Official NT Cologne Thread: Current Splits *check most current page* HTTP is an online exclusive by


I was gonna throw this out there too, son the same dude. We not stupid, bruh bruh.
Dudes are clowns in here I'm in threads that the majority of niketalk are in? I mean what? Sole Reaver has to be a kid. I'm starting to think they are a few kids in here. I'm not going to keep promoting this baseless banter. Just know that if you think I'm Unique kicks then you my friend are sadly mistaken. Funny how all these accusations but no one wants to take the time to explain who this unique kicks guy even is.
Dudes are clowns in here I'm in threads that the majority of niketalk are in? I mean what? Sole Reaver has to be a kid. I'm starting to think they are a few kids in here. I'm not going to keep promoting this baseless banter. Just know that if you think I'm Unique kicks then you my friend are sadly mistaken. Funny how all these accusations but no one wants to take the time to explain who this unique kicks guy even is.

I said is that you Unique ? That was all.
Dudes are clowns in here I'm in threads that the majority of niketalk are in? I mean what? Sole Reaver has to be a kid. I'm starting to think they are a few kids in here. I'm not going to keep promoting this baseless banter. Just know that if you think I'm Unique kicks then you my friend are sadly mistaken. Funny how all these accusations but no one wants to take the time to explain who this unique kicks guy even is.

Smells like bs. All evidence points to you being guilty!!!!
If dudes don't want to explain to me who he is and make generalized statements doesn't mean anything to me. I personally don't even care to be honest. Just know I'm not him. Period. So for those that think I'm Unique kicks try again:
View media item 2399885
Left for the morning, came back and deer lowered... Its almost as uncanny as Jacory Harris and the Heisman pose
If y'all wrong about the dude, there will be egg on a lot of faces in here
I'm not worried, clowns always get pie in their faces. Whoever said search the thread to find out about this dude. I not going back all those pages for baseless banter :lol:. I gotta life, unfortunately some ppl dont. Dudes saying I owed them, pay up, for what!!? :lol:. On another note AZwildcats AZwildcats let me know if you still need that Feve Delicueuse? We discussed about earlier, still have it here on the side.
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Unique better pray I don't find out which Fire Department/House he works in.

There is gonna be hell to pay

Also to anyone knowingly holding information about Unique away from us you foul and I can't **** with you. 
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Unique came through on my end with splits couple yrs ago. Even threw in extras with the bleeker st.

Smh at why you do the NT fam like that though. Things were goin smooth on this thread. Give these cats their $$ or juice with extras. Or bounce the **** outta here
I'm not worried, clowns always get pie in their faces. Whoever said search the thread to find out about this dude. I not going back all those pages for baseless banter :lol:. I gotta life, unfortunately some ppl dont. Dudes saying I owed them, pay up, for what!!? :lol:. On another note AZwildcats AZwildcats let me know if you still need that Feve Delicueuse? We discussed about earlier, still have it here on the side.

You gonna scam him now too?
You gonna scam him now too?
Scam who!? Wtfruck are you guys talking about? How about you ask him if I was planning on scamming him. I'm about to start using the report button on some of you kids in here. Keep assuming I'm somebody who I've never even seen in this thread since I started posting in here. Once again dudes in here talking about this dude but don't want to give the full details. Something must be up. I would never scam anyone on this forum. Firefighter? I don't get that one but okay. Anyway ask AZwildcats AZwildcats if I was scamming him. Who the fruck scams ppl with fragrances? Doesn't make any sense. To me at least. Keep on I guess let's bring a mod in here to clarify all of this nonsense. You guys should start posting your apologies right now instead of cluttering this thread with your childish baseless nonsense. How bout dah :lol: I'm going to keep posting what I wear in here because this is a public cologne forum.

PS: how the fruck do you search the thread!!?
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