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I'm not mad at Nike for trying, but those ^ are terrible IMO
anyone know why the Rices release on a Tuesday?
Originally Posted by Holiday

Yea ur right...I guess the 35 years of age does it
It's coo Bryscooplaygrif....
I'm in the same boat with you.....hitting the point where my eyes are waning....
the 3D glasses just make me feel older than I want....

but remember, we in the prime of our careers, we can afford to get a little snobby about the shoes that come out...
it's expected.

Originally Posted by c4

I'm not mad at Nike for trying, but those ^ are terrible IMO
anyone know why the Rices release on a Tuesday?
It's a resellers market......they RUN NIKE!
....hope you get your hands on them though homie.

Originally Posted by JordansRMyCrack

Originally Posted by Bryscooplaygrifhold

Originally Posted by Holiday


Sorry if this a repost...but looks like the 3D's will be coming with glasses. Either way I'm coppin...
No thank you.  I like the Orange County version because they are different and not entirely over the top, but this?  Come on now.  I get how the South Beach Lebrons incorporated an "old school" Miami theme and although it was kinda loud and gimmicky I can appreciate it, but this concept is just trying too hard for me.  I loved last years Dark Knight and Chaos color combos because they were unique without being ridiculous, but these are getting into ridiculous territory for me.  Maybe its my age, 35, and maybe I am getting too "old" for this kind of thing, but I think part of what makes shoes appealing is when they are unique, attractive, and functional, without trying to be over the top and attention grabbing.  I like the idea of incorporating non basketball characters and themes, but to me these scream childish and immature.  Feel more than free to disagree.  My money will be saved for Lower Merion Aces and or Chinas if we are so fortunate.
I somewhat agree, but it's a "Look at Me" generation with self-absorbed egomaniacs like Lebron, T.O., OchoCinco (name alone defends my argument) leading them on.  And it's way more than just Sport athletes.  Then you have Wale, Kanye, Drake, Kid Cudi, and countless other musical artists (a stretch of a name, btw) that are influencing the young people to wear their clothes different.  Face it, it's a different time, and Nike has latched on.  JB is following as well with their SB CMFT 11s.  For me, the "JayZ" times of old has withered away when SUBSTANCE meant something.  It's all about bright shoes, skinny jeans, and watered-down club songs that mean nothing. 
  I mean, why do you think more people than ever act a fool with ZERO common sense and put themselves on YouTube and!?  Why do we see so many reality shows?  Why do we see so many reality show CONTESTANTS?  It's because everyone wants to be noticed.  EVERYONE!!! (but a select few, of course).  Even Sarah Palin is the same, and I can't stand her
.... it is just the way it is now.  Lastly, look at all the baby names.  No more Bob, Sarah, Joe, Mark, Luke, John, Elizabeth .... it's all crazy-like 
  Personally, I think this world is getting a little damn ridiculous.
I don't even watch reality tv that much anymore, it's so bad (except only 3 intelligent shows), and I really loved it in the beginning of its days.  Thanks Jersey HORE (add a W). 
I hear you guys, as everyone is entitled to thier own opinions, however "Pop Culture" is to blame for all the ills in the world, especially, dare I say loud sneakers?
^bro, if they're dropping they will be mine. I don't even know why I like them so much.... not my favorite colors, big ol rice on the heel. Already told the homeowner I'm working for that
I have an "obligation" on Tuesday so I won't be able to work.
^^^HAHA. Early work release....FTW.
Rice is a staple in my figured I can "half" pass it off as applicable..... =)
i think the glass blues are the ugliest shoes in kobe's line. you got yellow, grey, blue and orange. 1 colour too much IMO.
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

The orange is what kills the shoe. Take it out, and they wouldn't look bad at all.

Agreed. If they took out the orange and maybe added black, it could've been a cool throwback Batman colorway
Originally Posted by c4

^bro, if they're dropping they will be mine. I don't even know why I like them so much.... not my favorite colors, big ol rice on the heel. Already told the homeowner I'm working for that
I have an "obligation" on Tuesday so I won't be able to work.

im right with you. i requested the day off. i do not want to deal with that online stuff. i just wanna drive up to HOH and walk out peacefully.
something about the Rices.... its just so.... damn beautiful. metallic looking scales, slime/electric green... i'm sucked in. only thing is that RICE logo but ehh. ill see what i can do with that.
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