, Jamie was never on her list.

Also I think Jaime will attempt to kill off Cersei, but he will fail and she will kill him instead.

It has to be Jaime, Tyrion is too obvious. She has to do or attempt to do something so horrible, that Jaimee will have to kill her despite how much he loves her. That would make her death epic.

A reminder on the list . . .

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Why did Arya have Thoros of Myr, and Beric on her list? Was it because they didn't kill the Hound, or because they sold Gendry off to the red witch?

Can Bran warg into a white walker doe? game over.

Yo. If he could, he could warg into the NK and off himself.

Sam is probably going to rediscover how to forge/create Valyrian Steel again.

I hope so. Could you imagine armies armed with V. steel swords or obsidian swords?

I'm still a little unclear how this stuff works. The Targaryans ruled and were the rightful heirs to the throne. Their reign was never contested, even when the Mad King was doing what he was doing. It wasn't until Rhagar "took" Lyanna who was betrothed to Robert Baratheon which started Robert's rebellion. Robert killed Rhaegar, but Jaime killed the Mad king. Why is Robert the new King? Is it because he started the rebellion, so he is owed the spoils? Could Jaime have claimed it if he wanted to?

When Ned and Stannis were going on about rightful heir to the throne after Robert died, was that really a legit claim to make? He was only on the Iron throne because he rebelled against the king. What if someone else decides to take up arms against the Baratheons and they win. They will be the new King and start a new dynasty for their family name right? Who does the throne truly belong to then?
IMO, The Targs ruled the Iron Throne, and unless overthrown, the heir of Targ would get the throne (Rhaegar, Viserys, Dany in that order). But because Aerys was overthrown by Robert's Rebellion, he claimed the throne. Technically, Jamie can't claim it because he was Kings Guard, no? If anything, Tywinn probably could have tried to claim the throne but Robert's Rebellion was too strong and Tywinn could've been crushed, so instead Tywinn and the Lannisters betrayed the Targs and pledged to Robert, and created an alliance by marrying his daughter to Robert. 

Dany claims she's the rightful heir to the throne since the Targs ruled for 3 generations and the throne was stripped from them. Stannis/Renly claimed rightful heir because they learned that Robert's kids were not his. 
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D&D confirms that there's only 15 episodes max left. Could be less

dont mind this at all. most series always tend to drag out for the cash grab. this series has built up the story already. 15 episodes of epic scene after scene with not much fillers can make this series possibly the greatest ever.
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