dmxfury wrote:
Go Pens. Winning a game 7 in someone elses place is almost better just the ultimate "f-you". Should be a classic
I am pulling for the Pens in this series, should be a great game.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by bjm5295

Very entertaining two days of hockey coming up. I'll be in attendance for Bruins/Canes Game 7.

thats badass man

cannot wait for game 7. ill make it back to MA just in time to shower, change, and get to my boys place for the game.

is savard OK for thursday night? that leg check was kind of lame. these two teams are gonna play some dirty and chippy games next season.

oh and go caps tonight
Savvy's a go for Game 7. I think he didnt come back cause at that point it was all but over and they didnt need to risk anything.

I'm so torn on the Caps/Pens game. I would want the Caps to come out of the East if not the Bruins, but i'd much rather play the Pens.
yeah im with you bjm regarding the pens and caps. i didnt want to face either team at any point, and still dont. i just picked the caps because im an AO still not sure who id rather face if we take care of business thursday night
Anaheim sure has some tough guys. Picking fights with Rafalski, Dats and Hossa? Sure gained some toughness on that. Perry must still be pissed Ericsson put thehands to him earlier when he tried to act tough. Neidermeyer with a cheap shot elbow to Dats when he wasn't looking was also classy. Anaheim is the teamwith more fighters sure, but going after a first line after forcing a Game 7? I sure as hell hope it comes to bite them. Wouldn't mind seeing Downey orDMac dress
3-0 Pens... wow, the first 10 minutes of this game I thought we were doomed... since that point, we've dominated... Let's just not blow it now guys,keep it up!!
wow... Varlamov pulled... i had a feeling we'd break out one of these games, we've just dominated posession so much since the first two games.
Caps were LUCKY to have won game would have thought some adjustments would have been made...

I mean +#+$...someone get in a SOMETHING...take a run a MAF....take a run at Crosby....get the crowd/team back into the game. This is one of themost pathetic efforts I have ever one showed up. As inconsistent as MAF has been, they should be firing shots from all over the place at him....thissucks.
yeah they need to stir things up. man its kind of a shame that this is turning into a rout
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