***Official Political Discussion Thread***

haha, well let me just say it's a big family with lots of businesses

it's like nigerian old money succession, but multiply the amount of children by like 2.5 :lol:

a whole lotta beefs so she's on her own. :lol:
Brah I would watch a show like that in a heartbeat

I remember going over to my Nigerian friend's house in HS and dinner convos always turned to them low-key ****ting on other members of their family.

I'm so down for Naija Logan Roy
My favorite thing about listening to African families **** on someone is the small audible reactions they be having to what the person they are talking to is saying

Got more ad-libs than Travis Scott.

They be breaking down how one person can't keep a man, another failed outta school, and another one getting fired, with a flow tighter than the Migos on "Bad and Boujee"
Brah I would watch a show like that in a heartbeat

I remember going over to my Nigerian friend's house in HS and dinner convos always turned to them low-key ****ting on other members of the family.

I'm so down for Naija Logan Roy

:lol: ****, i gotta pitch that next chance I get. Ill give you an EP credit if I get it made.
just don't dox me.

free advice; if you're going to be in an old money family,
do not be the last children of the last wife of the patriarch. you aint getting ****.

half the beef going over my head, in a language i barley understand.


I feel like cousin greg 99% of the time.
You intentionally posted a quote void of the context which displayed my consistent view.
I intentionally posted a quote with a link back to the complete post, whose meaning is comprehensible to all and which you nonetheless consistently seek to deny.

These are full and complete statements:
But to answer your question directly, I do not think President Trump is a racist. But I do understand how it is reasonable for one to conclude he is.
You did say that, did you not?

You bought a MAGA hat. You later claimed that you got rid of it. This does not "undo" the fact of the initial purchase.
You made the quoted statements, did you not? The revisions to your "consistent position" do not change this fact.

Keep trying to distract from the central issue if you like. It doesn't seem to be landing.

I also refuse to definitively state that he isn’t a racist. (((EVEN NOW)))
That you seem to consider this a point of pride is utterly pathetic.

“And if you look at black and African American youth, to a point where they’ve never done more poorly. There’s no spirit.” - Donald J. Trump, 2015
"I also refuse to definitively state that he isn't a racist." - Dwalk31, 2021

Profiles in courage.
this is an irrelevant straw man, where did I say you should take no in put from experts, or that experts don't have valuable information to share?
You called a conclusion (everyone may not need boosters) based on a reasonable assumption (how people would interpret the efficacy of the initial vaccine doses with a blanket permission in place) a hot take and you said that experts have no need to worry about what the public thinks of booster shots.

What I tried to do with my example is explain why an expert's input should go beyond the technical product they provide.

an expert can tell you how effective the vaccine is,
and how effective the new covid anti viral pill is.

but she can't tell you how to value mask mandates vs the political/social costs of attempting to enforce them.

you, me, dacomup, rusty et all are just as qualified as a virologist to come to our own conclusions about that.
The person you originally quoted is a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, so I'd assume part of their role is to make recommendations based on the information at hand and their experience. If they are already using their expertise to advise the CDC, what makes them unqualified to voice their disagreement with the president's decision on vaccine/booster distribution?
You called a conclusion (everyone may not need boosters) based on a reasonable assumption (how people would interpret the efficacy of the initial vaccine doses with a blanket permission in place) a hot take and you said that experts have no need to worry about what the public thinks of booster shots.

that assumption isn't based on expertise, it's just them armchair psychoanalyzing the public. hence why I called it a hot take.

What I tried to do with my example is explain why an expert's input should go beyond the technical product they provide.

I have no problem with a communications major overruling the engineers on how a manual is written.
I never said they should have "no input", but we have to be honest
with ourselves when the input isn't founding in their expertise.

The person you originally quoted is a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, so I'd assume part of their role is to make recommendations based on the information at hand and their experience. If they are already using their expertise to advise the CDC, what makes them unqualified to voice their disagreement with the president's decision on vaccine/booster distribution?

it's a free country, voice whatever disagreement you want.
make recommendations.

i just don't have to listen to them because im a "layperson"
or that statements made by laypersons on this subject should be disregarded as dumb.

Biden was clearly correct to overrule them on Boosters.
and it was totally appropriate, despite the fact that they are not virologists.
it's not me im worried about.
vaccine booster decreases chance you get and/or transmit covid to those you care about. with limited supply, yes, it is best to boost the elderly first, but there's good reasons why all age groups should get the booster eventually.
vaccine booster decreases chance you get and/or transmit covid to those you care about. with limited supply, yes, it is best to boost the elderly first, but there's good reasons why all age groups should get the booster eventually.

well yes i think they should approve it for everyone.
given that old people got their shots first anyways, they will be the first ones to qualify anyways...

but im not 5 months from my last shot anyways so my immunity should still be pretty good as I understand.

older family members with immune issues who need to travel to Africa.
im mostly worried about them.
that assumption isn't based on expertise, it's just them armchair psychoanalyzing the public. hence why I called it a hot take.

Remember that they're trying to vaccinate everybody, including antivaxxers who actively work against that goal by amplifying any sign that the vaccines might not work through their propaganda channels, so I don't understand how you can say the part in bold when we have a very visible and very vocal anti-vaccine movement, there have been riots in some parts of Europe over vaccine mandates, and vaccine hesitancy is forcing South Africa to cancel vaccine orders because they currently have an excess of unused shots. How is it unreasonable to anticipate a negative public reaction to booster shots in this environment, and can we really assume that the guy was talking out of his behind by questioning the public's response to the recommendation and their trust in the vaccine effectiveness?

Sánchez said he was concerned offering booster shots so broadly at this point would send the wrong message about how well the Covid vaccines are working. “This is like saying the vaccine isn’t working. And it is working.”

it's a free country, voice whatever disagreement you want.
make recommendations.

i just don't have to listen to them because im a "layperson"
or that statements made by laypersons on this subject should be disregarded as dumb.

Biden was clearly correct to overrule them on Boosters.
and it was totally appropriate, despite the fact that they are not virologists.
My point here is that Biden didn't take that decision without the advice of his public health advisor(s), so if one can advise the higher ups at the CDC, what makes them unqualified to voice an opinion on public health policy that goes against the advice of his peer who works at the White House?
Regarding the layperson's ability to disregard expert advice, they're free to do so. The question is, do they have the same understanding of the underlying facts that informed the expert's opinion? Chances are that the answer is no.
I don’t know if anyone in the US who has been denied the booster. Is it as free for everyone as the first two doses were? I can’t imagine any insurer not paying for it.
Yes, it's still fully free, regardless of whether you have insurance or not.

According to the CDC (it doesn't explicitly mention boosters but I think the language covers every version of the vaccine): "Vaccines were paid for with taxpayer dollars and will be given free of charge to all people living in the United States, regardless of insurance or immigration status."
I don’t know if anyone in the US who has been denied the booster. Is it as free for everyone as the first two doses were? I can’t imagine any insurer not paying for it.
I was almost denied a booster because I wasn't in the target age and had no underlying condition. I was straight up questioning the woman why I couldn't get one and she had to go to the back and I could audibly hear her superior say, "just give it to him". But I live in Birmingham and if you ask the people in Alabama, COVID ended in the summer


“If he’s the commander-in-chief and the leader of our country and he is calling for help — I thought he was calling for help — I thought I was doing the right thing,” Rodriguez said, his voice cracking.

Pretty sure overthrowing the government is not what JFK had in mind when he said "...ask what you can do for your country"
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