***Official Political Discussion Thread***

elpablo21 elpablo21 Joey building you an EV charging network too

Knowing BBB on life support making it bittersweet
mjcry1 (1).png
I don't want to be too dramatic but damn, what a rotten, dysfunctional country.

As Irish Joe himself said once, "don't tell me your values, show me your budget." And by that metric, America does function if you are a shipping magnate, if the commute from your mansion to your private equity job is a little bumpy, if you're a trust fund baby whose Tesla has no charging ports outside the place where you do hot yoga, if you're a rich kid who will be attending NYU in 2032 and want to take the subway in lower Manhattan every now and again and not see it flood (for a few years perhaps). But if you're a low to middle income single mother, if you want to improve your life by attending community college, or you're a poor senior citizen who needs a hearing aid, well you're SOL.

There is some good for ordinary people in the BIF but it is paltry compared to what was in the BBB. But hey, at least it's bipartisan.
Say what you want about her
but In the end Pelosi always gets it done.

the older I get the more I respect political professionals.

My pops hit me up this morning with the news that the CEO of Pfizer was arrested by the FBI for fraud and no news outlet covered it because Pfizer paid of the government and the feds to keep the story under wraps. It was an article from The Conservative Badger (probably a fake news farm). I told him "it's fake," then he goes "which part of it is true?" "None of it" was my reply.

The Murdoch's of the world are killing people with bad info, and the people who should punish them are dining and partying with them, or they are ignoring them and counting on folks being rational enough to decipher truth from lies.
I don't want to be too dramatic but damn, what a rotten, dysfunctional country.

As Irish Joe himself said once, "don't tell me your values, show me your budget." And by that metric, America does function if you are a shipping magnate, if the commute from your mansion to your private equity job is a little bumpy, if you're a trust fund baby whose Tesla has no charging ports outside the place where you do hot yoga, if you're a rich kid who will be attending NYU in 2032 and want to take the subway in lower Manhattan every now and again and not see it flood (for a few years perhaps). But if you're a low to middle income single mother, if you want to improve your life by attending community college, or you're a poor senior citizen who needs a hearing aid, well you're SOL.

There is some good for ordinary people in the BIF but it is paltry compared to what was in the BBB. But hey, at least it's bipartisan.

I love progressive depression

When was there ever a time where more couldnt have been done... Like ever...
Did they pass controlling womens privates? Is that why you’re excited?

No to both questions.

The Biden administration got the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed.

Huge win for the Biden administration, and a huge win for the American people—especially those in rural areas.
No I'm not, you can find plenty of these anecdotes in america.

I mentioned one parents were complaing about in Virginia.
Louden count paid for 400k for some divirsity consultant
who told them they should look at books by Robin diangelo and Tema Okun, both have some pretty off-putting stuff in them.

1. Literally burning books is not equivalent to professional development.

2. Are you sure you aren’t a Republican? I just wasted 30 minutes of my life verifying that this talking point of 400k to get some controversial book revs is, of course, a bad faith representation of the facts.

a. The 400k was over at least 2 years
b. The consulting fee was largely paid for assessment of gaps in diversity awareness of teaching staff and development of a customized professional development program to address these gaps.
c. None of this was meant to be student-facing
d. The firm they hired, The Equity Collaboration, seems to be staffed with relevant expertise. The background and bios don’t read as a bunch of radicals.
e. I’m not an expert in this domain, but I have both consulted and hired consultants. Right wing reporting breathlessly clutched their pearls at $5k per day rates. That only seems high if you’ve never dealt with a consulting firm or are unaware that every hour on engagement necessitates many unpaid prep hours back home.

My guess is that the book recommendations were on one slide on one deck in a forest of material. Given everything else, I’m not inclined to take this seriously.

That is the tamest take of the bunch too...
Ms. Neff, who owns a hardware store adorned with images of Mr. Trump as Rambo and the Terminator, was in Washington on Jan. 6 to support the former president — but refused to go into further detail. Citing false evidence, she called the coronavirus vaccine a “poison” and said she worried that Democrats were planning extermination camps of Mr. Trump’s supporters.

Karen Williams, a Bath County resident who manages vacation rentals, said she resented the current Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, a Democrat, for keeping schools shut down during the pandemic, embracing progressive policies focused on race and removing Confederate statues and monuments. She called this an example of critical race theory, a graduate-level academic framework that has become shorthand for a contentious debate on how to teach race and racism in schools.

White children “are no longer allowed to be kids, we’re treating them like little monsters,” Ms. Williams said.

Mr. Hamilton, a veteran of the Vietnam War, said his vote for Mr. Youngkin was really a proxy vote for Mr. Trump. Of President Biden, he said, “the best thing that can happen is to get him and that woman out of there.”

John Wright said he had become so frustrated with the mainstream media that he consumes only pro-Trump programming.

John Wright, a 68-year-old retiree, said he listened only to pro-Trump programming.

“I don’t care if the media said the moon was full of cheese, and there was an astronaut who brought back some cheese,”
Mr. Wright said. “If the media said it, I won’t believe it.”

I feel this type of stuff has to do with stuff like Fox News and other right-wing propaganda outlets more than anything else.

These are conspiracy theories and white grievance politics not based on reality

Blaming Dems for the lack of outreach is an easy answer but I feel it is also an easy answer that ignores other dynamics at play. First, these places are so white that the Democratic base so thin it is harder to staff people to do outreach.

The Party relies on a lot of volunteers and activist groups to get their numbers up in the cities and adjacent suburbs up to where there are. Volunteers want to do work in their communities and most are committed to the Dems winning don't want to go out to these areas. Partly because it is dangerous. You get harassed and threatened by conservative loons

Plus I don't think folk going out to rural America and talking up rural broadband is going shake them out of the delusions Fox News has put in them
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