***Official Political Discussion Thread***

did I say anything that asinine?

No, I didn’t

I said empowering stupid, like joe Rogan or Donald trump, is going screw this planet and all those who live on it

Okay. So as long as people you deem stupid are allowed to vote, then catering messages towards them is smart politics.

It isn’t complicated.
Okay. So as long as people you deem stupid are allowed to vote, then catering messages towards them is smart politics.

It isn’t complicated.

If someone says ketchup is a vegetable, their voice shouldn’t be amplified

It isn’t THAT complicated
If you got access to the best doctors in the world and you think joe Rogan, without a college degree, is who you should be mentioning as an expert on a medical issue you need this treatment

If someone says ketchup is a vegetable, their voice shouldn’t be amplified

It isn’t THAT complicated

And if you need that someone’s vote, then you should create a message that resonates with them. Especially if they are a swing voter.

As long as one side doesn’t think it is worth it to create messages that resonate with voters they deem stupid, the other side will continue to capitalize on it.
I'm not saying that what you said is unreasonable. What I said was, if you're going to recommend throwing leftist teachers under the bus, you're going to need more than the mere assumption that the majority of crazy teachers trend left.

well that's fine I disagree, the whole point of being a centrist politician is you can triangulate against your base.
if you can't do that, what is the point?

Most people as in who? This is a clear example of you personally being against something so you’ve created your own narrative on it. Most activists and organizers haven’t. And the politicians had never tied themselves to it largely — the right parroted it more than anything.

The media, politicians, 99% of the people in this thread,
it's basically almost exclusively brought up as a way to troll me. :lol:

when it loses at the ballot box, nothing nada not a peep,
when it turns out black people in minnesota are opposed everybody silent.
when they elect a republican in left *** Seattle, because the democrat supported defund the police...yall quiet as church mouse's nothing to say.
Joe Biden comes comes in favour of increased police funding, I saw no one in here mad a joe biden,.

it has been a total and complete failure,
and has created a brand that will make significant police reform more difficult in the future.
if you can't see why that's bad, i don't know what else to say.
This post is hilarious as it is pathetic


Dude, you took a jab at someone. You accused someone of just forming arguments to defend a side. I flip the same accusation you made into a joke jabbing you, and you can't handle it.

You routinely take issue with at people returning the same energy you put out there. You can put words in people's mouths, engage in hyperbole, present evidence that doesn't directly back up your point, imply people are acting in bad faith, throws jabs. But the second you feel it is being done to you, you got an issue Like @dacomeup says, I guess this is Osh for the course.

Again, all I did was flip someone you said first back onto you. So spare me all this poutine gravy-covered pearl clutching.

You're just a hit dog hollering at this point.
pffffft please spare me your fanfiction mind reading, you can make joke, I can respond with a jokes?
your jokes are cool, but mind are pathetic pearl clutching?? spare me.

Really that's all we do in here. Complain about conservatives and post-Medhi Hassan. You know what, don't answer, because I know the "I was being hyperbolic" reply is on its way. But using me as an example because all this nonsense is in response to a joke I made, that is all I do?

-I just post tweets from progressives?

-All I do is complain about progressives. Hmmm, that is strange so I guess all the posts about Centrist Democrats don't exist?

-All the posts I made over the years that pissed off Bernie supporters regarding the shortcoming of leftist politics don't exist?

-I don't post book recs or articles either?

-Nah, I just come in here and whine about conservatives?

I am probably the most active poster in here, so I should be representative of this circle-jerk you are describing. You really want to assert that is how I behave in here?

More seems like a convenient way to paint things to act like people simply can't handle dissent.

you make fun of me fine, I respond making fun of you guys?
but now im a pathetic pearl clutcher. okay I got it. :lol:

Dude, you brought your job into this thread with a post you made. Now you have an issue that something you posted on a message board if used to make jokes about you :lol:

Give me a damn break. How about you start looking at those jokes as art, that way you will feel it important for us to not self-censor.

For the past year-plus, you have been really preoccupied with a small group of progressives to a degree many see as bordering on unreasonable at times. Not the entire progressive movement, or most of it, like people in here are upset at with the conservative movement, but a subsection of progressive that you dislike. Find cool, but then you make these grand claims about them hurting society, so naturally, people would like evidence of that. And in that area you

A) Think people should just agree with your logic upfront
B) Provide little evidence backing your claim
C) When you do, you resort to stripping the context of events to act like they back your point

And people are unconvinced and think your claims still need more direct proof, that is somehow them burying their head in the sand. That always, people main issue is that they don't see it as you do.

You constantly act that you understand the country, communities, people, and institutions people in here have to interact with better than. When someone does line up with the experiences people have had, they want to know where you are coming from, you wanna act like people are just political junkies like you and you just have the more informed theory

You move in here just like you do in the NBA thread. And funny enough you got the same reputation in that thread as in here. And you throw out the same condescending jab at posters in there as you do in here.

Like wavycrocket wavycrocket said numerous times, this **** is a game to you.

You admit you guys engage in mockery of me, thats fine
and respond with mockery, but it's problem?

I don't have a problem with jokes, but you can expect I will respond in kind.

It's selective standards of rigor and what acceptable to joke about.
Do you think I literally think that all you people do is post mehdi hassan memes??
no im obviously exaggerating to make fun the people in this thread.
in the same way you guys mock me.

but now im pathetic??? and i can't take a joke.
get a grip.

Your characterization of these events are a fantasy.

The reality is the standard of rigor in this thread raise considerable for any statement that is considered slightly unkind to progressives.
and it's obvious, meth called peer reviewed studies on the effects of police patrols "a lil JSTOR search"
while using the policing budget of Canada a country with like 99% fewer fire arms as a rebuttal. :lol:

meanwhile people can say nearly ANYTHING about ANY conservative
and it's accepted 99% of the time.

It's an absurd the insulation that i proved less evidence for my claims that the average poster in this thread.
I provide more.

You have reached the point of accusing people in here of just being something it is not. The usual of claiming in here is a echochamber hostile to a free-thinker like you

All because you couldn't handle a joke

Spare, me.

spare me your pretend miss cleo mind reading routine,
you want to come up with imaginary scenarios about my mindset to delegitimize what im saying.
they are BS, and they will always be BS.

and YES it's a thread full of progressives, yes you have blind spots, it's called being human ******* beings. :rolleyes
pffffft please spare me your fanfiction mind reading, you can make joke, I can respond with a jokes?
your jokes are cool, but mind are pathetic pearl clutching?? spare me.

you make fun of me fine, I respond making fun of you guys?
but now im a pathetic pearl clutcher. okay I got it. :lol:

You admit you guys engage in mockery of me, thats fine
and respond with mockery, but it's problem?

I don't have a problem with jokes, but you can expect I will respond in kind.

It's selective standards of rigor and what acceptable to joke about.
Do you think I literally think that all you people do is post mehdi hassan memes??
no im obviously exaggerating to make fun the people in this thread.
in the same way you guys mock me.

but now im pathetic??? and i can't take a joke.
get a grip.

Your characterization of these events are a fantasy.

The reality is the standard of rigor in this thread raise considerable for any statement that is considered slightly unkind to progressives.
and it's obvious, meth called peer reviewed studies on the effects of police patrols "a lil JSTOR search"
while using the policing budget of Canada a country with like 99% fewer fire arms as a rebuttal. :lol:

meanwhile people can say nearly ANYTHING about ANY conservative
and it's accepted 99% of the time.

It's an absurd the insulation that i proved less evidence for my claims that the average poster in this thread.
I provide more.

spare me your pretend miss cleo mind reading routine,
you want to come up with imaginary scenarios about my mindset to delegitimize what im saying.
they are BS, and they will always be BS.

and YES it's a thread full of progressives, yes you have blind spots, it's called being human ****ing beings. :rolleyes
Yah, I don't agree
And claims that I treat this like a game.

Im treating it seriously
given the grave global implications., many people this thread, treat it like a game.

you want to clutch your pearls at the idea that a centrist politician should disavow unpopular parts of his base
as if that isn't the definition of politics. "oh heavens noooo!!"

and you want to hyperventilate because republicans take things progressives say
and use bad faith interpretations to radicalize swing voters. "how dare they!!!"

get. a. grip. it's politics.

i think this by freddie deboaer is paticularly sharp.

And claims that I treat this like a game.

Im treating it seriously
given the grave global implications., many people this thread, treat it like a game.

you want to clutch your pearls at the idea that a centrist politician should disavow unpopular parts of his base
as if that isn't the definition of politics. "oh heavens noooo!!"

and you want to hyperventilate because republicans take things progressives say
and use bad faith interpretations to radicalize swing voters. "how dare they!!!"

get. a. grip. it's politics.

i think this by freddie deboaer is paticularly sharp.

:lol: :lol:


you want to clutch your pearls at the idea that a centrist politician should disavow unpopular parts of his base
as if that isn't the definition of politics. "oh heavens noooo!!"

Quote where I did this

Stop being maple covered Karen for one second and quote it

You are the one that continuously writes fan fiction in your head and thinks I should answer for it

You are not some victim getting a unfair shake

So please, shut up trying to act like one
ah yes, the "bad people" made the point so than it must wrong.
stunning rebuttal.

im devastated, how will I recover? :lol:
Really I said all that?

Quote where I said it?

Or did you just invent it in your head and ascribe it to me

No way after your *** whined about mind reading. You now try to read my mind and think your know why I meant :lol:
My post...

You routinely take issue with at people returning the same energy you put out there. You can put words in people's mouths, engage in hyperbole, present evidence that doesn't directly back up your point, imply people are acting in bad faith, throws jabs. But the second you feel it is being done to you, you got an issue Like @dacomeup says, I guess this is Osh for the course.


pffffft please spare me your fanfiction mind reading, you can make joke, I can respond with a jokes?

spare me your pretend miss cleo mind reading routine,
you want to come up with imaginary scenarios about my mindset to delegitimize what im saying.

ah yes, the "bad people" made the point so than it must wrong.
stunning rebuttal.

im devastated, how will I recover? :lol:
Really I said all that?

Quote where I said it?

Or did you just invent it in your head and ascribe it to me

No way after your *** whined about mind reading. You now try to read my mind and think your know why I meant :lol:

again ...im making fun you. :lol:
isn't that you were doing to me with that comment?
again ...im making fun you. :lol:
isn't that you were doing to me with that comment?
you make joke about me...and i make you joke about.

you then take that joke out of context and and imply hyper literal reading of so you can brand it has hypocritical??? :lol:


Ohh you just joking now

So I make a one-line comment with a gif on something you said. You ranting your *** off, and anything I do to address your claims is me missing the joke equivalent of my one-line post and gif

:lol: :lol: Like I said, hilarious and pathetic

Have a nice night dude
Ohh you just joking now

:lol: :lol: Like I said, hilarious and pathetic

Have a nice night dude
I agree thoroughly hilarious and pathetic.

but yes of course, i literally thought, your snarky bold was a serious rebuttal.
obviously not a joke, totally serious.

me: the sky is blue
rusty: the sky is blue, where is your evidence for that assumption?????
me: well it's not always blue, but generally it is blue, here is an article on sky colour
Rusty: Oh it's not ALWAYS blue, there you go recalibrating your argument again, pathetic clown
Me: you're a clown.
Rusty: Am I not a professional Clown, how would you know? mind reading
didn't you hate mind reading, there you go again hypocrite!!

again get a grip. :lol:

a warning label before Rusty asks me to quote when he called me a "pathetic clown"
this hyperbole for the purposes of comedy

I REPEAT hyperbole for the purposes of comedy :lol:
I agree thoroughly hilarious and pathetic.

but yes of course, i literally thought, your snarky bold was a serious rebuttal.
obviously not a joke, totally serious.

me: the sky is blue
rusty: the sky is blue, where is your evidence for that assumption?????
me: well it's not always blue, but generally it is blue, here is an article on sky colour
Rusty: Oh it's not ALWAYS blue, there you go recalibrating your argument again, pathetic clown
Me: you're a clown.

Rusty: Am I literally a clown how do you know? didn't you hate mind reading, there you go again hypocrite!!

again get a grip. :lol:

If you are serious, this is clearly fan fiction.

If it is a joke, it was a poorly told one

But keep acting like a clown to try to show you are the only one being logical

Anyway if we just trading jokes from now on, I know I will enjoy it more than you will :D

Again, have a nice night
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