***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I already have nightmares from my lady always asking me to pick up the Wiz Califa Oat Milk when I hit the store

Might need to launch CoalMilk on Shark Tank to combat this
Lmk when to pack the bags and grind that coal into a drinkable substance. COLK will have its day in the sunshine after doing the hard dirty work in the mines 8)
Cant wait to see what MSNBC does

does anybody know exactly what “joe Biden is failing” at? A lot of my coworkers who I HAVE to work/get along with will mention he’s destroying the country, but never elaborate on what it is he’s actually doing. I don’t push it as I just don’t want to have a “discussion” with a wall. Does anybody actually know what the republicans think he is actually doing that they believe is harming the country?
does anybody know exactly what “joe Biden is failing” at? A lot of my coworkers who I HAVE to work/get along with will mention he’s destroying the country, but never elaborate on what it is he’s actually doing. I don’t push it as I just don’t want to have a “discussion” with a wall. Does anybody actually know what the republicans think he is actually doing that they believe is harming the country?

From what I can gather there are several groups on the Republican side:

1. Probably Racists—who feel that they are losing the country because of topics related to minorities (think CRT discussion)

2. People complaining about gas prices

3. People complaining about supply chain issues

4. Business owners complaining about the labor shortage/cost of the workforce.

That said, the majority of people that I know that are complaining about Biden’s performance (in my circle at least) are progressives. They feel that he is not doing what he should be doing to fulfill his promises. A lot of them feel like he is doing too much to cater to centrists and the idea of bipartisanship.
does anybody know exactly what “joe Biden is failing” at? A lot of my coworkers who I HAVE to work/get along with will mention he’s destroying the country, but never elaborate on what it is he’s actually doing. I don’t push it as I just don’t want to have a “discussion” with a wall. Does anybody actually know what the republicans think he is actually doing that they believe is harming the country?
“Da ships can’t dock!”
“Nobody wants to work for 7.25 an hour!”
“I can’t even buy the groceries I want!!!”
“All the items made in China are hard to find!!”



From what I can gather there are several groups on the Republican side:

1. Probably Racists—who feel that they are losing the country because of topics related to minorities (think CRT discussion)

2. People complaining about gas prices

3. People complaining about supply chain issues

4. Business owners complaining about the labor shortage/cost of the workforce.

That said, the majority of people that I know that are complaining about Biden’s performance (in my circle at least) are progressives. They feel that he is not doing what he should be doing to fulfill his promises. A lot of them feel like he is doing too much to cater to centrists and the idea of bipartisanship.
That said, you support pedos

He has to stop trolling and go ahead and announce he’s a Republican.
That's literally my neighbor. Who also happens to be an ex-cop. I assume there's a bunch of these guys :lol:
My new neighbor is a former marine cop who has a huge, wooden blue lives matter sign in his garage. My wife and I were already planning to move….can’t happen sooner now.
Can you show some data that backs this up? Because my lived experience doesn't support this. I grew up in a city that was probably about 40% Black and I still remember most of my teachers being white and conservative. I didn't experience progressive teachers until I did a year of private school and then went to a "liberal" college.

"Since 1980, AFT and the NEA have contributed nearly $57.4 million to federal campaigns, an amount that is about 30 percent higher than any single corporation or other union. About 95 percent of political donations from teachers unions have gone to Democrats."

like I need to provide a works cited page for the most obvious an anodyne statements?

If I said, police unions have become more republican over time, so the percentage extreme police officers are more likely to be conservative.
no one would demand a bibliography. :lol:

your k-12 "lived experience" I assume was a while ago. Im saying teachers are more progressive than they use to be due to broader demographic trends
so your experience isn't refuting my point.

Just pointing out that perception =/= reality, and your perception of teachers' political leanings, how that affects their actions, and their impact on the Democratic party may be influenced by right-wing propaganda.

IMO you're being obtuse about this.
"About 95 percent of political donations from teachers unions have gone to Democrats"

it not propaganda to say, hey college educated women, have gotten more progressive over time.
teachers are 74% white college educated women,

I think my assumption is totally reasonable.
it would be really really weird if somehow being a teacher made you immune from the broader demographic trends in the country.

chris rufo isn't just totally making stuff up, he's finding the most extreme outliers and making it seem like there is some progressive plot to take over education
and install some Robin Diangelo White fragility curriculum.

and t-mac played right into this by saying parents shouldn't tell teachers what to teach or whatever.

im not buying into propaganda im just observing the dynamic.
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