:::[Official NFC Championship] San Francisco 49ers vs. New York Giants @ Candlestick:::

At which point did I say I was 100% confident the GMEN would win though? The only one who said they were not nervous about the opponent was you.

Money talks, or do you need to ask your mommy for some extra $$$.

How much you want to bet, show me how confident you are.
the saying has always been, "put your MONEY where your mouth is"...bet the money, glasses
So if the 49ers win will Vernon Davis cry again ? With all the theatrics from last week it makes me feel as if you guys have won your SuperBowl already.
I honestly think our defense is going to play HAM. Patrick Willis felt like he let the team down on that Jimmy Graham td that could have lost the game. This is his chance for redemption and he will show everyone why he has been a pro bowler since his rookie season. Plus he doesent have to worry about an elite te or RB. Blitz him up the middle just like week 10.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

So if the 49ers win will Vernon Davis cry again ? With all the theatrics from last week it makes me feel as if you guys have won your SuperBowl already.

What "theatrics?"  
And please tell us more about what it is you're feeling.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Yes, Vernon Davis will cry again.

Shut up.


You know damn well you wouldn't say that $#@! to nobody in real life
Damn yall 9ers fans need to loosen yall collars a bit. I just find it a bit odd to be shedding tears after winning a divisional round playoff game. Ive seen the over emotional W's in the playoffs before and the team didn't bode too well in the next round . Jets beating New England last year and then coming out flat against Pittsburgh comes to mind
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Damn yall 9ers fans need to loosen yall collars a bit. I just find it a bit odd to be shedding tears after winning a divisional round playoff game. Ive seen the over emotional W's in the playoffs before and the team didn't bode too well in the next round . Jets beating New England last year and then coming out flat against Pittsburgh comes to mind

Only one individual cried and he has overcome a lot of criticism early in his career so his emotions are understandable. I dont know why youre making a big deal out of this enough to draw correlations betweens crying and losing in the next round.  Maybe Pitt was better than the Jets?  Maybe the Giants are better than the 49ers.  Has nothing to do with tears being shed.  Stop it.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

What the status on Ted Ginn Jr??
Sat out practice yesterday.

I'm more interested to see if Delanie is playing to be honest, he torched the Giants last time around and does so many different things for our team it would be huge if we can get him back for Sunday.

It's going to be a long weekend until 3:30 on Sunday comes around..
Yeah, I mean, Vernon only made the biggest catch in his career at this biggest moment the 9ers have had since he's been drafted...but you know, he was probably acting. 

Originally Posted by Deuce King

What the status on Ted Ginn Jr??

Sat out practice again today. 
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Yes, Vernon Davis will cry again.

Shut up.


You know damn well you wouldn't say that $#@! to nobody in real life

This is real life, stop with your theatrics.
......that bet is too one sided bruh, I post on NT to kill time at work and work on music, if you want to bet a decent amount of $$$ then talk to me, that's the only bet that matters to me.....otherwise get this lame kiddy bet your SN @!## outta here.

You once tried proposing a ten dollar bet. Why are YOU trying to patronize and talk down to someone?
$10-20 bets with someone I actually know in person, for fun?

Hop off and go sit on the couch Cowboys fan.
Do I have to post you the link? I'm talking about the bet with Shoes, and I know ya'll definitely don't know each other in person or make "fun"
bets. He started the the thread saying he'd take whatever bet and you proposed ten dollars.

Now you're here talkin' about  "I only make money bets, money is all I'm about, you scared to bet real money, need to ask you mommy for some cash, blah
blah blah"

Just say you don't wanna bet and be done with it. no need to strut around with that false bravado.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Yes, Vernon Davis will cry again.

Shut up.


You know damn well you wouldn't say that $#@! to nobody in real life

This is real life, stop with your theatrics.

Shut your clown #@! up

U caught feelings because i mentioned VD crying

These the type of people from Cali ?

You should be ashamed of yourself b
son you mean like 2 years ago when I bet with several people? Only dude I bet with was proshares on a regular basis and Marley bet with me also (20 a piece), shoes didn't even want to bet 10-20$ so why do you care?

For starters dude is coming at me WITH a lame screen name bet, how do you call someone soft then proceed to bet with a "screen name"?

If he wants to talk reckless and make bets, then I want to see how much he wants to bet if dude is so "confident", why the #$*! do you even care. 
Bright, maybe you should back off. This dude seems like a real tough guy.....

Cyber gets like this at time

Where is ksteezy to make sense of all of this.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Damn yall 9ers fans need to loosen yall collars a bit. I just find it a bit odd to be shedding tears after winning a divisional round playoff game. 
Our players have been through a lot. Disappointment after disappointment. There were no dry eyes at the Stick on Saturday. Bear in mind, it's been such a long time since we've done something like this. Rookie coach, Alex Smith returning as QB. None of us even expected us to be a playoff team. VD turned his act around and it'll be hard not be emotional. Wins were hard to come by for us. We're not the Pats, Pittsburgh or you guys, we appreciate every win. Especially our first playoff win in a long time and in VD's case, his first. So do us a favor and cut us some slack. 
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Damn yall 9ers fans need to loosen yall collars a bit. I just find it a bit odd to be shedding tears after winning a divisional round playoff game. 
Our players have been through a lot. Disappointment after disappointment. There were no dry eyes at the Stick on Saturday. Bear in mind, it's been such a long time since we've done something like this. Rookie coach, Alex Smith returning as QB. None of us even expected us to be a playoff team. VD turned his act around and it'll be hard not be emotional. Wins were hard to come by for us. We're not the Pats, Pittsburgh or you guys, we appreciate every win. Especially our first playoff win in a long time and in VD's case, his first. So do us a favor and cut us some slack. 

Thanks for the logical response I appreciate it seriously . Only thing im saying is that ive seen teams have huge wins in the postseason and not be able to follow up the next week after such a draining emotional victory . Like I mentioned the Jets last year but I could be totally wrong about San Fran and maybe Harbaugh doesn't allow his team to come out flat like Ryan did.
son you mean like 2 years ago when I bet with several people? Only dude I bet with was proshares on a regular basis and Marley bet with me also (20 a piece), shoes didn't even want to bet 10-20$ so why do you care?
For starters dude is coming at me WITH a lame screen name bet, how do you call someone soft then proceed to bet with a "screen name"?

If he wants to talk reckless and make bets, then I want to see how much he wants to bet if dude is so "confident", why the #$*! do you even care. 

Don't spin it like that. You proposed a 10 bet and Shoes felt it wasn't worth it (Can't blame him etiher). He was talking reckless, why weren't you so eager to test his confidence then?
It honestly seems like you hold more value with the SN. Seems like the "more at stake" bet . If YOU"RE confident put it on the line big homey.
Why do I care? Because I can. You had no problem when team Giants sprang up like ninjas running interference. But you do when there is a dissenting opinion.
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