***Official Political Discussion Thread***

why was kyle and the people he murdered in Kenosha?

For the protests in the aftermath of the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is a white man on trial for killing and/or injuring 3 white men. I wonder how much of an impact that has had on these proceedings.
For the protests in the aftermath of the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

police shot a black man and a trigger happy white kid shows up at the protest with an AR-15 after having vocally fantasized about killing people
Right? I guess bring all the guns you can do everyone can be healthy? 🤷🏽‍♂️ How are adults hearing that and nodding in agreement?



Unlike most years, this Veterans Day ceremony was not open to the public because of COVID. The cemetery website stated that masks were required for all visitors, but neither Trump nor anyone in his inner circle wore one.

Trump was already at war with Arlington cemetery. When he heard that the annual holiday wreath event, where thousands of volunteers lay holiday wreaths on every headstone in the cemetery, was not scheduled to take place that year, he had tweeted that he "reversed the ridiculous decision to cancel Wreaths Across America."

Despite the rules, and despite COVID, after Trump's tweet the Army reversed its decision to cancel the event and announced that it had found a "safe" plan. In fact, the Army had consulted public health officials who advised against holding the event, even though it was outside.

Among the large Pentagon entourage in attendance at the cemetery were Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

On election night, Milley had received a private call, according to the book "I Alone Can Fix It," in which a uniformed colleague—a fellow four-star and close friend—reminded the top general that he and the military had an apolitical role in the post-election fracas.

"Your loyalty is to the Constitution," the caller said. "You represent the stability of this republic." Former Secretary Esper also told Milley that he hoped the outcome of the election would be crystal clear from the margin of victory, fearing that anything less might provide President Trump an excuse to refuse to leave the White House, or more important, to call out the military.

Since Esper's firing, General Milley had heard rumors that one of Trump's loyalists planted at the Pentagon told a colleague that they had to "take Milley out." Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy also thought Milley would be fired, as did the general's wife.

Milley was taken aback by the prospect of such an unprecedented action, afraid that he was witnessing the unfolding of a coup. CIA Director Gina Haspel, who also expected to be fired, shared his fear. "We are on the way to a right-wing coup," she told Milley

In the "tank," the military-only chamber famous for deliberations and private discussion, the seven joint chiefs, plus Milley and the vice chairman, quietly and privately began talking about what their options would be if they had to block an unlawful order from the commander-in-chief. According to a retired general officer who spoke to one of the participants, in the tank the discussions were frank and emotional. "They grappled with wide-ranging questions," the senior officer said. "Not just how to protect the republic should Trump threaten, but also ways to protect the military institution, a goal that didn't always easily mesh with what needed to get done."

It's a great thing that they didn't toss the lessons of history in the trash because they are allegedly incomplete and fallacious...

During the genocide, the RTLM acted as a source for propaganda by inciting hatred and violence against Tutsis, against Hutus who were for the peace accord, against Hutus who married Tutsis, and by advocating the annihilation of all Tutsis in Rwanda. The RTLM reported the latest massacres, victories, and political event in a way that promoted their anti-Tutsi agenda. In an attempt to dehumanize and degrade, the RTLM consistently referred to Tutsis and the RPF as 'cockroaches' during their broadcasts.[13]

And you people who live ... near Rugunga ... go out. You will see the cockroaches' (inkotanyi) straw huts in the marsh ... I think that those who have guns should immediately go to these cockroaches ... encircle them and kill them ..."

Kantano Habimana on RTLM, April 12, 1994[15]

One of the major reasons that RTLM was so successful in communication was because other forms of news sources such as televisions and newspapers were not able to be as popularized because of lack of resources. In addition to this communication barrier, areas where there were high rates of illiteracy and lack of education amongst the citizens remain some of the most violent areas during the genocide.[16] The villages outside of the transmission zone of RTLM experienced spillover violence from villages that actually received the radio transmissions. An estimated 10% of all the violence within the Rwandan genocide is resulted from the hateful radio transmissions sent out from RTLM. Not only did RTLM increase general violence, but full radio coverage areas increased the number of persons prosecuted for any violence by about 62–69%.[17] However, a recent paper questions the findings of that study.[18]

As the genocide was taking place, the United States military drafted a plan to jam RTLM's broadcasts, but this action was never taken, with officials claiming that the cost of the operation, international broadcast agreements and "the American commitment to free speech" made the operation unfeasible.[19]

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