Official NBA 2k15 Thread

i think you have the wrong idea of what off ball d is
the off ball people are complaining about is people that just sit on one player and not do anything all game
no one said anything about not switching defenders.... 

Okay I feel you, had a couple people complain in a match cause I wasn't doing it a 100% of the time, so wanted to get the general consensus on it
So for those of you that are heavy into MyTeam/MyLeague mode, I found this from back in the day. Read this thoroughly. Some cool things that can invigorate your association mode. Trust me here

NBA 2K12 Ultimate Roster Association Guide -

Credit: @2Kstauff 
I have an issue and idk if anyone else do but

EVERY TIME I play the game.
When either team needs ONE more FOUL to be in te bonus, the foul happens but when it does happen, the opposite team gets the bonus and NOT the team that got fouled. Happened more than 5 times
And the occasional clown who picks the Thunder not knowing KD is hurt and gets blown out in the first half 
And the occasional clown who picks the Thunder not knowing KD is hurt and gets blown out in the first half :lol:

Online is trash. Between the lag, the cherry picking and everyone using the top rated teams there's no fun in it for me. Dudes that picked MIA used to get mad when I threw the 1-3-1 on. #kanyeshrug
It's ironic, people get mad when people play the entire game off ball D. I blame 2k for making quick online games worse than last gen (slow on ball D, lag, ect.) I solve this problem by not playing quick games.

Last gen I had about 250 online games under my belt. This gen, maybe 5.

Playing online isn't fun, it is what it is. Game sucks face it.
Why does EVERYONE play with the Cavs now? Kinda wack no one knows how to play 2k without using the best team..
extra wack, Cavs were my team last seaon but I knew that was over once Lebron went back.

I play with the Kings.  Every game is against Cavs, Warriors, Portland, Houston.  

I was shocked a guy acutally picked the Magic yesterday...
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Online and exhibition and franchise or whatever it is. Game is trash man. Too much going on that clunks everything up. Display is garbage. Take some forever to figure things out. Play calling display is trash. They had a good template in past models that has literally unraveled into garbage.
How do you play the game? What type of experience are you looking to get?

Do you play realistic brand or are you just on there to have fun?
I just want good basketball. Realistic is fun to me, but I can also tolerate an arcade style for what it is. The game is just really meh compared to the past. What bothers me most honestly is the display and the way everything is arranged. That main menu is the worst thing I've seen in a video game. It feels so clunky.
So be honest, do you think you hatred for the menu's kinda spoils you to the rest of the game? 

The menu is not as simple as 2K14 on the last GEN. Took me time to get used to it, but I it isn't an issue for me. I am used to it now.

I don't play online so I don't really remove WAR points from the game because of that.
I used to run a franchise heavy. Talking 5 different iterations of a 10 season stretch one after another. I just don't have the desire to do that anymore. Whether it's the display and how puzzling it is affecting me, or it's the gameplay I'm not sure. The game just has too much of nothing going on for me to enjoy it like I used to. It's not as simple and enjoyable as it used to be. The gameplay in a franchise mode could be tweaked via sliders I guess but i just feel like if I have to change the settings around to make it playable, the game is a failure.

Online just seems like a cluster****. There's no option to mute my opponent. Like last night I played a game and this dude had his mic on and all I heard was this atrocious static that completely took away from the game play.

Plus I can't figure out how to run basic plays like you could in past games. I'm talking just isos, post ups and pick and rolls. Lot of the little things I take umbrage with that add up to an annoying experience. It's not as user friendly of an interface as it should be.

All this my league my player nonsense and needing to waste 5 minutes inputting an email address is annoying too man. Just let me run a franchise, play exhibition, play online or street mode. Keep it simple.
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I agree, the game isn't as simple anymore. But, there are tutorial modes where you can learn the moves and controls. It isn't a pick up and play game anymore. Yea, if you don't have time to learn a new game then your love for the game will suffer.

Left D-Pad brings up the quick commands option

Just have to spend time in practice mode.

I love this game to death. Heavy representation of the game of basketball in my opinion.

Hope you can find a way to enjoy the game. Don't let the menu get to you.
I'm probably just getting old. The past iterations were pretty awesome in their own rights in comparison to this. Press whatever d pad button and easily have the option to select a pick and roll. Now it's like ok how do I get a quick screener?

Maybe I just need to fool around with it more. I'll be honestly the game not updating for 6 months for me really left me so perturbed that idk if I'll ever enjoy it.

Also there's no quick button on the control to call a timeout? I gotta click start and select it from there?
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