***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I fondly remember the president praising Timothy McVeigh on YouTube the night of the bombing: "We love you, Timmy. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel."

“Although I have to say—sorry to say this, Timmy, we love ya Timmy, we really do—but I could have blown up much bigger buildings, it’s true, it’s true. I build the biggest and the best buildings and I could destroy, easily, easily destroy the biggest buildings, believe me, people, believe me…”
Remember when senators visited McVeigh in jail and called him a political prisoner? I do:

Remember when leaders of foreign nations echoed the same sentiment about McVeigh? I do:

So when did the Overton window shift, and by how much, and how would you measure it?
you think that would happen if the capitol rioters killed 150+ people?

in the year 2000 the brooks brothers riot, was covered by the press as a "protest"
you could argue helped George W. in successfully steal the 2000 election.

many of those people went on to jobs in the bush administration, and faced almost no reprisals in the media.
and this was an arguably successful coup attempt.

If that happened today no way the media just treats it as a "protest"
maybe the Overton window has shifted to the left?
either way, what data would you even cite to know if it's true.

is the public really more accepting of extremist right wingers., than in the 90's,? what about the 60's?
or are you really just talking about fox news?
Can you give some examples of how one would cater messages towards the crowds that think racism doesn’t exist and that climate change is a hoax?

Spend millions on surveys and polls of people with that mindset to determine what messaging they find favorable.
Joe rogan was born in 1967, he has a high school diploma

Dr Anthony fauci completed his medical residency in 1968 and then joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases's (NIAID) Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI)

there are people actually listening to joe rogan on covid

Again, the onus is on the politicians and policy makers to meet people where they are.

Tons of American voters only have a high school diploma and never went to medical school. Joe Rogan’s message can resonate more with those people. Simply saying this messenger went to school longer so you should listen to them is not a winning strategy. Especially in rural areas where there are a lot of non college educated voters.

This is really common sense.
Again, the onus is on the politicians and policy makers to meet people where they are.

or more politicians could not actively make the choice to empower stupid for political gain


But instead you got

meanwhile rogan

So when did the Overton window shift, and by how much, and how would you measure it?
you think that would happen if the capitol rioters killed 150+ people?
Do you want to know how I know none of your questions are asked in good faith?

You don't erect a structure to publicly execute elected officials if you don't mean it. You know this.
"Hang Mike Pence" was shouted from outside the Capitol, as GOP members of Congress who gave "tours" to visitors days before were chilling inside, at ease. The vagueness of Jim Jordan and his acolytes about their whereabouts and who they were talking to around that day suggests that they may be in deeper doodoo than we think (but we'll wait for the Commission to confirm that).

On Jan 6th, GOP congresspeople were talking about prosecuting the perpetrators to the full extent of the law. A few weeks later, they stripped Cheney, the 3rd most powerful member of the party, of all her assignments for calling out Trumpists. I think events like this prove that with or without deaths, the party would still have moved further towards right-wing extremism. I also think you know this.

I also know that you know about the sustained efforts of the GOP to remove any voice that criticizes the direction of the party message of white identity politics. Definitely a shift towards the left /s

Finally, it's one thing to bum rush a vote counting precinct in order to stop a recount from happening. It's another thing to go to the legislative seat of the whole country and try to take out the number 2 and 3 in the line of succession. When right-wing political actors have decided that instead of relying on obscure tricks to influence decisions in their favor, they'll go ahead and threaten the very stability of their political institutions (with the overt support of other elected officials), I think it is safe to say that the Overton window not moving anywhere to the left.

and it’s not all their faults. It’s like how the Saudi’s spend a lot of money to radicalize the youth in Islam so they don’t consider killing the rich and redistributing the wealth. In America a lot of people are trained to hate everyone else but the rich to keep them from realizing they should do the same…. Or even more realistically and mundane organize to increase everyone’s mutual livelihood.

Populism is a symptom of people being hopeless and losing their damn minds.
and it’s not all their faults. It’s like how the Saudi’s spend a lot of money to radicalize the youth in Islam so they don’t consider killing the rich and redistributing the wealth. In America a lot of people are trained to hate everyone else but the rich to keep them from realizing they should do the same…. Or even more realistically and mundane organize to increase everyone’s mutual livelihood.

Populism is a symptom of people being hopeless and losing their damn minds.

there is a reason Fox News exists.. they got a vaccine policy and yet their daily programming is to feed into nonsense

let the nfl suspend Rodgers and watch how quick Fox News turns him into a martyr just as another distraction to be talking about the NFL again

they literally got news stories about who is funding this critical race theory BS just to distract from actual issues

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