***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Spend millions on surveys and polls of people with that mindset to determine what messaging they find favorable.
Oh, so you didn’t have any actual examples. We can look at the guy you shamelessly defended for four years and see the kind of messaging these people respond to.
Do you want to know how I know none of your questions are asked in good faith?

You don't erect a structure to publicly execute elected officials if you don't mean it. You know this.
"Hang Mike Pence" was shouted from outside the Capitol, as GOP members of Congress who gave "tours" to visitors days before were chilling inside, at ease. The vagueness of Jim Jordan and his acolytes about their whereabouts and who they were talking to around that day suggests that they may be in deeper doodoo than we think (but we'll wait for the Commission to confirm that).

On Jan 6th, GOP congresspeople were talking about prosecuting the perpetrators to the full extent of the law. A few weeks later, they stripped Cheney, the 3rd most powerful member of the party, of all her assignments for calling out Trumpists. I think events like this prove that with or without deaths, the party would still have moved further towards right-wing extremism. I also think you know this.

I also know that you know about the sustained efforts of the GOP to remove any voice that criticizes the direction of the party message of white identity politics. Definitely a shift towards the left /s

Finally, it's one thing to bum rush a vote counting precinct in order to stop a recount from happening. It's another thing to go to the legislative seat of the whole country and try to take out the number 2 and 3 in the line of succession. When right-wing political actors have decided that instead of relying on obscure tricks to influence decisions in their favor, they'll go ahead and threaten the very stability of their political institutions (with the overt support of other elected officials), I think it is safe to say that the Overton window not moving anywhere to the left.

The idea that attempting to steal an election is worse than successfully stealing it, is just your opinion,

Its not data or evidence, it's just your opinion ultimately.

So basically what your saying is that you've made some inferences about state of country based on your perception of news coverage of various events.

And making an assumption about the the state of the "Overton window."; A made up non empirical concept. 🤔🤔

Now normally id be willing to grant this kind of assumption as reasonable and not demand hard data for this kind general statement of opinion...

But im feeling obtuse today.
The idea that attempting to steal an election is worse than successfully stealing it
This is you putting words in my mouth.

I didn't compare the outcomes; I compared the methods.

Its not data or evidence, it's just your opinion ultimately.
Is it my opinion that Liz Cheney was stripped of all her power within the party because she wanted to prosecute Trump?

Is it my opinion that a lot of retiring GOP officials cite the direction of the party as the reason why they no longer want to be involved in it?

So basically what your saying is that you've made some inferences about state of country based on your perception of news coverage of various events.

Yes, and? I do recall saying that you could make assumptions. I even said that your assumption about teachers was not unreasonable, but that you had to check it in order to recommend a course of action.

And making an assumption about the the state of the "Overton window."; A made up non empirical concept.
Well, if you're familiar with the concept of modeling, you will know that the main drawback is that models do not take into account all the conditions that can apply to a situation. I fail to see why we can't apply the Overton window in our observation of the political winds in the US, especially if we acknowledge its limits.

Now normally id be willing to grant this kind of assumption as reasonable and not demand hard data for this kind general statement of opinion...

But im feeling obtuse today.

Knock yourself out.
This is you putting words in my mouth.

I didn't compare the outcomes; I compared the methods.

Is it my opinion that Liz Cheney was stripped of all her power within the party because she wanted to prosecute Trump?

Is it my opinion that a lot of retiring GOP officials cite the direction of the party as the reason why they no longer want to be involved in it?

is GOP officials turning against their party evidence of the Overton moving right?

if people within the party are going against their own party
it's not clear to me that's evidence of the Overton window shifting right.

nobody in the GOP left the party over a riot enacted to steal and election in 2000,
but people are leaving now, that indicates that extremism is less acceptable not more acceptable.

upper middleclass suburban people, traditional republican voting swung to the democrats in 2016 and 2020

seems to me if traditional republicans are turning against their own party.
the public is clearly less accepting of that behavior not more.

Yes, and? I do recall saying that you could make assumptions. I even said that your assumption about teachers was not unreasonable, but that you had to check it in order to recommend a course of action.

you said, and correct me if im wrong.

the Overton window on has shifted to the right on right wing extremism,
democrats don't actually need to modulate their messaging to win swing voters.

that sounds like you are recommending a course of action to me.

A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.


over the trump years the public became more accepting of immigration not less

blood and soil nationalism is the bed rock of right wing extremism.
if it is true that the Overton window has shifted to the right,

shouldn't we see a drop in adults support for immigration?
it's risen with everyone, including republicans.
The idea that saying extreme thing leads the public to become more accepting of those things. aka shifting the Overton window, is I think, a highly contestable claim.

the republicans embraced right wing extremist president.
and despite having a like 7 point geographic edge in the senate map.
and an extremely electoral college efficient voting coalition

managed to lose the house, the senate, the presidency
and traditional suburban republican voting areas.

if the Overton window model is even valid,
how can you really conclude it's shifted to the right?

it seems like republicans embrace extremism and the voters have rejected it.
and it's only the efficiency of their coalition that is holding back total annihilation.
The idea that saying extreme thing leads the public to become more accepting of those things. aka shifting the Overton window, is I think, a highly contestable claim.
Aaaaand we're back at square 1.
Are you saying that people are not susceptible to propaganda? Because there's an entire century worth of history to prove you wrong.

Obviously, you don't come out the gates and say "these people need to be shoved in ovens;" you say, "these people, by virtue of their [insert immutable characteristic like skin color or racial/ethnic background or sexuality] are unfit to be part of our society," and you and your supporters dance around the question of "what to do with those people" until you're in position to do the unthinkable without opposition.

That's the playbook. The form of the message is just as important as the content, and I don't think you're willing to acknowledge that.

the republicans embraced right wing extremist president.
and despite having a like 7 point geographic edge in the senate map.
and an extremely electoral college efficient voting coalition

managed to lose the house, the senate, the presidency
and traditional suburban republican voting areas.
In 2020.
Part of it was because of the mishandling of COVID, and another part was Trump's style. If you actually listen to Republicans many will tell you that they have no issue with his ideas, but the package in which he presented them was unappealing.

And in 2021, they've been winning local and statewide elections in blue states, after spending much of the year spreading misinformation about everything from healthcare to education while looking disciplined and "respectable."
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