Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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It's really the only logical way it could end, or else Bran seeing into the past and changing things (E.I. Hordor) would be pointless
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Hol up everyone dies, bran goes back to prevent the children from creating the white walkers and then what?

They fast forward to a peaceful future where everyone gets along?
I'd literally hunt down D&D like Javier Bardem did to Josh Brolin in that one movie if they did some **** **** like that.
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Hol up everyone dies, bran goes back to prevent the children from creating the white walkers and then what?

They fast forward to a peaceful future where everyone gets along?

Fast forwards to a peaceful future where Ramsey is king and all is good and right in the world.
Man if you don't get outta here with that bull! Ya mans is literally controlled by Vinnie Del Negro with Down syndrome in the background of that gif. Little Failure is gonna be the next dude to get got. Take that to the bank!
You Snowboys are dumber than you look.

:lol: @ LF is controlled by Del Negro? What show are you watching?

Bank? We talking about banks now? Can you Snowboys count to 10 let alone balance an account?

You throwing jabs at the former master of coin b.

You too poor to play this game of thrones.

View media item 2483528
I don't give a **** if he was formerly the master of the backyard BBQ. LF played himself and he's toast this season.

When he's gone, and you broke and penniless, there ain't gonna be no simpathy from the true Snow supporters. So don't come cryin in here when that jabroni dies. Peasant.
View media item 2483533
Hol up everyone dies, bran goes back to prevent the children from creating the white walkers and then what?

They fast forward to a peaceful future where everyone gets along?
Impossible (which is why its a corny and creatively bankrupt way to go).

You stop the whitewalkers and the night king okay, some ppl don't die but LF still has Arryn killed, Ned still becomes hand of the king and dies, Robb still goes to war and gets murked in the red wedding. And everything with Dany still happens.

The key difference is the night's watch is mainly peaceful. The wildlings aren't banding together to enter the north. Jon doesn't become commander. Probably never smashes Ygritte. His key conflict is now betraying his oath either when Ned dies or when Robb gets slaughtered. Given there are no ice zombies as a threat he has no reason to stay.

Whole crew going get it..

George.. the showrunners.. the writers.. directors

I'll spare some of the actresses

Please, Peter Dinklage would give all y'all dem paws.
That's actually one other scenario I'd like to see other than what we got. Tyrion just outsmarting and dismantling Ramsey :lol:

Man if you don't get outta here with that bull! Ya mans is literally controlled by Vinnie Del Negro with Down syndrome in the background of that gif. Little Failure is gonna be the next dude to get got. Take that to the bank!
You Snowboys are dumber than you look.

:lol: @ LF is controlled by Del Negro? What show are you watching?

Bank? We talking about banks now? Can you Snowboys count to 10 let alone balance an account?

You throwing jabs at the former master of coin b.

You too poor to play this game of thrones.

View media item 2483528
I don't give a **** if he was formerly the master of the backyard BBQ. LF played himself and he's toast this season.
This is why you sound like a horse's ***.


When he's gone, and you broke and penniless, there ain't gonna be no simpathy from the true Snow supporters. So don't come cryin in here when that jabroni dies. Peasant.
View media item 2483533
Sympathy? From your ilk? Yall softer than snow boys need to snap in to reality ASAP.

Unlike you, if LF dies I aint gonna be sad looking for comfort and sympathy. That'd just betray what LF was about. Not none of that ********ery you on.

Besides my boy Tyrion still holding it down for genius manipulators with swag :smokin
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You gotta be a special type of person to be enamoured with Stannis, LF or Ramsey....them dudes are the equivalent of Trump, McConell and Bannon.
I expect that from your ***** made ***.

Snow simply doesn't have the swag or personality for me to be supporting him. Dude is pretty boring and brood too much

Arya is the realest character with Stark blood left on the show.

Everybody else isna scumbag in some shape or form.

I also don't get grouping Stannis with LF and Ramsey. Son is even more boring than Jon. At least LF and Ramsey have some clear extreme things about them that a person may dislike. Stannis out here doing **** cuz of duty and right of succession. Meh.

Sounding a lot like yall settled for who you support.

Littlefinger is basically brethren to the homey Frank Underwood :pimp: #Root4theBadGuy

Bringing up Trump, Bannon, and McConnell in to this is just the predictable scumbag liberal fake progressive tactic when they have no point. Not to mention none of those 3 are smart enough to pull off what Littlefinger has.
Can't knock LF's hussle and I don't think anyone here is questioning his genius, but we all see that he's trying to hard for some Sansa yambs and that's going to be the death of him. Dude is powerful and can have any chick, but he's going to throw it all away for Sansa's goofy ***.
Varys has done more than LF and with far more grace...LF just trying to survive...Cersei had your mans shook, lettuce not forget.
Varys has done more than LF and with far more grace...LF just trying to survive...Cersei had your mans shook, lettuce not forget.
 I wouldn't say he's done more than LF. Sure Varys and Illyario had their scheme and play a small role in the war of the 5 kings, but LF was the real master behind it. Also Varys has no actual power, but LF has at least the Vale. And let's not forget Varys had to flee KL after Tyrion killed Tywin, so you could say he was shook too. 

However, I do agree he's finished this season. 
Can't knock LF's hussle and I don't think anyone here is questioning his genius, but we all see that he's trying to hard for some Sansa yambs and that's going to be the death of him. Dude is powerful and can have any chick, but he's going to throw it all away for Sansa's goofy ***.
No. I feel he's treating Sansa the same way he treated Cat. And I said it before I question highly if he really loved Cat or at least still loved her. Son showed no sadness regarding her death and just moved on to Sansa.

The only reason he's around Sansa is because of her last name. As things stood, she was the key to him controlling the North, same way he pushed ol girl out the moon door and is using Vinny Del Negro to run the Vale he wanted to do similar with Sansa in the North. No different than when he was overseeing Riverrun. I mean even Sansa knows he doesn't love her. Outright told him. Yet some of yall are fooled by Petyr's act.

Only thing that's been more laughable is ppl making up the whole LF answers to Vinny Del Negro when nothing in the show has shown any evidence of that.

If the North becomes firmly in Jon's or somebody else's control or Sansa does something stupid like renounce her Stark rights or name LF gonna drop her like a bad habit. Probably even kill her, then move on to trying to manipulate Dany or Cersi :lol:

Varys has done more than LF and with far more grace.
You're just saying things now.

You need to rewatch the show.

LF just trying to survive...Cersei had your mans shook, lettuce not forget.
In all of the seasons (and in the history of the books), look at what's happened to anybody that hemmed up Petyr or even put their hands on him and what happens to them later.

Brandon Stark = Dead; strangled
Ned Stark = Dead; beheaded
Cersi Lannister = Imprisoned, strip naked and embarrassed; soon to be dead

It goes on and on

And wait who put their hands on LF in the recent trailer?

I know Petyr didn't directly cause those deaths blah blah. Chaos is a ladder ***** and these fools don't know how to climb it.

Only a matter of time before Littlefinger lets loose his Braavosi killers on all these pretenders.
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No. I feel he's treating Sands the same way he treated Cat. And I said it before I question highly if he really loved Cat or at least still loved her. Son showed no sadness regarding her death and just moved on to Sansa.

The only reason he's around Sansa is because of her last name. As things stood, she was the key to him controlling the North, same way he pushed ol girl out the moon door and is using Vinny Del Negro to run the Vale. I mean even Sansa knows he doesn't love her. Yet some of yall are fooled by Petyr's act.
 In their last scene together Sansa literally rejects LF's advance for another kiss. That wasn't an I know you don't love me rejection it was an I don't like you like that rejection.

LF absolutely has Vinny Del Negro in his pocket though. No idea where the idea he was running things came from 
No. I feel he's treating Sands the same way he treated Cat. And I said it before I question highly if he really loved Cat or at least still loved her. Son showed no sadness regarding her death and just moved on to Sansa.

The only reason he's around Sansa is because of her last name. As things stood, she was the key to him controlling the North, same way he pushed ol girl out the moon door and is using Vinny Del Negro to run the Vale. I mean even Sansa knows he doesn't love her. Yet some of yall are fooled by Petyr's act.

 In their last scene together Sansa literally rejects LF's advance for another kiss. That wasn't an I know you don't love me rejection it was an I don't like you like that rejection.

LF absolutely has Vinny Del Negro in his pocket though. No idea where the idea he was running things came from :lol:  
What I think he's doing (and I think its a bit clear) is repeatedly telling Sansa's dumbass he loves her until she believes it. He's gonna do something to show her he loves her. She'll deny deny that he's for real until she believes. That's when Petyr will have her :lol: Since shes older, experienced some hard horrible **** but still dumb as rocks (basically inviting LF and a mad child ruler only controlled by LF in to Winterfell) that's the angle he has to go.

It almost worked with the whole I guess I'll die if you tell Brienne to kill me. Son had no intention of dying by the hands of Brienne of Tar :lol:

Cmon Zik....LF not touching Johnny :lol:
He won't have to
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100% chance LF is dead this season ..yall really think he has a storyline going forward in the show :lol:

Only Heavy Hitters from now on
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