Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

what website can i go to find out new updates, themes, and other stuff from like cydia.. like a blog or a forum.
Originally Posted by icykicks79

what website can i go to find out new updates, themes, and other stuff from like cydia.. like a blog or a forum.
its opitimized for the iphone too..

Jailbroken? DON'T upgrade to 2.2 when it hits.
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The iPhone Dev Team (yup, they're still around) has been a bit quiet of late, noses to the grind stone and fingers typing speedily into their respective Terminals... seeking a 3G iPhone software unlock. While they have made progress (running unsigned code on the 3G baseband, among others), a software unlock for the 3G has yet remained elusive.

With the 2.2 firmware being released soon, Apple again has set things in the update to nix the jailbreak-ability of it. The best thing, as always, for jailbreakers is to WAIT UNTIL ITS SAFE TO UPGRADE, then use the guide which we'll pop out to do so. This has typically been within days, sometimes hours, of the new firmware release.

The dev team warns:

[table][tr][td]Now for something a bit more serious, we've explained about the pros and cons of applying Apple's updates in the past and we've warned against the immediate installation of these updates without knowing what they do to your device.

This is indeed true of the iPhone 3G's upcoming 2.2 release. Installing 2.2 straight away on the iPhone 3G using the iTunes auto-updater could affect your chances of any software unlock in the near future (should one be found and released), so when you see an update in iTunes await our instructions first!

Please don't blindly install the update and then complain about it later ;-)[/td] [/tr][/table]
Thanks for the work, dev team, and to all you hundreds of thousand of jailbreakers - and those waiting for 3G software unlocks - keep on keepin on.

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^^ Yes that news made me so sad.. I've been waiting for that update so I could jb, cuz they said it was ready.. now they drop this on me
.. might waswell just jb and skip this update
Originally Posted by JDocs

^^ Yes that news made me so sad.. I've been waiting for that update so I could jb, cuz they said it was ready.. now they drop this on me
.. might was well just jb and skip this update
just jailbreak your phone now. i did it last night (friend's phone) (although a little complication came about at first) GO FOR IT. you'll be installing apps in no time..
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by JDocs

^^ Yes that news made me so sad.. I've been waiting for that update so I could jb, cuz they said it was ready.. now they drop this on me
.. might was well just jb and skip this update
just jailbreak your phone now. i did it last night (friend's phone) (although a little complication came about at first) GO FOR IT. you'll be installing apps in no time..
If I were him Ill rather just wait, update then jailbreak

the jailbreak guide for 2.2 will come fews days after the update anyway
Originally Posted by N0toriousBee

Yo crank, how's the battery life with that lock screen and weather widget?
I have weather widget on my lockscreen, and battery life is pretty much the same.

And is 2.2 out for the 1st gen iPhone?
Originally Posted by JDocs

Rumor: Adobe to Bring Flash to iPhone
dobe and ARM have announced that they are working together to optimize and enable Adobe Flash Player 10 and Adobe AIR for ARM Powered devices. The optimization is targeted to the existing ARM11 family, which includes the iPhone.

They have jointly released this statement;

"The collaboration is expected to accelerate mobile graphics and video capabilities on ARM platforms to bring rich Internet applications and Web services to mobile devices and consumer electronics worldwide."

The details of this joint venture are somewhat lacking but it appears to be that the optimization will deliver Adobe Flash to existing mobile devices that are based on the latest ARM platforms. The optimization is set to be available in the latter half of 2009.

PC Magazine writes, "devices with at least 200 MHz processors, more than around 16 Mbytes of RAM and a 'completely capable [Web] browser' will be able to render Web-based Flash content." The iPhone of course fits right into all of the said categories and has caused speculators to wonder if this could mean Flash functionality for the current iPhone.

However, just back this past March Steve Jobs, claimed that the iPhone is not capable of the full Flash support;

"As Jobs put it Tuesday during the company's annual shareholder meeting, Apple's iPhone, with all its cutting-edge mobile Internet trickery, needs something much better than the current Flash player that Adobe makes for cellphones. The Flash Player option that fits the bill is made for devices like laptops that are larger than the iPhone; as a consequence, it performs too slowly on the iPhone, he said."

In the end the decision is up to Apple. Although current iPhone SDK terms prevent Adobe from creating a fully integrated version of Flash for the iPhone.

Source: Mac Rumors: Apple Mac Rumors and News You Care About

hopefully this is true .. also it seems I'm going to have to wait EVEN LONGER to jb because it isnt safe with 2.2 yet
.. I might just crack and jb with 2.1 and then not upgrade to 2.2 for a while..

Crank - dope lock screen widget

What in the go go power rangers hell?
Hey, I recently just purchased a Bold for AT&T. I currently have an Iphone and all my contacts are saved to the Iphone. Does anybody know how to get mycontacts from the Iphone to a sim card so I can use them on my BOLD!! Thanks in advance!!!
Anyone using the app "Say Who"?

For some reason, it only works when I'm connected via wifi....or is this suppose to be how it works?
Hey, I recently just purchased a Bold for AT&T. I currently have an Iphone and all my contacts are saved to the Iphone. Does anybody know how to get mycontacts from the Iphone to a sim card so I can use them on my BOLD!! Thanks in advance!!!
I have a capsule rebel case all black that i opened and never used for sale.. anyone wants it for below retail hit me up. First come first serve, good way tosave some cash on a sick case .. [email protected]

In related news, I decided to restore my phone since it was tripping a lot (jailbroken 2.1 3g) After I went to restore from backup, my phone kept getting stuckon the apple boot screen. I looked everywhere and followed all their directions but none of it worked. I ended up losing everything besides my contacts since Ihad it synced to my address book... So for all you modders/jailbreakers out there... be careful. I didnt think it could happen to me, but it did. I restored 2weeks ago and it was fine, now this happened. On the bright side, my phone runs so much faster now.
if I restore, my phone goes back to it's original out of the box state right?? There shouldnt be any remnensce of the in correct? Also, say I restore andthen update to 2.2, will I have trouble updating or re-jbing after the 2.2 jb is released??
Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

APPULOUS is crack
LOOKS SICK! but how do I get cracked apps onto my phone?

and for the guy above, yes if you restore its factory settings freshly new like if it were out the box, and after you update , thier will be a jbing guide for2.2 so no trouble
im having trouble logging in to winscp, i followed the instructions on the first page
host name: my connection ip
user name: root
pw: alpine

but i keep getting window saying cant connect to it

can someone help me?!
So im going to apple to swap out my do i save all my contacts and data onto my comp so when i get the new one i can just sync it?
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