***Official Political Discussion Thread***

the defund the police thing is really hard to pin down given that range of its meanings.

I would have pegged you towards to more nuanced version of defund but ultimately pro budget cuts?
but if you don't fall into that my bad.
When you were ranting I am pretty sure I told you that I am sympathetic to activists because I have seen many of them beg cities for decades to fund social services without cutting police budgets and got rebuked over and over. So taking from the police budget was their last resort, and I understand why many have reached this place.

I voiced my concerns about your plans for reform because police unions employ a strong veto on the street and will let crime spike to sabotage minor reform efforts

And I told you that I am ultra concerned about misconduct and I was only comfortable with more police funding if there were major reforms to hold them accountable. That the problem with accountability is way worse than people realize

Pretty sure I said I disagree with some of the policy solutions the defund the police people have. But generally, the progressive left has a lot of good ideas for reforming policing and those should be instituted, but again, the problem needs stronger interventions than most realize.

That was generally my position
Ladies and gentlemen, Mathew Yglesias summed up in two tweets...

The victory lap for being proven right, even though there is a major data point also for him getting it very wrong.

If you follow dude, then what happened in here this morning is not surprising.
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That is her point. She’s seen anti black and immigrant whites women in middle America change their perspectives by interacting with other people in similar situations as them. The forces against deprogramming these white folks are just too invested in not allowing these people to do that. Their whole scam is predicated on that.
Yeah, I agree with her completely

The right-wing neoliberal scam doesn't work if the vast majority of white people don't indulge in self-destructive behavior

That is why conservative elites are always having a moral panic over anything that might deprogram problematic middle-class white people, especially kids.

He got off to a head start on this one:


Isn't Adams is further to the right than Yang on policing?

Take a break, Osh. You're obviously trolling.
While it’s worthwhile to learn, organize, and mobilize in order to get the best (or in most cases) the least bad candidate elected, it’s a fact that elected politicians have much less power than does concentrated wealth. This is especially true for big city mayors.

The only play is to become a spokesperson for the city and a recruiter for capital. You have to have a heavy handed police force because if black teens or unhoused people are within the same line of sight as a big commercial property or luxury apartment building, the numbers on a spreadsheet in London or Dubai or Frankfurt or Connecticut won’t look good. It’s a great system we have.

Also, it is funny to see a libertarian like Andrew Yang so quickly and easily go full reactionary. Libertarianism is such a stupid ideology; property rights and human rights are in direct conflict with each other. When you’re a novelty presidential candidate, you can ignore the contradiction and/or paper over it with a UBI paid for by the US’ monetary sovereignty. But once you become a front runner for a local race, and you have to answer serious questions about how to govern a polity that is truly constrained by its budget, you all but call for mentally ill, unhoused people to be put in work camps in order to make your city more attractive to tourists and investors.

Every libertarian eventually gets confronted with enough questions, about actually governing, and they got to decide if they’ll be a progressive/socialist or a reactionary. We all saw what Andrew Yang choose.
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