Official NFL Offseason Thread

Shaun Rogers played last year at 370lbs and couldn't do a damn thing. Yesterday he weighed in at .

Have fun Cleveland.
The Titans are seeking a fourth-round pick in this year's draft and a fourth-round selection next year, according to the source. The Cowboys are so far unwilling to provide either, believing they are the only team pursuing Jones, who remains suspended for violations of the personal-conduct policy.
The Titans are outta their minds... Ain't no way they are getting two 4th rounders for PacMan... Good decision by Jerry to pump thebrakes a bit and call their bluff.
Newbs24 wrote:
Shaun Rogers played last year at 370lbs and couldn't do a damn thing. Yesterday he weighed in at .

Have fun Cleveland.
Damn! But is only April though...
[/h2] [h2]
[/h2] [h2]PACKMEN WANT PACMAN?[/h2]
Posted by Mike Florio on April 1, 2008, 7:11 a.m.

We need to preface this one by pointing out that it isn't an April Fool's gag. (We're out of the April Fool's Day business for the first time in our six-plus-year history because each year more and more people believe the intentionally phony stories, which undermines our unintentionally phony stories.)

The Green Bay Packers are interested in Pacman Jones. Our good friends at Sporting News mentioned the possibility in last week's magazine, with the image of a dejected Reggie Wayne on the cover (or, alternatively, he'd just been kicked in the nuts).

On the surface, the Packers don't need Pacman because they have Al Harris and Charles Woodson. But Harris will turn 34 in December and Woodson will be 32 in October, so at some point the Packers have to think about going younger.

Whether the guy who makes it rain will be accepted by the folks who make it cheese remains to be seen. Many of the Green Bay fans didn't want Randy Moss last year, even though his presence arguably would have been the difference between an NFC title game loss and a Super Bowl triumph.

And Pacman is an even higher level of turd, so we can't imagine the folks in Green Bay reacting well to Brett Favre's legend being followed by Adam Jones.

On Monday, it was reported that teams other than the Cowboys are interested in Jones. Those teams have not yet been identified.

They wont get him but its funny hearing these rumors.

For the record, Green Bay has TWO strip clubs.
Shaun Rogers played last year at 370lbs and couldn't do a damn thing. Yesterday he weighed in at .


In all seriousness, he's gonna die before he reaches 35 yrs old if he doesnt do somethin about that
Shaun Rogers needs to do something quick, fast and in a hurry. His weight doesn't make any sense. I can recall Lions games last year when he would becoming out of the game on 3rd and short situations and i would just be shaking my head saying this is a damn shame.

But as gunna said he needs to start thinking about his health because it would be very easy for a man his size to pass out during those summer workouts
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Shaun Rogers played last year at 370lbs and couldn't do a damn thing. Yesterday he weighed in at .

Have fun Cleveland.

where all the browns fans hyping the hell out of him
Defensive radios in helmets approved. Hair length pushed back until May

[h1]Hair length proposal delayed until May; defensive helmet radios approved[/h1]
By John Clayton

Updated: April 1, 2008, 1:52 PM ET

PALM BEACH, Fla. -- The Kansas City Chiefs' proposal calling for all players to tuck orcut long hair so it doesn't hang below the nameplate on their uniform was tabled until the next NFL owners meeting in May.

In delaying any vote on the hair issue, the NFL will have time to listen to feedback from the players association.

"We had a pretty good feeling it was going to get tabled," Chiefs coach Herm Edwards said at the NFL owners meetings. "We have to take it tothe union to consider. That's OK. I think as long as the players know they can discuss it. Basically what we're looking at is a discussion. In ouropinion, it's a violation of the dress code."

In a separate move, the competition committee picked up three more votes this year and passed the "coach-to-defense" signal-calling system25-7.

Defensive coaches now will have the ability to put radio speakers in two helmets, but only one of those helmets will be allowed on the field on a givenplay. Dallas Cowboys coach Wade Phillips said passing this measure a year ago might haveprevented the recent Spygate controversy from happening.

"They were filming signals," Phillips said of the Patriots. "If you didn't have any signals, it wouldn't have happened. I'm justhappy to get something passed. That way you don't have to worry about it. People were putting towels up in front of people. You shouldn't have to playfootball that way."

A year ago, the committee, which has been pushing the system for three years, had 22 votes, two shy of passing. At an NFL owners meeting, it takes ninevotes to defeat a proposal.

The Green Bay Packers, OaklandRaiders, Philadelphia Eagles, St.Louis Rams, Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and WashingtonRedskins voted against defensive radio helmets.

Buffalo Bills coach @#*+ Jauron, a longtime supporter of the idea, believes it will balancethe ledgers as far as coordination of the offenses and defenses. He believed the offense had an edge by having a way to communicate plays to a quarterback,while the defense had to react by making just hand signals.

Although the defensive radio helmet issue was a great story for the coaches, the bigger, more controversial story involved hair. Many players who have longhair are believed to be upset with the idea being pushed by the Chiefs. It's created a national discussion.

"It's like a fish story," Edwards said. "It started as a guppy. When it got to New York, it was a whale. Everyone kept adding to thestory."

The idea came from within the Chiefs organization, which believed excessive hair was a dress code violation.

The Chiefs' proposal was submitted in early March, and players had not had a chance to discuss the issue before this week's NFL meetings.

"There is a certain way we feel the uniform should be portrayed," Edwards said. "That's why we brought it up. I think we are all naïve ifwe don't know who those guys are. We are talking about uniform violations in our opinions. There were a lot of years players didn't have names on thebacks of their jerseys. All of a sudden, you get it, and you cover it up. When I was growing up playing football, you looked at pro football players and said,'I can't wait to get my name on the jersey.' Now, you get it on the back and you cover it up."

At least in the eyes of the Chiefs, they made their case. The league will listen to the players and reopen the dialogue in the May meeting in Atlanta.

John Clayton is a senior NFL writer for
And you thought the Dolphins taking Ginn with the 9th overall pick was bad...

According to sources, Snyder pushed long and hard to draft WR Ted Ginn Jr. with the sixth overall pick last year (what a disaster that would have been had Gregg Williams not saved the owner from himself - RB Clinton Portis's constant lobbying of Snyder and Joe Gibbs for Landry had some impact as well, team sources said),

This is why I'm so uncomfortable with Snyder and Cerrato running things.

Another blurb from JLC's blog about the possibility of getting Chad:

But of course, I also fully expect them to continue their covert longing for Cincy's Chad Johnson. As I reported a day after Jim Zorn came on board as coach, Johnson was the major player the Skins hoped to acquire. He's the splash they hope to make after weeks of barely a ripple. In June, when his cap hit to the Bengals would be halved the Skins will be there to pounce should Chad force his way out of Cincy.

Look, Cerrato and Snyder cleared about $9 million in cap room for a reason. They knew they would not be active in the first few waves of free agency, save for re-signing Collins and some of their own players. Sure, they sniffed around on DeAngelo Hall, Larry Fitzgerald and a few other trade options, but nothing ever got too serious. The primary issues on defense - D Line in particular - will be addresses early in the draft, they have told DC Greg Blache as much (Blache has been adamant about his want, sources said, to his credit).
And it's unlikely you will find the kind of big, athletic, stud WR Snyder/Cerrato want in the mid rounds, or even with the 21st pick for that matter).

I still see WR as the position where the Skins most likely do something big beyond drafting players and signing role free agents. Right now you have cut bait with Brandon Lloyd, Caldwell and Keenan McCardell from last season, and top guy Santana Moss hasn't really been fully healthy since 2005. Anthony Mix is a nice prospect, but for a team banking on a flashy new offense to piggy-back off its playoff trip, well, not sure you can just pencil him in as a legit 2-3 guy right now. When healthy Antwaan Randle-El had a great start to the season, but he tailed off as well and has yet to post that true, full breakthrough season (and his punt return work has been pedestrian in two seasons here). The old staff was split on whether it believed Mike Espy would develop into a player, sources said, and successive season-ending injuries can't help his cause).*******sinsider/*******sinsider/
I really hope that's just JLC speculating on Chad....Why revert back to the old ways (Not drafting, spending big bucks) when it hasn't worked for mostof the Snyder Era.

I still think that 9 mill left is strictly for the draft picks...

And that would have been horrible if we drafted Ginn
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Shaun Rogers played last year at 370lbs and couldn't do a damn thing. Yesterday he weighed in at .


In all seriousness, he's gonna die before he reaches 35 yrs old if he doesnt do somethin about that

Romeo says he's not that fat:
[h1]Browns' Crennel says Rogers has weight under control[/h1] [h4]Mike O'Hara / The Detroit News[/h4]
PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Shaun Rogers is a big part of coach Romeo Crennel's plan for strengthening his team's defensive line, and it has nothing to do with his weight.

Crennel will play Rogers at nose tackle and right end, and expects him to be a force at both positions.

The Detroit Lions traded Rogers to Cleveland on Feb. 29. Rogers played tackle almost exclusively in his seven seasons in Detroit.

Rogers' weight was an issue in Detroit, but Crennel said it looks like he has it under control. There have been reports that Rogers' weight is in the 400-pound range. He played at about 370 or 380 in Detroit last year.

"He's about 50 pounds less than that," Crennel said Tuesday at the NFL meetings.

Rogers reported March 17 for the start of Cleveland's offseason workout program. He left to visit his mother but is expected back this week, Crennel said.

"He looks decent," Crennel said. "He reported at a decent weight. He wasn't sloppy or anything like that. I think once he gets involved in the program, we'll find out exactly where he is, conditioning-wise."

How about this for a supposed rumor that nearly came to life...
Anderson, a restricted free agent, would sign a deal with the Dallas Cowboys that the Browns could not match. The Browns would receive the Cowboys' first- and third-round draft picks, which would have given the Browns the 28th selection in the first round.

The Cowboys then would trade Anderson, and perhaps a future draft pick, to the Miami Dolphins for the first overall pick in this year's draft. The Cowboys would select Arkansas running back Darren McFadden.

Nobody has verified this was going to happen, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is the Browns thought it could happen.

''There was enough there to put some doubt in your mind, that it was a possibility,'' General Manager Phil Savage said Tuesday at the NFL's spring meetings.

''It didn't matter if I was pretty convinced or just slightly,'' Savage said. ''The threat of that being there . . . ''
Apparently this was very seriously thrown around the Cowboys FO before Free Agency started...
Jerry is a clown.
[h1]Owners table re-seeding playoffs proposal; pass other rules[/h1]
By John Clayton

PALM BEACH, Fla. -- NFL owners concluded their annual meeting owners with quick passages of several proposals and by tabling the re-seeding idea for the playoffs.

Without the necessary 24 votes to pass a re-seeding plan to give wild-card teams the chance to host playoff games, the Competition Committee tabled the concept to a later meeting, most likely May.

Among the proposals that were passed:

• A recommendation to eliminate force-out decisions on pass completions near the sidelines was approved. Now, officials will only have to decide whether a receiver landed in bounds or not. The intended result is more consistency.

• The "Phil Dawson field goal rule" change passed. Now, certain field goals can be reviewed by instant replay, including kicks that bounce off the uprights. Under the previous system, no field goals could be replayed.

• Coaches can now defer a decision on the opening coin toss. This is similar to the college rule. Previously, the winner of the coin toss could only choose to receive or kick off.

• A direct snap from center that goes backward will now be treated as a fumble. Previously, it was ruled a false start.

• The 5-yard face mask penalty was eliminated. Now, only the serious face mask will be called (and will be assessed as a 15-yard penalty). The major foul will involve twisting or grabbing the face mask.

On Tuesday, the league tabled a Kansas City Chiefs' proposal to prohibit hair hanging over the back of jerseys to the nameplate.

It passed a rule to allow defensive players to wear radio helmets on Tuesday.
• A recommendation to eliminate force-out decisions on pass completions near the sidelines was approved. Now, officials will only have to decide whether a receiver landed in bounds or not. The intended result is more consistency.
Im glad they got rid of that force out $%%%, too many bad judgement calls by the refs. the less "interpretations" the better the officiating.
im guessing when them dumb centers forget the snap count and you see everyone still in their stance when the ball is hiked , the qb is now gonna have to atleast fall down if he gets the ball or the team is actually gonna have to recover the ball to keep possession
Browns DB Wright jailed on charge of marijuana possession
1 hour, 47 minutes ago

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AP - Apr 4, 12:10 am EDT

PEARLAND, Texas (AP)-Cleveland Browns defensive back Kenny Wright was arrested Thursday after police said he led them on aquarter-mile foot chase that began in the parking lot of the police station.

The 30-year-old Wright faces a misdemeanor charge of unlawful restraint, a misdemeanor charge of evading arrest and a misdemeanor charge of possession ofmarijuana. He remained in the Pearland City Jail on Thursday night pending a bond hearing Friday.

Pearland police said officers were investigating a disturbance in the police station parking lot around 11:30 a.m. Thursday. When officers approachedWright, he took off running and was eventually caught in a nearby subdivision.

"We had people on scene pretty fast and I believe because of our quick response time and the mental and physical toughness of our officers to catchoffenders, we were able to get him in custody quickly and safely," Sgt. Roy Castillo said.

Police said they found 1.875 ounces of marijuana in Wright's vehicle.

A jail official told The Associated Press he did not know if Wright has an attorney. The Browns said they would not comment on the arrest Thursdaynight.

If found guilty on the unlawful restraint charge, Wright faces up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine. If found guilty on the other charges, Wright faces upto six months in jail and a $2,000 fine on each charge.

Wright, who attended Northwestern State in Louisiana, was a fourth-round pick in the 1999 draft by the Minnesota Vikings. The nine-year veteran also has played for Houston,Jacksonville and Washington. He has seven career interceptions.

Houston television station KRIV first reported the arrest.

Pearland is about 15 miles south of Houston.
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