Official Palm Pre Thread


Can't wait! I'm cheering for the old dog to make a comeback! Palm's been flopping for a long while now. I think the buzz is promising though! AndI'm sure there are a lot of old school corporate heads that still have love for Palm. I know some of the higher ups at my company are looking forward tothis phone.
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by the north west

how is the app market for palm phones

For the WebOS, its very slow right now on purpose of Palm. They have released the program to developers in very limited fashion for the webOS right now. Once it release developers should flock to the Pre like gangbusters. With the anticipated demand, and the easiest OS to develop for to date, apps shouldnt be a problem.
that's good to hear

because the single reason that makes the i phone so great is it's large app market
The Treo already has a large base of independent developers...see:
I dont' see why developers won't jump on the Pre bandwagon and make apps for it as well.
Article straight from I hope it's inaccurate cuz it's saying the Pre will require some sort of "simply everything" plan.Does that mean no hopes for Sero? I hope not...

If you've been looking for a window into the life of the Palm Pre once you're a real, actual, not pretend user, a poster at Inside Sprint Now who claims to be a rep for the provider may have some answers for you. In what appears to be pretty much the entire "quick start" guide (or whatever kind of connected, web-centric name Palm will give it), the anonymous writer reveals the ins and outs of how to get around on your new phone. Here's some of the more interesting tidbits from the document -- which, mind you, could just be the wild imaginings of someone with way too much time on their hands:

  • Palm / Sprint will provide a "Palm profile," which will allow for OTA updates of software, App Catalog downloads, and online backups of contacts, calendars, apps, and preferences. Interestingly, this sounds like it could be related to web services we've seen mentioned in Palm's SEC filings.
  • There will be some kind of PC-based "Data Transfer Assistant" which will allow users to migrate old Palm OS data to the phone -- but it appears to be a one-way street.
  • The Pre will require a Simply Everything / Simply Everything data plan, or a Business Essentials Plan.
  • Highlighting text (for copy / paste) duties in web pages won't be possible -- which is kind of a huge bummer.
  • The Pre won't support Sprint services such as Sprint Music, Sprint PictureMail, or Sprint Digital Lounge.
Finally, one of the more interesting components of this post is pictured up above -- a guide for managing cards (and memory, consequently), and a walkthrough of how to reset or hard reset the device. Okay -- we know, not exactly the juiciest scoop in the world here, but Palm isn't giving us much to work with. You guys about ready for this thing to drop?
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

will pass for the blackberry niagara. this isnt looking as appealing as it once did.

I am still deciding between the two (although I am heavily leaning towards the Pre).
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Also, it appears that the Pre WILL have intergrated mms (true media messaging that comes directly to the hand set versus clicking on a link a la sprint picture mail).


Thank goodness.
I'm sticking with my 755 until i know the Pre works out it's kinks like the iPhone did.

Exactly. worst thing i ever did was buy a new phone off the rip.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'm sticking with my 755 until i know the Pre works out it's kinks like the iPhone did.

How long will you wait? Q3(end of summer)? Christmas?
this isnt looking as appealing as it once did.

Yeah, I think it's the long wait. They revealed this phone too soon. It isn't like the iPhone where they were bringing something completely new to themarket (iTunes + phone) and something that was missing.

The Palm Pre doesn't seem to be filling a void and the synergy feature is going to be seen on other phones, including the iPhone, later this year.

I'm almost 100% positive that I'm going to buy a Diamond 2 next year and go with a Touch (Vogue/6900) or Touch Pro for now.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

this isnt looking as appealing as it once did.

Yeah, I think it's the long wait. They revealed this phone too soon. It isn't like the iPhone where they were bringing something completely new to the market (iTunes + phone) and something that was missing.

The Palm Pre doesn't seem to be filling a void and the synergy feature is going to be seen on other phones, including the iPhone, later this year.

I'm almost 100% positive that I'm going to buy a Diamond 2 next year and go with a Touch (Vogue/6900) or Touch Pro for now.

I think I am going to go with Pre. I have been in love with this thing since its unveiling (even though it has been so long ago). If it doesnt pass muster inthe first 30 days, then I will be patiently waiting on a new Sprint BB. Oh, and this is also contingent upon if I can get it on my beloved SERO plan.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

this isnt looking as appealing as it once did.

Yeah, I think it's the long wait. They revealed this phone too soon. It isn't like the iPhone where they were bringing something completely new to the market (iTunes + phone) and something that was missing.

The Palm Pre doesn't seem to be filling a void and the synergy feature is going to be seen on other phones, including the iPhone, later this year.

I'm almost 100% positive that I'm going to buy a Diamond 2 next year and go with a Touch (Vogue/6900) or Touch Pro for now.

I think I am going to go with Pre. I have been in love with this thing since its unveiling (even though it has been so long ago). If it doesnt pass muster in the first 30 days, then I will be patiently waiting on a new Sprint BB. Oh, and this is also contingent upon if I can get it on my beloved SERO plan.
but BB don't work on SERO...u have to get the additional plan--
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

this isnt looking as appealing as it once did.

Yeah, I think it's the long wait. They revealed this phone too soon. It isn't like the iPhone where they were bringing something completely new to the market (iTunes + phone) and something that was missing.

The Palm Pre doesn't seem to be filling a void and the synergy feature is going to be seen on other phones, including the iPhone, later this year.

I'm almost 100% positive that I'm going to buy a Diamond 2 next year and go with a Touch (Vogue/6900) or Touch Pro for now.

I think I am going to go with Pre. I have been in love with this thing since its unveiling (even though it has been so long ago). If it doesnt pass muster in the first 30 days, then I will be patiently waiting on a new Sprint BB. Oh, and this is also contingent upon if I can get it on my beloved SERO plan.
but BB don't work on SERO...u have to get the additional plan--


So true. I guess I am just still secretly trying to hold out for the Pre to be allowed on the SERO.
not sure how i feel about this May 17th release. It seems like they are starting to rush the release date just a bit the closer we get to it... i'd be just as happy if the Pre came out in Early June but had none of the little glitches & bugs left on it.
ill update and let you guys know when my spot receives them. I just gotta remember this thread is around.

They give you $150 for 2 years the same way they do new customers. It isn't a penalty. Don't they also offer a month free for renewing?

I'm not going to pay more than $200 and I don't want to pay an upgrade fee. If it's more than $200, I'm going to wait for the Diamond 2 or Touch Pro 2 to be out long enough that I can buy one on eBay for the same price as an upgrade through Sprint. Then, I'll pick up a free or inexpensive phone and resell that to recoup some of the cost.
the upgrade price on the new instinct is $150 or even $200 depends where you go, the pal pre will easily be $200 upgrade price.

Pre looks nice just not so promising like most phones out there.
I dont have sprint so I wont be getting it, just an opinion.
the upgrade price on the new instinct is $150 or even $200 depends where you go

? I just checked Sprint and they have it for $99 after $100 MIR.

I signed in and it still shows up as $99 after $100 MIR.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Have your connect/you heard anything about the plans thats going to be allowed on the Pre. All the information that I have got seems to be sketch at best.
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