Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

downloaded panorama through website.... pretty dope!
two questions:

1. What are the downsides to jailbreaking your iPhone? Does it make your iPhone run slower, or can your iPhone get bricked?
2. When you make your own ringtones (by changing the file from .m4a to m4r), how come I can't get more than 10 songs to become ringtones?

thanks in advance to anyone who can help me!
So I just spent the last 1-2 hours jailbreaking my phone and reading this entire thread.


Other then the apps posted on page 1, what apps do you find yourself using the most?

Where do I find the games from the app store that cost money?
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

So I just spent the last 1-2 hours jailbreaking my phone and reading this entire thread.


Other then the apps posted on page 1, what apps do you find yourself using the most?

Where do I find the games from the app store that cost money?
Launch Appstore > Categories >> Games
Originally Posted by Can I Live

why does customize always crash after it opens up???

Some dude here said because it's for 2.0 firmware.
It crashed on me too and I'm on 2.1, so that would make sense.
1. What are the downsides to jailbreaking your iPhone? Does it make your iPhone run slower, or can your iPhone get bricked?

It does run a bit slower, but nothing too drastic. You can disable the brick option on your phone, search throw cydia.

how u put the videos from cycorder onto your computer?

I believe that was mentioned on the last page or pg 15

Where do I find the games from the app store that cost money?

(from first page)

find all apps that you need to pay for, they are updated several times a time.
ok im 99% sure these are the last of my questions for atleast a week

  • How can i take a screenshot of my locked screen? ex. when it says slide to unlock
  • How what settings do i put in for swirly mms? btw: (iphone 3g 16gb, att, 2.1 fw)
I'll be happy when there's more icons for the a8stract theme.
Pandora, SportsTap, and a Beejive Icon would be nice.
so in order to get games using the NES emulator i need to have access to a computer i cant download it directly to the phone??
I downloaded Spore, Super Monkey Ball, and Crash Kart...they open in itunes, they are in my applications...but then when I sync my phone it says that therewere errors and all 3 of them didnt get installed.

What am I doing wrong?
if i remember correctly you have to change the mobileinstallation file on your iphone first for you to sync apps you dl
iSlsk is a great app. I have it for my iPod touch. It lets you download songs directly to your iPod. It's like the iTunes store but for free.
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

I downloaded Spore, Super Monkey Ball, and Crash Kart...they open in itunes, they are in my applications...but then when I sync my phone it says that there were errors and all 3 of them didnt get installed.

What am I doing wrong?
im $@#$@$% mad right now...
i had to restore, i thought it restored successfully, it took me to the slide for emergency then it took me to the springboard, the way it was when i bought it

but i think then i tried to restore my backup for my contacts and wifi settings etc, and that failed so i had to restore it
now i cant even put it in recovery mode

is there anyway that apple will exchange it?
if i got to the apple store will they fix it or give me a new one?
will they know it was jailbroken or i tried to jailbreak it?

SJSneakerHead, you're better off just downloading them from your device.
I believe the "how to" has been mentioned in here and may be on the first page as well.
I know for sure the source you'll need for cydia is "".
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