Official Hair Thread

Asian doesn't look good with braid imo.
Originally Posted by shaolin


did you goto a shop to get those braids?
Yeah, tried to get the sides cleaned up a bit and the back a little. A few small hair sticking out though, hard to braid my hair since it'ssmooth and straight.
I want to get my hair braided again but I'm not trying to pay too much, I need to go meet some people who know how to braid
Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

Originally Posted by shaolin


did you goto a shop to get those braids?
Yeah, tried to get the sides cleaned up a bit and the back a little. A few small hair sticking out though, hard to braid my hair since it's smooth and straight.
I want to get my hair braided again but I'm not trying to pay too much, I need to go meet some people who know how to braid

yeah i know, asian hair doesnt looks to clean after the third day in braids cause it so sleek.

how long have you been growing your hair out?

im tryna get to your lenght so i can donate to locks of love
I'm in the process of growing mines. been 2 months. I have a cowlick and it's horrible. I think I'ma just cut it.
to the asian with the long hair..braids could have been cleaner...she should have seperated your hair more and used lets jam to hold it down more since youhave smooth hair
Asian dudes hair isn't getting any better with his braids, and they fugly too imo
Originally Posted by parada45

I got that Troy Palamalou Hair

I will try and post later

Nah don't worry about it.

I'm tryna get some type of a mild fade. I have kept my head shaved for a few years. I wanna switch it up
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Originally Posted by aaronj

picking out the bush in the morning when it's matted down FTL.!

UGH, I hated having to do that.

Got my hair in dreadlocks right now. It'll be 10 months on the 10th.

yeah its the worst. but wow, 10 months that's what's up! gettin' close to a year lol. thats my ultimate goal tho , locs that is, but my mom'sfakin hella hard so looks like imma be with the bush/braids for a while.
Originally Posted by shaolin

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

Originally Posted by shaolin


did you goto a shop to get those braids?
Yeah, tried to get the sides cleaned up a bit and the back a little. A few small hair sticking out though, hard to braid my hair since it's smooth and straight.
I want to get my hair braided again but I'm not trying to pay too much, I need to go meet some people who know how to braid

yeah i know, asian hair doesnt looks to clean after the third day in braids cause it so sleek.

how long have you been growing your hair out?

im tryna get to your lenght so i can donate to locks of love
I think it's been about 3.5 years? I would say my hair grows quite slow. I think during the time period I only gotten two trims? Maybe three.
I've had times where I thought about cutting it and what not, but it always comes back to hearing of how many people regret it.
All I know is that when I do decide to cut it, it's probably gonna be donated as well.

I wish I just had black hair instead of the mixed wavy $!+! I braids be gettin dusty after like a week....oh well...might try dreads but I'llprobably end up rockin my $!+! long for a minute.
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