Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I kinda want R'hollor's red cult to end up ruling somehow. Combine their powers and a red captain planet appears.

I haven't really checked for any GOT youtube channels except for when Emergency Awesome but a channel called TheLastHarpy popped up on my youtube app. The videos get a lot of views and he'll analyze whatever crazy theories fans have. I watched the one about the waif is actually alive and killed arya and is wearing her face but it doesn't make sense. There would be no reason for her to travel to westeros and act like arya and kill walder frey.
Yeah that waif theory doesn't make sense to me either.

I watch most of Emergency Awesome videos too, but he's starting to me merge the book and show into one and so some of his theories (or the ones he talks about) don't end up making sense in respect to the show.
I kinda want R'hollor's red cult to end up ruling somehow. Combine their powers and a red captain planet appears.

I haven't really checked for any GOT youtube channels except for when Emergency Awesome but a channel called TheLastHarpy popped up on my youtube app. The videos get a lot of views and he'll analyze whatever crazy theories fans have. I watched the one about the waif is actually alive and killed arya and is wearing her face but it doesn't make sense. There would be no reason for her to travel to westeros and act like arya and kill walder frey.

Alt Shift X is my favorite GOT youtube page, goes very in depth and informative
Didn't we talk about them before? They're good they throw a bit of their own theories in there as well (which everyone does)
Question, since the tyrells,boltons, and Lannisters wanted to use Sansa to gain claim to the North, did the sand snakes low key kill off the Martells potential claim to throne by offing Mrycella?
The Tyrell's along with Littlefinger did that by killing Joffrey and then Cersi basically did the rest by causing To men to commit that.

The female claim to a house or throne isn't as strong as a male heirs.

Cersi's holding it by claiming to be widow of the king and mother (queen regent) of the king that succeeded her husband.

Its all illegitimate.
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Question, since the tyrells,boltons, and Lannisters wanted to use Sansa to gain claim to the North, did the sand snakes low key kill off the Martells potential claim to throne by offing Mrycella?

It's not the same type of claim. A female ruler over Westeros has a weak claim (unless she incinerates every one with dragonfire). There would never be a Martell on the Iron Throne unless they beat the Lannisters. The Boltons on the other hand were running things in the North for a time so as long as they had a Stark in Winterfell that would keep the other Northern houses in line even if Sansa was being tortured behind closed doors. The same would be impossible in Kings Landing because the Lannisters are too strong or were too strong.
About to start season 5 of my re-watch before the premiere.5 is the worst season in my opinion.

5 was bad because 4 was so dope in comparison.

I remember hating 5 in the moment but I loved it on the rewatch.

Season 4 of GOT is my favorite season of any show ever.
About to start season 5 of my re-watch before the premiere.5 is the worst season in my opinion.

I agree with 5 being the weakest( I blame Martin taking forever to finish that book)...not bad, but not nearly as good as the other seasons, although Hardhome was epic probably it's saving grace.
Idk episode 10 was flawless. BOB was dope but Cersei blowing up the Sept was ****.
That was easily a top 10 scene as well but the entire episode leading up to that was a snooze fest. But yea great scene

Didnt that happen at the beginning of the ep? Havent gotten to S6 yet for my rewatch so I don't remember exactly, but yeah I thought the ep started with her blowing up the sept
Idk episode 10 was flawless. BOB was dope but Cersei blowing up the Sept was ****.
That was easily a top 10 scene as well but the entire episode leading up to that was a snooze fest. But yea great scene

Didnt that happen at the beginning of the ep? Havent gotten to S6 yet for my rewatch so I don't remember exactly, but yeah I thought the ep started with her blowing up the sept

It did. Cold open with the music playing was dope
Didnt that happen at the beginning of the ep? Havent gotten to S6 yet for my rewatch so I don't remember exactly, but yeah I thought the ep started with her blowing up the sept

It did, it just took a while for all the dominoes to start falling( like half the episode). It was nearly a silent movie, until that point. Am I the only one, or does everyone else think Cercei is finally gonna get what's coming this season? I'm wondering who will get the honor.... I think everyone in Westeros wants her dead except maybe Qyburn and the Mountain (if he even counts).
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Idk episode 10 was flawless. BOB was dope but Cersei blowing up the Sept was ****.
That was easily a top 10 scene as well but the entire episode leading up to that was a snooze fest. But yea great scene

Didnt that happen at the beginning of the ep? Havent gotten to S6 yet for my rewatch so I don't remember exactly, but yeah I thought the ep started with her blowing up the sept
Nah, it took some really nice build up to lead to the Sept blowing up or at least that's how I remember it :lol: I may be including scenes of previous eps.

Happened somewhere after the start cuz there was some considerable aftermath and other stuff focused on.
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The scene that lead to the Sept blowing up lasted 20 minutes. That entire sequence was dope. Maybe the best 20 minutes of the show
Just came across this, dope! :pimp:

Edit-- embed trippin', here's the link:

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And don't blame Martin on that. Blame d&d for going off script attempting to do their own thing and ruin done.
Could've been so much more dope
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It did, it just took a while for all the dominoes to start falling( like half the episode). It was nearly a silent movie, until that point. Am I the only one, or does everyone else think Cercei is finally gonna get what's coming this season? I'm wondering who will get the honor.... I think everyone in Westeros wants her dead except maybe Qyburn and the Mountain (if he even counts).

Jamie taking her out bruh
Jamie taking her out bruh

I'm leaning that way too it just seems to fit to well, and maybe the one thing that could bring some honor back to jamie. Although Queen of thorns, mama snake, sand snakes, littlefinger, Dani, Tyrion, and Arya all could make a play too. I'm sure I'm missing, or overlooking someone lol for all I know it could be the septa she'sgot captive. That's it for me in this thread, unless something huge happens don't want to spoil the season for myslef... happy thrones guys only 2 weeks left and can't wait.
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