Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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100% chance LF is dead this season ..yall really think he has a storyline going forward in the show :lol:

Only Heavy Hitters from now on
You're not serious are you.?

Show wise he's the biggest player in the game of thrones.
100% chance LF is dead this season ..yall really think he has a storyline going forward in the show :lol:

Only Heavy Hitters from now on

Carcetti Fingers gon link up with the Night King.
Bout to give NK a call in ep1 of s7

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You would have to think varys has been keeping tabs on that slime and it's not like tyrion isn't also clever.

Plus what would he be able to do against the night king anyway?
I think little finger will ask Jon too marry Sansa this season

That would get Jon to grab LF's collar.

You would have to think varys has been keeping tabs on that slime and it's not like tyrion isn't also clever.
Whether they've been keeping tabs don't matter since they work for somebody else.

For all their cleverness, Tyrion was about to be executed and had no outs for himself. Jad to be savee by combined efforts of Jamie and Varys.

Varys hightailed it out of town too with nobody within the realm powerful enough to protect him since that's basically what he has to do.

Meanwhile, Petyr walked out of Kong's Landing to go lord over Riverrun and eventually all of the Vale with Cersi knowing full well he aint her ally.

Plus what would he be able to do against the night king anyway?
Probably get his 2nd in command to consider usurping his power causing infighting and a huge fracture in their ice zombie wave.
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Honestly? Jokes aside.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Varys sitting on the iron throne when the dust settles.
Night King ain't here to make friends :lol:

He here to catch them paws all types of different ways.

Seriously when Daenyrys makes it over she's going to cook them boys. They're not even interesting.

The real story is all these various personalities vying for the throne. That's just some bonus ****. Yeah yeah. I'm sure the bastard king of the north will put in work too.
Honestly? Jokes aside.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Varys sitting on the iron throne when the dust settles.
If handled just the right way that would be a great final act.

All this time Varys was on some LF **** but also on some what's best for the realm steez. He just figured he's what's best for the realm :lol: :pimp:

With that said with all the rampant bigotry in this world and it only being stifled by a show of force I doubt the man with no balls ends up on the Iron throne for long.

Dudes can barely get over Jon being a "bastard" and when his true heritage is revealed while he'll then have a legit claim I doubt that's gonna be a plus for him amongst the ppl. Gonna need some Varys spin to sell that.
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there's really no reason for any of the houses to **** with Varys like that, no kids and can't father kids. Jon really got the most assets to barter with, Sansa, Arya and possibly Bran if his boys still can swim. doesn't seem like he cares about the throne anyway, even tho he the only one looking out for westeros really.
all these snow blowers going to be on danys balls by the end of this season.
Disgusting fickle *** supporters
I know you guys been in here everyday :lol: but checking in. Been so hyped and ready for the 16th. Having a viewing party and everything.
I kinda want R'hollor's red cult to end up ruling somehow. Combine their powers and a red captain planet appears.

I haven't really checked for any GOT youtube channels except for when Emergency Awesome but a channel called TheLastHarpy popped up on my youtube app. The videos get a lot of views and he'll analyze whatever crazy theories fans have. I watched the one about the waif is actually alive and killed arya and is wearing her face but it doesn't make sense. There would be no reason for her to travel to westeros and act like arya and kill walder frey.
Question, since the tyrells,boltons, and Lannisters wanted to use Sansa to gain claim to the North, did the sand snakes low key kill off the Martells potential claim to throne by offing Mrycella?
Don't think the Martells care about the throne, queen Sand Snake only wants revenge on the Lannisters.
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