OFFICIAL MADDEN 2010 THREAD VOL. JUST GOT MY COPY! *Scene Heads* Will be online tonight!!!!

Originally Posted by BirdsIView

I had a bad day today. I first gave away a game to the Packers. I was about to get the ball in the second half with a 14-7 lead when dude manages to throw a hail mary for a touchdown with 8 seconds left in the half. From there I lost focus and went downhill. Then I played against the lowly Lions and couldn't do a thing versus his defense. SMH. Luckily I came back and put a whooping on the Texans. Tomorrow is a new day...
G you you dont come back after taking a L to the lions
i would have had to go take a walk in the part after a L fromthem
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

So if rank means something to you...See if you can top this..(I cant find a pic when I was ranked #1, but i got people on here that might remember).

it was easy to cheat/cheese in past years lets see you pull that off not

at the end of the day that was last year and i remember you talkin about yo rank back then but now rank means nothing huh GTFOOH

ranked 80
good not i go hope i stay in the top 100 over night

Whats your GT? You def play all lvl 1 bums if you in the top 100. what team you run with?
Originally Posted by Olvera23

good game certified... my offense was horrible.

EDIT: My game is no where close to what you saw. I was all nervous because i didn't want to lose my first NT match up
Alright I'll give you a rematch sometime soon. Andwow... just lost a bs game to dude ranked 57 in the nation. With 24 seconds left in the first half my guys fumble not only once but TWICE. First on a kickoff,he returns the fumble for a td. Then on a dump pass westbrook fumbles by getting hit low...
Dude got in 10 lucky points. And he ended up winning by 7
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by infamous54

can someone answer this question for me...

i was playing a ranked game...guy quit before the first half...i took over the game against the computer....

then like 30 sec later, i lost connection...will that count against me as a DNF?

i stay getting DNF's...

its my third one and ive only played six games.
Why did they make the swat button the left bumper and not leave it at A.... makes it so much more difficult.

But on a side note, absolutely demolished some dude with the Falcons. Burner turner + norwood + wildcat =
first ever play from scrimmage online. Gore takes it 70 yards to the house
The "Manning Does it Again" moment is impossible to complete. I've played it like 20 times and yet I've come so close yet so far. I am soheated right now. I just don't have enough time. The last time I played it, I cut the score down to 24-27, backed up to the 5 yard line with 1:27 left andno timeouts. I threw two quick bombs to Wayne and Clark and got to the 9 yard line. I had about 19 seconds left and I ran a play action pass and checked downto my FB. But my !$@@*#% didn't get into the endzone, and the clock ran out before I could run another play.
I will be creating an online franchise fantasy draft league for XBOX 360. Anybody that wants to join send me a message or post in here
GamerTag= KidYungn
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Somebody please tell me why the players drop so many easy catches and INT's it's a little ridiculous

Ans someone tell me why I can get my WRs open and why crossing routes seem to always be open?
I know I just started playing madden again since over a year two weeks ago butdang I suck hard right now.
This game is $#@^@#^ terrible sometimes. Dude has the ball for 15 MINS?!?!?!?

Hate playing online with dudes that go for it on EVERY SINGLE 4TH DOWN and get it $@#^^@ ridiculous and there's nothing you can do about it because dudejust throws it to the 6-6 WR and does a rocket catch. Gonna stop playing online for a while until this game gets some %@#^&@ patches or something justridiculous how some people can even win.

And yes, I am very mad.
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

This game is $#@^@#^ terrible sometimes. Dude has the ball for 15 MINS?!?!?!?

Hate playing online with dudes that go for it on EVERY SINGLE 4TH DOWN and get it $@#^^@ ridiculous and there's nothing you can do about it because dude just throws it to the 6-6 WR and does a rocket catch. Gonna stop playing online for a while until this game gets some %@#^&@ patches or something just ridiculous how some people can even win.

And yes, I am very mad.

Thank you. The rocket catches have got to go. Maybe I'm just trash, maybe its the Bengals, but wow, no team in the NFL can consistent throw, throw andthrow into traffic without getting passes picked or getting their receivers killed. It just doesn't happen. Honestly this is a good game. But I think a lotof the good people just know how to play "Madden rather than football.
well that's what they are supposed to know hot to do but its justfrustrating. And whats up with cats rolling out the pocket every play while rolling back an extra 5-10 yards and heaving the ball down the field for a bigplay. So has anyone heard anything about some patches for that stuff?
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

I was Ranked #1 on Madden 09 for a good month though.

but still, It doesnt mean anything.

i remember......and a month? c'mon....
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

This game is $#@^@#^ terrible sometimes. Dude has the ball for 15 MINS?!?!?!?

Hate playing online with dudes that go for it on EVERY SINGLE 4TH DOWN and get it $@#^^@ ridiculous and there's nothing you can do about it because dude just throws it to the 6-6 WR and does a rocket catch. Gonna stop playing online for a while until this game gets some %@#^&@ patches or something just ridiculous how some people can even win.

And yes, I am very mad.

Thank you. The rocket catches have got to go. Maybe I'm just trash, maybe its the Bengals, but wow, no team in the NFL can consistent throw, throw and throw into traffic without getting passes picked or getting their receivers killed. It just doesn't happen. Honestly this is a good game. But I think a lot of the good people just know how to play "Madden rather than football.
well that's what they are supposed to know hot to do but its just frustrating. And whats up with cats rolling out the pocket every play while rolling back an extra 5-10 yards and heaving the ball down the field for a big play
. So has anyone heard anything about some patches for that stuff?

I thought EA said they did something to stop people from dropping back 15 yards, scrambling and just gunning it downfield because I certainly haven'tnoticed it online. Every time I've played against the Titans or Dolphins they do this with Vince Young and Pat White. It's so damn boring to me, I wishdudes would tell you straight up before they invite you to a game that their whole skill is based off of exploits and not strategy. This dude I playedyesterday named GodFather or something like that would literally drop everyone back in coverage, no pass rush at all on every single play. I eventually justdinked and dunked him the whole game but it just makes me so pissed that dudes have no real football IQ.

%$$$ like this just makes me want to play the cheating $** CPU on All Madden because they give me a more realistic game. The patch needs to get here ASAP.
game isnt even fun to me anymore ... if youre good theres a 99% chance you exploit some kind of flaw in the makeup of it ... the accelerated clock is completegarbage and EA dropped the ball on it ... what they need to do is accelrate the play clock, but keep the game clock the same ... although it wont betechnically "realistic" it will help the online game tremendously ...

too easy on offense and if you play good competition neither one of you is stopping the other ...
Someone plesae explain to me when I do a WR screen with the Vikings Harvin/Berrian don't stutter step before going forward....

Yet with the Falcons.. everytime Roddy White catches it.. he does some dumb idiotic studder step that slows him down
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