Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

ok im highly considering to jailbreak my iphone, I have had a first generation one since launch. I believe my warranty is over on it. Is there a risk to jailbreaking it? thanks alot

nope, do it asap. you will be wondering why you never did it before
i see all the links on page 1 but is there a tutorial on how to do it? also will it get rid of data already on my phone if i jailbreak it?
Bout to jailbreak mine. Hope everything runs smooth.

Edit:Help....I downloaded quickpwn and extracted it. Then when I tried opening it, it says the application failed to initialize properly.
What should I do?
I just made the switch from my Blackberry Bold to an Iphone 3G this week. I'm loving it. Just did a jailbreak on it yesterday and it's amazing. Finallygot rid of that dumb SMS popup preview using iBlacklist. I don't miss my Bold at all so far.
lets say i jailbreak my iphone and then something goes wrong, and i then decide to restore it. when i go to best buy to get it fixed, will they know ijailbreaked it?

and do you have to pay for most 3rd party apps and do u think jailbreaking is worth it?
Just JB mine like an hour can someone tell me how to get this thing unlocked to be able to use my T-mobile sim card!!
Can someone recommend some new themes? I had a BB one a while back, then I went back to default and now I'm tired of that. Screenshots would beappreciated.
NT i got this iphone today i bout it unlocked and jail broken. I place my tmobile sim in and it started working fine. i could text and call out. all of suddenthe iphone started 2 freeze alot. so i decied 2 reset it thru the phone. the phone got stuck on the apple logo and finally after restoring it thru the computerit has me at the screen where i can make an emergency call but i cant use any of the apps or even get INTO my iphone im only allowed 2 make calls. is there anysuggestions on how 2 fix this? im guess this is where i post stuff like this...didnt see any other threads

PLease PM ME with an answer
jailbreaking is too confusing
and i dont know what the point of it is. i will paypall someone $5 bucks to explain and guide me to installing the newthemes jailbreaking and all that good stuff!

I really just want to be able to have a new theme preferably the one that was posted a few pages back and small things like how to change the name to the rightof the signal bars
The classic game of Myst has arrived in the App Store. Myst is a 1993 game that was originally developed for the Mac under Apple's HyperCard application.While rather simplistic by today's standards, the game was both a critical and commercial success becoming the best selling computer game up until thattime.

The game starts you on a strange island where you must explore your surroundings, solve puzzles and figure out the backstory.

The interface is entirely point-and-click driven. Switches, clues and other hints are explored by tapping on interesting items on the screen. There are alsomany puzzle elements that must be solved in order to complete the game.

A video of the game shows it from the launch which should bring back memories for fans of the original game:
can someone school me on NES ROMS? i downloaded the program, so i need the roms? I download the roms and do what with them

this is seriously getting me

my friends send me text messages, but occasionally, i dont get it instantly, its sometimes delayed nearly 5 minutes, its been happening for like 2 months orso, but usually it doesnt matter much since im not a big texter and 5 minutes isnt that big, but i just got a text message, and it got to my iphone 20 minuteslate, does anyone else experience this problem or know what i should do?
my friends that i sent text messages too are on ATT and Verizon btw

edit: iono why my post is so spaced out, cant fix it sorry

can someone help me jailbreak my 3g. i have version 2.2.1 (5H11)
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

can someone help me jailbreak my 3g. i have version 2.2.1 (5H11)


[table][tr][td]Next iPhone to Include Movie Editing and Sharing App?[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]May 01, 2009 - 4:24 AM - by cash7c3[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
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There have been a ton of leaks and rumors concerning video on the next iPhone which we are expecting to be revealed in June. It isn't a very far stretch to believe that Apple is going to take things a step further with some sort of iMovie-like application for the iPhone.

[table][tr][td]I've spoken with a source that is familiar with Apple's plans for the next iPhone, which may well be announced at Apple's Worldwide[/td] [/tr][/table]
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[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Unofficial iPhone 3.0 Beta 4 Jailbreak Released (iPhone 3g Only)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Apr 30, 2009 - 2:37 PM - by cash7c3[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 468x407.[/td] [/tr][/table]

MMi member moderator StealthBravo has released a patched Quickpwn utilizing a beta 4 3G bundle cracked by HoZy and lilstevie. The current version is iPhone 3g only! The jailbreak is Windows only (packaged in windows QuickPWN).

Like the previous 3.0 beta jailbreaks this one installs Icy (Cydia isn't ready yet). Also like previous 3.0 beta jailbreaks you need to have your iPhones UDID in a dev account. StealthBravo has also put together instructions to troubleshoot common problems in his ... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 108 Replies | 7,438 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Quickoffice for iPhone Out! Good but not Complete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Apr 22, 2009 - 4:38 PM - by cash7c3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

The long awaited Quickoffice has finally hit the App Store (itunes link $19.99). The iPhone has been lacking a solid package of applications to easily view and edit Office documents and Quickoffice fills that spot nicely except for a few major flaws.

The Good
  • Quickword is nice and full-featured allowing you to create and edit word documents with the features you'd expect like copy/paste (even between documents) along with formatting options (font sizes, styles, etc.).
  • Quicksheet while a little laggy renders Excel worksheets well and includes a whopping 125 functions and formulas to handle most of your spreadsheeting needs.
  • Quickoffice File is just excellent when integrated with MobileMe. Simply drag files to your iDisk and bam they are editable on the iPhone.
The Bad
  • Where did predictive txt go? The iPhone keyboard can be difficult to type on and the built-in predictive text feature really should be working in Quickoffice.
  • Copy/Paste is missing from Quicksheet. It
... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 23 Replies | 3,465 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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iPhone vs. Pre - Internal AT&T Document Kicks Palm's Booty
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[table][tr][td]Apr 22, 2009 - 3:32 PM - by cash7c3[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1089x786.[/td] [/tr][/table]

AT&T is firing up to point out all the ways the iPhone wins against the Pre if this leaked internal document is any indication. Good old competition. While there are many things on the list above that can be disputed some of them seem to be fact. The pre won't work in the rest of the world as it is being released on Sprint (sad), the screen is smaller, 3d graphics limitations, and other various things.

Surprisingly the document actually lists some (well only one) of the Pre's advantages: a full QWERTY keyboard. What? Did you think AT&T was going to publish reasons the Pre might be better than the iPhone?

edit: ppl have asked "why the bogus comparison"
a) This is an internal AT&T document. AT&T is not going to publish a document saying that the Palm Pre on Sprint is better than the iPhone on AT&T. Duh.
b) Why don't you educate everyone else... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][/table]
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[table][tr][td]AT&T Doubling 3G Speed (And SEXTUPLING Soon)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Apr 20, 2009 - 4:47 PM - by poetic_folly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

AT&T is doing some big network upgrades. The current 3G cap on the AT&T network is 3.6 megabits per second - that'd be increasing to 7.2 Mb/s. They're doing software upgrades at all the base stations to get this boost.

HSPA (the technology behind AT&T's "3G" network) can be pushed to 14.4 MB/s - but due to technical issues and the readiness of HSPA+ (call it 4G), AT&T will be skipping over that upgrade to move their network to full on 4G HSPA+ later this year. That's speeds of up to 21 Mb/s, nearly 6 times what they've currently got.

This could be the "significantly faster internet speeds" rumored to be coming on the new iPhones rolling out this June.

With the rumors of Apple gearing up for a... [Read More][/td] [/tr][tr][td] 84 Replies | 6,621 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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16GB iPhone 3G - $149 through AT&T [REFURB]
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[table][tr][td]Apr 20, 2009 - 4:07 PM - by poetic_folly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Check it out folks - AT&T has got refurb iPhone 3Gs on sale - $149. The 8GB is on sale for $99.

Looks like they're clearing out the shelves...

AT&T via MacRumors[/td] [/tr][tr][td] 38 Replies | 5,472 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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HD Video Output in Next iPhone Model?
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[table][tr][td]Apr 20, 2009 - 4:03 PM - by poetic_folly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Remember the $49 Apple Composite AV Cable and the $49 Apple Component AV Cable? That let you currently output 480i and 480p video to your TV from your iPhone and iPod Touch (respectively)? Well Apple is telling all Apple Authorized Retailers to clear those out of inventory.


The guys at PhoneNews have "confirmed" (rumor alert) Apple will be releasing a new cable - the Apple AV Cable. The cable will support both component and composite output, so folks can easily plug in to their HD and SD TV's without having to buy separate cables.

But that's not the best part - supposedly, the reason behind this is the new iPhone and iPod Touch models
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ok i need to know how to jailbreak my 3G. i have 02.30 firmware
I dont know if this is the correct thread, but can I jailbreak my itouch in order to play online window media player??
so my t-mobile contract is boutta end. I want to switch to AT&T. All this news saying a new iphone boutta drop in a month or two. Should i just get a 3Gfor now or wait till the new iphone drops? anyone know how much this new iphone is gon be?
heres what im working with...i customized it a bit
....i just cant get the weatherto show??
Apple Now Offering to Swap Water-Damaged iPhones for $199

ifoAppleStore reports that Apple is now offering the opportunity for users with water-damaged iPhones to swap their units for working refurbished units for a fee of $199.

The new policy applies to out-of-warranty incidents that would normally require the purchase of a new phone, and also trigger an extention of the owner’s two-year AT&T contract. Under the new policy, the iPhone owner simply pays a one-time $199 price for a refurbished handset, and transfers the SIM card to the new device.
The report speculates that the policy change may be a means of allowing Apple to clear stock of refurbished iPhones ahead of a rumored summer launch of a new model, although it may simply be a general easing of Apple's repair policies.

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