Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

ok guys u can disregard my previous problems( if you been reading them). i successfully unlocked the iphone
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

I'm scared to jailbreak my iPhone...Should I be?
As long as you follow right along with the guide, it's extremely simple... I was worried about doing it too, but finally decided to give it ashot this past weekend... It's easy, and it's crazy how much better the stuff you can do is once you actually unlock it...
Stupid question, but when I turn on call-waiting it says "could not save call-waiting setting." Therefore I have no call-waiting. Can someone lead inthe right direction?
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by needemjs

Ok can someone please help me.... I downloaded customize and when i got to strings or customize images/sounds its all empty...where do i go to download the images/sounds and strings????

Any ASAP help would be greatly cause im like sitting here extra lost
Devs for customize abandoned it already.

I don't need anything new. Honestly, I just wanna change my slide to unlock to my custom words without having to do it thru the computer
Originally Posted by needemjs

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by needemjs

Ok can someone please help me.... I downloaded customize and when i got to strings or customize images/sounds its all empty...where do i go to download the images/sounds and strings????

Any ASAP help would be greatly cause im like sitting here extra lost
Devs for customize abandoned it already.

I don't need anything new. Honestly, I just wanna change my slide to unlock to my custom words without having to do it thru the computer
whats going on with customize? everyone's is crashing... Will they come out with a new one?
Lock Widget 2.0



Originally Posted by icykicks79

Originally Posted by needemjs

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by needemjs

Ok can someone please help me.... I downloaded customize and when i got to strings or customize images/sounds its all empty...where do i go to download the images/sounds and strings????

Any ASAP help would be greatly cause im like sitting here extra lost
Devs for customize abandoned it already.

I don't need anything new. Honestly, I just wanna change my slide to unlock to my custom words without having to do it thru the computer
whats going on with customize? everyone's is crashing... Will they come out with a new one?
Don't think so. Just use Winterboard
Nice Crank.

Originally Posted by thapointguy

which keyboard has the caps lock button on there?

Caps lock is when you press the shift key twice(similar to double clicking)
You have to make sure it's enabled though by going to settings > general > keyboard.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by icykicks79

Originally Posted by needemjs

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by needemjs

Ok can someone please help me.... I downloaded customize and when i got to strings or customize images/sounds its all empty...where do i go to download the images/sounds and strings????

Any ASAP help would be greatly cause im like sitting here extra lost
Devs for customize abandoned it already.

I don't need anything new. Honestly, I just wanna change my slide to unlock to my custom words without having to do it thru the computer
whats going on with customize? everyone's is crashing... Will they come out with a new one?
Don't think so. Just use Winterboard
But i wish you could edit strings, like customize the text in the "slide to unlock" thing, and stuff like that.. Or could you do that inwinterboard?
Ok so I jailbroke my phone one time, and was i did it i lost all service i had no bars. Is there a good way to jailbreak it or how do i do it so i can getservice. Im with AT&T.
But i wish you could edit strings, like customize the text in the "slide to unlock" thing, and stuff like that.. Or could you do that in winterboard?
you can do that, you can change the color of your text bubbles, replace the "tmobile" text with your own or add your own little logo upthere appulos and monkeyball are gone...anyone know another source for ipa's? i wanna get that tennis game..
man real talk its coming down to a game time decision lol i like the iphone but i like the G1 too... im leaving my curve in the wind tommorrow for one of thetwo.. im just really worried about the typing on here... does it get better with time? would i be able to ever type a message without looking?
Rumor: Adobe to Bring Flash to iPhone
dobe and ARM have announced that they are working together to optimize and enable Adobe Flash Player 10 and Adobe AIR for ARM Powered devices. The optimization is targeted to the existing ARM11 family, which includes the iPhone.

They have jointly released this statement;

"The collaboration is expected to accelerate mobile graphics and video capabilities on ARM platforms to bring rich Internet applications and Web services to mobile devices and consumer electronics worldwide."

The details of this joint venture are somewhat lacking but it appears to be that the optimization will deliver Adobe Flash to existing mobile devices that are based on the latest ARM platforms. The optimization is set to be available in the latter half of 2009.

PC Magazine writes, "devices with at least 200 MHz processors, more than around 16 Mbytes of RAM and a 'completely capable [Web] browser' will be able to render Web-based Flash content." The iPhone of course fits right into all of the said categories and has caused speculators to wonder if this could mean Flash functionality for the current iPhone.

However, just back this past March Steve Jobs, claimed that the iPhone is not capable of the full Flash support;

"As Jobs put it Tuesday during the company's annual shareholder meeting, Apple's iPhone, with all its cutting-edge mobile Internet trickery, needs something much better than the current Flash player that Adobe makes for cellphones. The Flash Player option that fits the bill is made for devices like laptops that are larger than the iPhone; as a consequence, it performs too slowly on the iPhone, he said."

In the end the decision is up to Apple. Although current iPhone SDK terms prevent Adobe from creating a fully integrated version of Flash for the iPhone.

Source: Mac Rumors: Apple Mac Rumors and News You Care About

hopefully this is true .. also it seems I'm going to have to wait EVEN LONGER to jb because it isnt safe with 2.2 yet
.. I might just crackand jb with 2.1 and then not upgrade to 2.2 for a while..

Crank - dope lock screen widget
Originally Posted by icykicks79

Originally Posted by Djoker33

Originally Posted by Jonahtheballer

where you get the lock widget?
• Status Notifier - can be downloaded from Cydia orhere. If you download it from Google Code, use these instructions to install it.
• WinterBoard
• en.plist - Download HERE - see configuration for instructions
Downloads: to Unlock Widget to Unlock Widget

Configuration & How to Use:

You should have download en.plist from the top of this post. If you did not, please do so now.

Only use this file if you speak English and your device is set to use English. Otherwise, please contact me. Once you have the file, drop it into System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/DateFormats. Then reboot.

By default, the Widget will show the weather for Charleston, WV in Fahrenheit, with the minis icon set, updating every 20 minutes. This can all be changed in the ConfigureMe.js. To configure:

• Open the Lock Screen Widget
• Open the Private folder inside the theme
• Open ConfigureMe.js in a standard Text Editor
• Configure the city: In the 6th (estimate) line remove the part that says Charleston, West Virginia and replace it with wherever you live.
• Configure Fahrenheit/Celsius: In the 9th (estimate) line, replace the word false with true if you prefer Celsius.
• Configure Icon Set: By default, the mod comes with two icon sets. If you add another, you can replace the word minis with your set's name in lines 30 and 32 (estimate).
• Configure Update Time: In the last line, replace 20 with however many minutes you want the widget to go between updates.
• Configure Wallpaper: Find the wallpaper you want to use and name it LockBackground.png. Then drop it into the theme and respring.

To Use:

Once the widget is active, you will see what is displayed in the first screenshot. To display the calendar, simply tap the date. To hide it, tap the date again. To see a five-day weather forecast, tap the weather bar. To hide, tap it again. Notifications will appear as necessary.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by icykicks79

Originally Posted by Djoker33

Originally Posted by Jonahtheballer

where you get the lock widget?
• Status Notifier - can be downloaded from Cydia orhere. If you download it from Google Code, use these instructions to install it.
• WinterBoard
• en.plist - Download HERE - see configuration for instructions
Downloads: to Unlock Widget to Unlock Widget

Configuration & How to Use:

You should have download en.plist from the top of this post. If you did not, please do so now.

Only use this file if you speak English and your device is set to use English. Otherwise, please contact me. Once you have the file, drop it into System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/DateFormats. Then reboot.

By default, the Widget will show the weather for Charleston, WV in Fahrenheit, with the minis icon set, updating every 20 minutes. This can all be changed in the ConfigureMe.js. To configure:

• Open the Lock Screen Widget
• Open the Private folder inside the theme
• Open ConfigureMe.js in a standard Text Editor
• Configure the city: In the 6th (estimate) line remove the part that says Charleston, West Virginia and replace it with wherever you live.
• Configure Fahrenheit/Celsius: In the 9th (estimate) line, replace the word false with true if you prefer Celsius.
• Configure Icon Set: By default, the mod comes with two icon sets. If you add another, you can replace the word minis with your set's name in lines 30 and 32 (estimate).
• Configure Update Time: In the last line, replace 20 with however many minutes you want the widget to go between updates.
• Configure Wallpaper: Find the wallpaper you want to use and name it LockBackground.png. Then drop it into the theme and respring.

To Use:

Once the widget is active, you will see what is displayed in the first screenshot. To display the calendar, simply tap the date. To hide it, tap the date again. To see a five-day weather forecast, tap the weather bar. To hide, tap it again. Notifications will appear as necessary.

HUH!?!? lol is there a youtube video on this?
Originally Posted by Ahyoon Chef appulos and monkeyball are gone...anyone know another source for ipa's? i wanna get that tennis game..

appulous is up!!

instead of, its now
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