Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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:lol: at Cersei meeting the Night King. She rarely leaves King Landing, hell I don't even see her out the palace after 9pm. Starting to think she be on a curfew
Baratheons had Targ blood going back to the first king Aegon his half brother was a Baratheon
All scenes are not happening immediately after the pervious scenes in sequence. Darros tells Dany they're preparing the ships, and Varys is in Dorne. It could be a month later Cersei is crowned, and another 3 months before the boats are finished and Varys arrives back in Mareen And we see them sailing away.

I think for the sake of keeping the story continuing, time restraints, and not looking like they jump time too often they just fast forward.
Quick question who holds storms end after Stannis died. Now with Tommen dead there House Baratheon is no more right?
no one really holds storms end now, only baratheon left is the bastard gendry
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Rather there be a 15 episode season.

Just wrap this up, and do it big. Take a whole year and a half if you have to.
Wasn't Robert's claim to the throne was that he had a great grandfather who was a Targ?
I don't think that was the reason he used for claiming the throne, because otherwise by default the next Targ heir would get it. I think Robert just took the crown because he was rebelling against the Targ. 
Wasn't Robert's claim to the throne was that he had a great grandfather who was a Targ?
I don't think that was the reason he used for claiming the throne, because otherwise by default the next Targ heir would get it. I think Robert just took the crown because he was rebelling against the Targ. 
Bloodlines matter. If you could just take the crown everyone would do it but you need some sort of claim no matter how small to get people to support you.
Bloodlines matter. If you could just take the crown everyone would do it but you need some sort of claim no matter how small to get people to support you.
yes I know bloodlines matter, hence the constant use of the term "true heir". But I just wasn't sure if having Targ blood was the claim Robert used to get the throne. 
Bloodlines had nothing to do with anything after the rebellion. Ned could have easily claimed it but waited for Rob. Being Targ isn't some pre requisite
Bloodline only matters when it comes to controlling the people
But if the original house are pricks thats a different story
His claim was he started a rebellion and Jaime slayed the king. rhaegar and his fam were killed and viserys and dany fled Westeros. robert being related to targaryens didn't matter. Wasn't there a conversation on the show about how ned could've took the crown if he wanted but let robert get it?

The goal wasn't to continue the targaryen lineage. It was to kill them and robert established his own.
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Bloodlines had nothing to do with anything after the rebellion. Ned could have easily claimed it but waited for Rob. Being Targ isn't some pre requisite
yup thats what I was saying. Every one was turning against Aerys anyway, especially since he wanted to burn the whole city and its citizens to the ground. Rob's rebellion overthrowing the mad king more than enough earned him the throne. He didn't have to claim Targ blood to get the throne. Bloodlines didn't matter for that part, because if it did, rightful heir would've gone to Viserys. 
Robert, Stannis, and Renly's grandmother was Rhaelle Targaryen. Two of Rhaelle's siblings were King Jaehaerys II and Queen Shaera, the parents of the Mad King Aerys II.

This means that Aerys was Robert's first cousin, once removed.
viserys was such a beta targ. Out of all the flavors he chose to be salty and had to be taken out.
I'm still a little unclear how this stuff works. The Targaryans ruled and were the rightful heirs to the throne. Their reign was never contested, even when the Mad King was doing what he was doing. It wasn't until Rhagar "took" Lyanna who was betrothed to Robert Baratheon which started Robert's rebellion. Robert killed Rhaegar, but Jaime killed the Mad king. Why is Robert the new King? Is it because he started the rebellion, so he is owed the spoils? Could Jaime have claimed it if he wanted to?

When Ned and Stannis were going on about rightful heir to the throne after Robert died, was that really a legit claim to make? He was only on the Iron throne because he rebelled against the king. What if someone else decides to take up arms against the Baratheons and they win. They will be the new King and start a new dynasty for their family name right? Who does the throne truly belong to then?
How sway?

Ned could have taken the throne himself, it was as much his rebellion as Robert's, if not more so since he lost his sister, brother and father. But Ned didn't want the throne and he was turned off by Jaime killing the king (since Kingsguard aren't supposed to do that) and Tywin ordering his men to slaughter Rhaegar's kids (which he was strongy against). The most logical choice was Robert, he became the Face of the rebellion. Robert also had some Targaryen blood so in terms of succession, it also made some sense. Jaime didn't want the Throne. If he claimed it, it would have been a disaster. Robert had the momentum and Tywin wanted Jaime in Casterly Rock as his heir.

That's true, anybody can rebel but the biggest rebellions in the story have always involved part Targaryens usurping the throne like the Blackfyre Rebellion.
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