:::[Official NFC Championship] San Francisco 49ers vs. New York Giants @ Candlestick:::

Tell me this dude did not just put a snapshot of his money to prove he got cake. Please, you're trying waaaay to hard to prove something.

A shame what could've been a great game thread had to start off with all this. Damn Giants fans at work won't shut their traps with all the doodoo-talking all week. Gonna bring in extra copies of The Daily News and plaster the front page of the sports section all over the office Monday.
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by glasses

since when is it the cool thing to do to have comprehension problems?

I agreed to $100 + screename. That is an even bet, because the end result is not having to read my posts anymore.

I don't care the value. ill do $500, $1,200 it doesn't matter, whatever it will take to put his glorious screename privileges in the mix
Your screenname is VALUELESS. His screenname has value. You could lose your screenname and be right back the next day, no one would know or care and it wouldn't matter. Mez loses his screenname and it goes down in S&T history. How exactly is that even again? I could understand maybe if you were Shoes or another of those Cowboy clowns but who are you on here? No one. You just trying to come up off that man and its blatantly obvious. Bet the $100 cash and keep your screennames so we have people to point and laugh at for all the stupid things said. No one wants to see you slink off into the night held unaccountable for your words.
That right there is worthy of you getting pointed and laughed at.  A screen name having value???  Comical. 
I got $20 cash on the Giants in exchange for your SN.
Originally Posted by What up

Bright, maybe you should back off. This dude seems like a real tough guy.....

b, we should be ashamed of ourselves, b.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Your screenname is VALUELESS. His screenname has value. You could lose your screenname and be right back the next day, no one would know or care and it wouldn't matter. Mez loses his screenname and it goes down in S&T history. How exactly is that even again? I could understand maybe if you were Shoes or another of those Cowboy clowns but who are you on here? No one. You just trying to come up off that man and its blatantly obvious. Bet the $100 cash and keep your screennames so we have people to point and laugh at for all the stupid things said. No one wants to see you slink off into the night held unaccountable for your words.
That right there is worthy of you getting pointed and laughed at.  A screen name having value???  Comical. 
I got $20 cash on the Giants in exchange for your SN.

$#*+ your Giants.  You can have my *@%# for $20.
But I need you to post a picture of the money so I know that you're for real.
Originally Posted by psk2310

I think lots of rain is expected. Which team is the better mudder?

What the hell does this have to do with betting screen names?!?!
Originally Posted by glasses

Who is even talking to you ravage? Sorry, I didn't realize a niketalk screename with 30,000 posts was an asset in this life. I should have known better. please dismiss yourself

Mez, I just put my money where my mouth is, instead of searching your folder for another GIF in response because you're scared, be a man and say you won't do the bet. Most likely because you don't have the money to lose, but also because your screename means more than life itself to you.

and i'm glad every one just got to witness how much of an empty suit you really are.
Man f outta here, if it wasn't an asset you wouldn't be after it, stop kidding yourself. And IDGAD who was talking to who, I'm adding my two cents in and you can't stop me. Guess that's the value of an account on NT champ.
All that trouble....you seem real insecure, its ok.

Screen name bet is just your cop out excuse, I posted on here since 2000 and it makes no sense to bet vs someone who's opinion I would not care about after this Sunday....... pay the money NOW or keep it moving.

Not flooding this thread anymore.
@ Ravage, post that $20 bill so I KNOW ITS REAL !! 

Originally Posted by glasses

I couldn't care less less about winning or losing $. money means nothing. All I care about is getting you off this forum.

And you know that's the case if you put your account up

so shut up, put me on block, and pull your skirt up.

this is getting soooo ridiculous
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by What up

That right there is worthy of you getting pointed and laughed at.  A screen name having value???  Comical. 
I got $20 cash on the Giants in exchange for your SN.

$#*+ your Giants.  You can have my *@%# for $20.
But I need you to post a picture of the money so I know that you're for real.
Sounds good to me I'll post a tagged pic of a $20 if you like. So this is a bet then? 
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Glasses take the $100 bet only. It's obvious that Mez's account is too important to him. I mean 29k posts, that's a lot of +%@%@%+ time and effort.

Oh. Hi. You must be Mrs. Glasses
I thought this thread would be lighthearted and fun lol. Boy was I wrong. Never knew 9ers fans were like this.
This is the weirdest game thread ever

And Mez brings some good stuff to S&T, it'd be sad to have him gone
Originally Posted by What up

Only $20 though? I run #*++ around here .... up the "value."

Then post pics.
Oh no you don't, don't back out now. You were the one who said SN's have no value. So against my $20 is MORE than fair. You stand to lose nothing and gain something.
back to the topic of the game for a moment if I may...

Giants honorary captains for Sunday's NFC Champ Game in Candlestick Park: Mark Bavaro, Rich Seubert and Michael Strahan
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I thought this thread would be lighthearted and fun lol. Boy was I wrong. Never knew 9ers fans were like this.

Oh really?  I always knew Giants fans valued their screen names.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

All that trouble....you seem real insecure, its ok.

Screen name bet is just your cop out excuse, I posted on here since 2000 and it makes no sense to bet vs someone who's opinion I would not care about after this Sunday....... pay the money NOW or keep it moving.
Last time i'll do this.



loser pays
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Glasses take the $100 bet only. It's obvious that Mez's account is too important to him. I mean 29k posts, that's a lot of +%@%@%+ time and effort.

Oh. Hi. You must be Mrs. Glasses

You should stop. The most estrogen insiped post I've ever seen in ST was by you.

"But it's cause you're a joke of a person, like does this not set in to your tiny brain?
You don't know how to be impartial, you spew UTTER garbage on this board, left and right, never own up to anything, and it's almost daily. Someone needs to clown you. And I can't stand your presence. Therefore I will take it upon myself to belittle you any chance I get. I speak for many posters here that can't stand your nonsense.

Hopefully the Giants beat the Cowboys again next week and you go into hibernation for the year like a bear in the cold winter."
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